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The Omega nudged me hard with his nose, and I winced.

Truth: Did you take an insensitive pill? We’re all caged.

I caressed the Omega’s silky ear, before I murmured low enough that I hoped even the Hecate statues couldn’t hear me, “Why should you trust someone like me? But even so, I promise that I’ll learn the magic lessons from these witches and then I’ll free us all.”

The Omega’s eyes sparked, as he nodded.

Suddenly, Hecate’s bronze snake shot out like a lasso, whipping around my neck. I struggled, as the Omega howled and scrabbled at the bars of his cage. Hecate hauled backward, however, jerking me into the air. My heartbeat raced, whilst I flailed. My lungs burned at the lack of air. Hecate dragged me into her embrace, finally loosening the snake just enough for me to take a desperate breath. Then she trailed her hands up and down my chest. Her sisters writhed in excitement that they’d hooked their wizard prize.

I bit on my lip hard not to beg to be put down, as I dangled from the statue’s arms.

“Hey, give my Voted Sexiest Mage’s Ass in England a chance here. Surely you’re not going to kill me, before I’ve even had a chance to become your Star Pupil…or should it be Model Prisoner…?” I demanded.

The high-pitched desperation in my voice was enough to call bullshit without needing my powers of Confess.

Mum had always warned me that if she let me free, I’d die. I hated to prove her right on my first night independent from my family.

The snake noosed my neck even tighter, and I choked.

Chapter Five


Rebel Academy, Saturday August 31st

There are times that I own the fact I’m a Rebel, shimage, and bad boy. And others when I regret no longer being the obedient son that I’d once been for my family, before what had come to be known as the Kitten Incident. This — being lynched by a snake, whilst being snuggled in the arms of Hecate in a castle that looked like a wedding cake — was one of those regret moments.

I missed dad. Yet there was nothing like being strangled to make you hunger for life.

Why had mum dropped me off here if I wasn’t good enough to be one of the students? Why hadn’t she simply thrown me to the wolves, which was the traditional punishment for mages? Plus, why hadn’t I caught her lie that she’d never meant me to enroll in Rebel Academy, only to be murdered?

White lights danced in front of my eyes. I slumped, as my eyelids fluttered. Sluggishly, I began to count backward from a hundred for one final time…

Pink fires blazed across the bailey. Startled, I blinked back to consciousness.

In a flurry of crow feathers that rained down like tears, a witch appeared in front of the statue, and the Omega whimpered. The witch’s obsidian dress swept the snowy ground beneath her feathered coat; I bet that she wasn’t freezing her balls off and not just because she didn’t have balls. Her silver blonde hair tumbled to her shoulders, and a feather was tucked behind her ear. Her eyes glimmered in sparkling pink.

Her intense gaze spoke of war, death, and vengeance.

She’d have been beautiful if she hadn’t also been Damelza Crow, mum’s fanatical best friend, who was Head of this coven.

My dick shriveled at the memory of Damelza shoving me into a corner as a kid for daring to ask if she was part crow. I could cope with a time-out now, however, rather than a hanging.

“Stop playing with the new student, even if he is our snared fox,” Damelza chided like Hecate was only roughhousing.

Hecate pouted, before her snake released me, and I gasped in desperate lungful’s of air. Then Hecate smirked, letting me go. I yelped, cracking my knees on the cobblestones, as I landed.

It looked like the goddess was as much a rebel as the students.

“Cheers, you’re a life-saver,” I rasped, rubbing at my neck. My shoulders were tight, and I carded my hand through my unruly hair. It’d been a long time since I’d seen a witch and I couldn’t help how I shook. “You know, Hecate and I’ve eloped. All that was merely our passion that got out of hand. I’m meant to be starting my induction here in the morning, however, so if you could tell me where I can find the Principal, then I’ll save my kinky fun with my new wife for a more appropriate time.”

Bad mouth…stop talking, stop talking, stop…

“Do you know the one thing that I hate more than werewolves?” Damelza clasped her hands behind her back, eying me like I was a fascinating new hex to be countered.

I cocked my head. “Scarecrows?”

Damelza’s lips pinched. “Mages.” I wrapped my arms around my middle, as Damelza prowled towards me. “A mage has not stepped foot within these blessed walls for centuries, and the first song that you sing is “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead”…?”

I was having another one of those regret moments.

“In my defense,” here came my first Rebel House Points, “I didn’t sing “The Wizard’s Vengeance”.”

Damelza blinked at me. “Well, I shall simply have to thank Hecate for small mercies.” I grinned: score. “In her infinite wisdom, Hecate’s already Chosen your Wing of our academy with your kinky fun and her snake. I’m in full agreement that you suit the Randoms.”

Woah, hold on,” I pushed myself shakily to my feet, “I’m not saying that I doubt your psycho Sorting Hat…wait, that’s exactly what I’m saying…but Randoms…? Like the guy who you chat to but you don’t even know his name…?”

Damelza’s smile was sharp. “Like the mage who you don’t bother speaking to because his name doesn’t matter.” I blanched. When Damelza stroked her hand down the thigh of the Hecate who was holding the keys, Hecate simpered. “Had a miracle happened, and Keys here had Chosen you, then you’d have been with the elites of the academy: The Princes in the North Wing.” She nodded at the Hecate who was swinging her torch. “Our third goddess represents the powerful Immortals, who shall be your mentors and patrons in the West Wing.”

I bounced on the spot. “I wasn’t ready before. Let’s try this Choosing again. In a former life, I was an immortal prince who was worshiped by—”

“Stop talking,” Damelza’s cheek twitched, “or you’ll have the shortest student record between arrival and visiting the Principal’s study.”

I stiffened. “Let me guess…”

I’m the Principal, indeed.” Damelza fiddled with the feather behind her ear. “What was that special little song you sang again?”

I froze, for once in my life managing to keep silent.

When a chill wind blew down my neck, I jumped. The scent of the woods cocooned me. Rebel Ghost had returned to protect me from Damelza, and I didn’t care if I was lying to myself because the sensation of her magic was electric.

No woman had ever touched me…anywhere…before, and technically they weren’t even now. But who cared about technicalities when my skin goose bumped and my breath quickened?

Then ice-cold lips feathered tentatively against mine, and I pressed back eagerly. This was my first kiss, and it was with death. Yet Rebel Ghost tasted like life.

I gasped, and my dick hardened uncomfortably in my tight pants. I took everything back. This was the best welcoming committee ever: a bronze goddess, werewolf, and a kissing spook.