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Chapter Six

Rebecca felt out of sorts. She should have been pleased that she had irrevocably refused Joshua's hand but instead, unaccountably, she felt low in spirits. A week had passed since she had refused him and she had not seen him since. Which was a good thing, she told herself. Because it meant that he had accepted her refusal and did not mean to offer her his hand again.

But for some reason she could not comprehend her spirits were still low.

She picked up her book and wandered over to the window, looking out at the snow. She, Hetty and Charles had spent the last few days enjoying the delights of the winter weather. They had taken a sled into the park and had tobogganed down the slopes — “I am too old for this,” Hetty had declared, but she had enjoyed it as much as any of them. They had watched a collection of urchins building a snowman, and they had indulged in a game of snowballs. But today it was snowing too heavily to make them want to venture outside.

She was just about to settle down with her book when she saw a familiar figure arriving at the house.

It was Miss Biddulph!

Delighted that her companion had recovered sufficiently to complete the journey to London, Rebecca went out into the hall to welcome her.

She could see at once that Biddy was still weak, and rang for tea whilst settling Biddy by the fire.

“You look tired,” she said sympathetically as she sat down beside Biddy. “I hope you haven't overtaxed your strength by completing the journey.”

“I am rather tired,” Biddy admitted. “But I felt well enough to travel, and besides, I did not want to remain another night in an inn.”

“I can understand that,” said Rebecca, thinking of the last night she herself had spent at an inn — although she doubted that Biddy had had a similar experience!

Tea was brought and Rebecca and Hetty, who bustled in as soon as she heard that Miss Biddulph had arrived, set about seeing to Miss Biddulph's comfort; for although Miss Biddulph was acting as Rebecca's companion on this trip, she had been Rebecca's governess in earlier days, and a strong friendship existed between the three of them.

Charles, too, was pleased to discover that Biddy had arrived. Once she had rested he questioned her closely on the condition of the roads, which were now open again after a lessening in the severity of the weather.

“If the mail has got through, then a private coach should be able to get through as well,” said Charles. “We won't have Joshua with us here in London for much longer, I fear.”

His words proved to be prophetic. That afternoon Joshua called to make his farewells.

“You're leaving us tomorrow, then?” asked Charles, when Joshua had told them of his plans.


Although she had been expecting it, Rebecca, for some reason, felt her heart sink.

Joshua went on. “Now the roads are passable there is nothing else to keep me here.”

He glanced at Rebecca as he said it and then looked away again.

The thought crossed Rebecca's mind that, had she accepted his hand, there would have been something to keep him in London: preparations for their wedding.

But of course, she had not.

“It won't be an easy journey, even now,” said Charles, pursing his lips. “The roads are still very bad in places. Miss Biddulph has been telling us all about it.”

“Even so, I mean to leave first thing in the morning. My work here is done, and I'm eager to take over the running of the mill.”

“We shall miss you,” said Hetty, kissing him on the cheek.

“It's been good of you to put up with me for so long,” Joshua smiled.

“Nonsense!” declared Hetty. “It hasn't been long enough! We have hardly seen anything of you this last week. But you will be in London again before long, I hope?”

“That depends,” said Joshua. “I will have to see how things go.”

“Well, you know you are always welcome here,” remarked Hetty warmly.

Joshua took his leave of Hetty and then turned to Rebecca. “Rebecca,” he said, formally taking his leave of her.

“Joshua,” she replied equally formally as he bowed over her hand.

“Your parting will not be of such a long duration,” Hetty remarked innocently, “for you will be seeing each other again before long.” She smiled artlessly up at Joshua. “Rebecca will be returning to Cheshire next week, and that of course is very near the mill.”

Rebecca felt Joshua's eyes rove over her face, but there was nothing burning in his glance. Instead, his manner was cool and distant. “Until we next meet, then,” he said.

And with that he was gone.

*  *  *

The rest of Rebecca's visit passed quickly. She was determined to enjoy herself, and to make the most of her time with Hetty and Charles in the capital.

Miss Biddulph had by now completely recovered from her illness, and Rebecca was glad that Biddy would be able to accompany them on their outings. It was for this reason that Rebecca had asked her old governess to act as her companion on the long journey, knowing that Biddy would enjoy herself in London, visiting to the elegant shops and interesting museums, once they arrived.

With the weather a little improved Rebecca, Biddy and Hetty embarked on a number of shopping trips. Cousin Louisa, unable to travel to London herself because of her rheumatism, had given Rebecca a list of commissions, and these commissions Rebecca now set about fulfilling. She enjoyed purchasing the lengths of silk and muslin her cousin had asked for, as well as slippers and bonnets and a host of smaller items that bore the stamp of London instead of the less modish stamp of the provinces.

In this way the final week of Rebecca's visit passed, and before long it was time for her, too, to leave.

“You hardly seem to have been here two minutes,” said Hetty regretfully as she kissed Rebecca goodbye. “Next time, you must come for longer.”

“If Louisa is fit to travel, I will,” Rebecca promised, returning Hetty's embrace. “I did not like to leave her too long on her own this time.”

Charles gave her his hand and wished her a safe journey. “And remember, you are welcome here any time,” he said.

“Thank you,” smiled Rebecca.

Hetty and Charles bade Miss Biddulph farewell, and hoped she would not take cold again from the journey.

Then, fastening the strings of her bonnet and smoothing her travelling cloak, Rebecca pulled on her gloves and the two ladies made ready to depart.

“I have had the squabs warmed with warming pans,” said Hetty, as she accompanied Rebecca and Miss Biddulph out of the front door. “There are two stone hot water bottles for your feet — one for each of you — and two silver flasks of hot water to warm your hands. The travelling rug has been warmed. I do hope your journey won't be too uncomfortable.”

“It will be better than the journey down to London, I'm sure,” said Rebecca, looking around her. The snow still lingered, but the roads were relatively clear. The worst of the winter weather was over.

“I have had the box of gifts for Louisa put at the back of the coach,” went on Hetty, as she and Rebecca went down the steps, whilst Charles and Biddy followed on behind. “I have included one or two little extra presents to make up for the fact that she was not able to come. There is a hamper beneath your seat, and if you get cold, don't hesitate to take a glass of Madeira. It will combat any chills and warm you through until you can reach an inn and spend an hour or two in front of a fire.”

“Dear Hetty,” smiled Rebecca. “Thank you for everything!”

She stepped into the coach, and once she and Miss Biddulph had seated themselves it pulled away. They waved to Hetty and Charles until the coach turned a corner and then settled themselves down for the long journey north.

*  *  *

It was a week later when Rebecca's coach reached Cheshire. The roads, although passable, had been treacherous in places and the going had been slow. Added to that was the fact that Rebecca and Miss Biddulph had not been able to spend more than six hours in the coach each day because of the cold and the journey had necessarily been long.