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Last on the list was the furniture for the office, and Theresa said it all came a few days ago. Hobie said it looks great. Theresa says the guesthouse is ready to move into, so get your butt down here. I say don’t forget to bring me Marconi bread when you come. Geez, what the hell are we gonna do once you’re all moved in permanently down here? We’ll have to bribe your secretary to send us our Chicago eats.

Let’s see...oh, before I forget, Noah just ran in and said thanks for the Harry Potter set. He loves them. Hobie’s a little worried because Noah wants us to build him a room under the stairs. Plus, he asked for an owl for Christmas. God, I love that kid! Hobie doesn’t understand kids the way we do. Mack tells me she was one of those girls who played with dolls instead of G.I. Joe. There’s no accounting for taste.

I signed the contracts for Rebecca’s Cove. They’re in the mail...I dropped them in the box the day before yesterday. Tell James I appreciate him taking a chance on this one. Can you believe how quickly I punched out that third draft? Must be the Gulf air out here. Whatever it is, I love it.

Hey, did I tell you that we have a new puppy? Tanti set up Arturo with some lady’s Bichon bitch on the mainland. Arturo didn’t act too thrilled about it...I think he’s gay. Hobie says I’m nuts, but you know how many times a day she says that to me. But he did his duty and we got his baby boy, Harley. I named him in memory of the bike Hobie made me sell. Oh, I know she didn’t really make me sell it, but trust me...She looked at me, folded her arms, and did that arched crooky thing she does with her eyebrow. Even I’m smart enough to know what that means.

Of course, I wanted to name him Bubba, but Hobie said she wouldn’t know if I was talking about Noah or the dog. I gotta admit, this little cotton ball is a heartbreaker, although if you repeat that to a soul, I will completely deny it. I have a reputation to keep up and I keep threatening to put him in the dryer on fluff. Tanti sends her love. She’s in the other room with Hobie right now. Hob took up photography, so she’s getting some pointers from the expert. Tanti loves talking about the old days and Hobie loves hearing about the jungle expeditions, so they’re in heaven. Tanti did say to apologize to you. She said she never had a

chance to thank you properly for everything you did for Hobie and me in the beginning. Just what does she mean? All I have to say is that when you get here...we’re gonna have a talk, mate!

Well, Hobie’s—wait a sec.

hi aunt jules this is noah are you ok

Okay, bet you can guess who that was. The guy types faster than I do, providing you don’t mind doing without little things like punctuation and capitalization. He’s in my lap and reminding me that I promised to help him set up his new telescope once it got dark. The life of a mom!

Oh, did I tell you that the Ana Lia Board of Education asked me to teach high school English next year? Me, a teacher...wild, huh?

Okay, call me and let me know for sure what date you’re planning on for the big move. I love you, mate, and can’t wait until you live just down the street again. You and I will have a ball. I don’t agree with Tanti and Hobie...I don’t see us getting into any trouble at all down here.

