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“Cheat,” muttered Radl, but she got up, came to Tali’s side and raised her arm. From the corner of her mouth she added, “In return for my support, I want your man.”

Tali ground her teeth. “I don’t have a man.”

“Well, if you ever get one, old or young, handsome young giant or toothless dwarf, I’m having him.”

“Whatever you say,” said Tali. It hardly mattered, since they were bound to die anyway.

Radl pushed Tali aside, faced the staring Pale, then spoke, just loudly enough to be heard by all.

“Only two hours ago, Lyf issued a death order — on all the Pale.” Radl paused. “If we don’t rise up against the enemy right now, they’re going to put every one of us to death.”

“When?” said a small, white-blonde woman at the front.

“Maybe tomorrow, Nizzy,” said Radl. “Or maybe tonight! They could come for us at any time.”

“We can’t stop them with our bare hands,” said Nizzy.

“Tali killed her overseer with magery and she’s got allies here who can arm us. Are you going to join us — or lie down and wait to die?”

They stared at her, unmoving. This had always been Tali’s greatest fear. Like mice trapped by a cat, the Pale were too cowed. After a thousand years of slavery, their natural instinct was to close their eyes to what was happening. Not even Radl could convince them to rebel.

“What are you going to do?” Tali muttered.

“Pick the best natural leaders.”

“And then?”

“You’ll see. You, Lenz,” said Radl, pointing to a stocky, brown-haired man. “Come here.”

He obeyed. If there was one thing the Pale knew, it was obedience.

“And you, Nizzy. And you, Balun.”

The small, white-blonde woman came down, then a middle-aged man followed, limping. He had big fists and a slightly twisted left foot.

Radl walked back and forth, picking out another dozen people and calling them forwards by name. When they stood before her, she walked up to Lenz, drew back her fist and punched him in the mouth, knocking him down.

She stood over him. “Round up your people. You’re going to war.”

He got up sullenly, but headed up to the cells.

Radl laid Nizzy low with a vicious blow to the belly, and was turning on Balun when he put his hands in the air. “I get the message.”

Radl dropped him anyway, though with less ferocity. “Bring down your men, and your fighting women. Don’t take no for an answer.”

Nizzy went cheerfully enough, Balun with a ferocious grin, and the other twelve leaders scattered to fetch their own people. Radl sent three of her own loyal followers to guard the exit, to prevent any slave from sneaking out and betraying them, then turned to Tali, rubbing her bruised knuckles. For a second Tali thought the tall woman was going to thump her as well. Radl laughed, showing strong white teeth.

“See how it’s done?”

“Was that necessary?” said Tali.

“It’s the only argument they understand. You should try it.”

“I’ll leave it to you. You’re so much better at it.”

“Yes, I am,” said Radl. “I’ve been planning this day for a very long time.”


“I love my people,” said Radl. “And I burn to see them delivered from slavery.”

“But for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve treated them badly.”

“They’re so cowed, nothing else would work.”

Radl proceeded along the rows of cells, beating and bullying selected male and female Pale, and ordering them to do the same. After fifteen minutes, a little over three thousand slaves stood in the assembly area, in groups of a hundred, each behind their captain. Radl went from group to group, giving them soft-voiced instructions emphasised with a punch here, a slap there. Tali could not hear what she was saying, but judging by Radl’s hand movements she was telling them how to fight.

She came back. “There, I’ve done your job for you.”

“But there’s only three thousand. What about the rest?”

“You know what they’re like,” said Radl. “Heads in the sand.”

“We have to save them all.”

“This is all you’re going to get.”

“What about the children, the nursing mothers, the old folk?”

“They can’t fight armed guards. If we win, we’ll come back for them.”

Tali swallowed, stared at the taller woman. Clearly, Radl had decided to take over, but Tali didn’t see how this new plan could succeed. “But… we’re not supposed to be attacking the enemy — just making a run for the exits.”

“That can’t work,” said Radl.

“Why not?”

“Thousands of Pale can’t run for the exits in secret — the enemy would know about it in seconds. They’d signal the exit guards to lock the exits, then they’d attack from behind and butcher us. There’s only one thing to do.”

“What’s that?”

“Attack the enemy, right now, and defeat them. Then lead out everyone who wants to go.”

“That’s not my plan,” said Tali.

Radl knocked Tali onto her back with a blow to the belly she did not see coming, then put her foot on Tali’s chest, holding her down. “I’ve changed the plan.”

The blow had winded Tali. “Have you — ever — led an army — to battle?”

“Have you?” Radl retorted. “I’ve been planning a rebellion ever since they killed my man. This is the only way that has a hope of working.”

Radl thought for a moment, then removed her foot and offered Tali a hand. She took it and Radl lifted her to her feet. Tali studied the taller woman from under her lashes. She would never understand Radl, but if this was the only way to save the Pale, she would find a way to work with her.

“What’s the matter with your wrist?” Radl said suddenly.

“A bad wrench.”

Radl took it in both hands; her lips moved in a healing, and the pain eased.

“Thanks,” said Tali.

“I did it for them, not you. Once we’ve armed everyone,” said Radl, “we’ll attack the enemy in their quarters. Nearly everyone will be there at this time of night. If your magian can blast down the gates and kill their guards, we can take them by surprise. We’ll try to bring the entrance roof down with heatstone and trap them in their quarters. Then we can get everyone out.”

“It’s a better plan,” Tali said grudgingly.

Radl grinned. “Of course it is.”

“But the matriarchs could be issuing the death order by now.”

“Then we’ve got nothing to lose, have we? Lead the way.”

“Three thousand Pale aren’t enough to attack ten thousand armed enemy. Not nearly enough.”

“They will be if we can catch them in their beds. Come on.”


The guard post was open, the guard lying dead inside. The Pale streamed out behind Tali, men and women both, barefooted and silent.

She led them along to the subsistery. Outside its grinning-eel-shaped entrance was an open assembly area, the roof of which was held up with a dozen slender, carved columns. It was about fifty yards by forty, barely large enough to accommodate the three thousand Pale who had followed.

Holm and Tobry were waiting in the service corridor beside the assembly area, with Tali’s pack.

“It worked, then?” said Holm.

“Not exactly. Radl’s taken over.” Tali explained the new plan.

“It’s better than the previous plan,” said Holm. “I can’t say I ever liked it.”

“Neither did I,” said Tali. She slipped her pack on; there wasn’t time to get dressed. She felt hideously self-conscious wearing only a loincloth in front of her friends, but arming the Pale was more important than her own modesty. “Any news?”