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Luke polished off the rest of his scotch, leaning forward to place the glass firmly on the table. He turned to Elle, his eyes wide and blazing. The muscles of his jaw flexed as he swallowed. His hands reached to cup her face, his eyes locked with hers.

“You’re so beautiful.” It came out in a hoarse whisper.

Elle said nothing, but licked her lips in a slow, sensual motion, moving her hand from his thigh, to the growing bulge in his pants. She was done holding back with Luke. She wanted his lips on her . . . everywhere. She cupped him, never breaking eye contact and watched as the corners of Luke’s mouth pulled into a smile.

He smiled and then he kissed her. No more teasing, feathery motion. This kiss was demanding and full of desire. His hand drifted to wrap around the back of her neck as his lips and tongue explored her mouth. She opened for him, wanting him to deepen the kiss as she stroked him through the fabric of his pants.

“Bedroom?” Luke asked, his voice smooth and unwavering as he moved his attention to her neck. His lips caressed and his tongue stroked the sensitive skin beneath her chin. Elle nodded, broke herself from his embrace, took his hand, and led him upstairs to the master bedroom.

Elle hadn’t planned for him to see her bedroom. Unintentionally, the Beatles’ Abbey Road album had been left to play on repeat after she’d gotten ready for their date. Elle hurried to her CD player to silence the music.

“No, it’s okay,” Luke said, following her to the stereo. His fingers danced down the skin of her shoulders, making her shiver. “You can leave it on.”

A moment of hesitation clouded Elle’s thoughts. She wasn’t so sure she was ready to share her beloved Beatles. As odd as that sounded, even to her, they were special—and such a part of her past with Troy. Quickly, she thought of a solution by grabbing another disc—a neutral band that meant absolutely nothing to her. She swapped it for the current CD, and returned her attention to Luke.

“This is better.”

“Whatever you say. You’re in charge.” Luke dragged one finger down past her temple and cheek, stopping at her chin. He gripped the skin and bone, pulling her back to him. His lips consumed hers once again, and he turned her, walking her back toward the bed. His nimble fingers eased her out of her dress with next to no effort. Her black silk dress pooled around her ankles, leaving her in only her red lace bra and panties. Slowly, he lowered her down onto the soft mattress, his hands roaming her body as his lips did the same. His hands moved back and forth over her exposed abdomen, dipping down to stroke her over her panties.

Arousal built within her, so much so she felt she might explode if not given the release she so desperately needed. Her fingers grasped his hair, pulling him back to her mouth. Her tongue twisted and turned, dancing with his, and her hands fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. Luke pulled away slightly, smiled, and unfastened the buttons quickly, stripping his shirt from his body. Elle’s eyes widened as she took in the sight of his tan pecs. Beneath them, his ridged muscles formed delectable washboard abs. He was astonishing.

Next came the belt. He removed it quickly before dropping his pants to the floor, revealing forest green boxers that clung to the sinewy muscles of his thighs. Although Elle was more than impressed by what she saw, she wanted those briefs to join his pants on her floor. She slid herself toward him, hooking her fingers beneath the waistband of the briefs, and eased them down. She stared at his naked body with satisfaction as her heart hammered beneath her chest. Her desire for Luke was mounting. She needed him, all of him.

Luke stripped her of her bra, staring at her breasts with appreciation before taking one nipple into his mouth. Electricity spread throughout her body. His fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her panties and he tugged until they tumbled to the carpet below, tickling her calves as they fell.

Luke released her nipple from his mouth, and Elle found herself yearning for him to return to the now-hardened peak that longed for his touch. His eyes were hooded and dark. “Lie back.”

She obeyed, laying herself down on the bed, pulling him to lie above her, enjoying the weight of his body against her own. They fit together so naturally, the curves of her body easing into his. Comfortable yet sexy. Their kisses sweet yet passionate. A condom wrapper crinkled beneath his closed fist. His desire for protected sex aroused her even more. She pressed her lips to the firm muscles of his chest. “I want you. Now.”

A satisfied smile crossed Luke’s face before he ripped open the condom wrapper and rolled the sheath down. Instead of entering her and pressing her against the firm mattress, Luke rolled to his back, pulling Elle to straddle above him. When Elle looked down with confusion, he raised his eyebrows and gripped her hips.

“I told you, you’re in charge.”

How did Luke know how much Elle craved the power of being in control? It didn’t matter. All that mattered was he was lying beneath her, hard and ready. She eased herself onto him, her muscles stretching with each delectable inch. Her hands stretched to press into his shoulders as she moved up and down, letting him enter her again and again. Pressure built quickly within her, her hips twisted in a circular motion and her head hung down, allowing the tips of her blonde hair to tickle Luke’s chest. He grunted and moaned beneath her, his fingertips digging into the skin of her hips.

Elle’s arousal climbed and climbed until she knew she’d break apart at any second. Her orgasm rippled through her and she cried out, throwing her head back in bliss. “Oh God!”

Once Elle had found her release, Luke began to thrust harder beneath her, lifting his hips off the bed as he pounded into her again and again until his climax manifested itself in several loud grunts, his fingers still digging into her skin. The mixture of pleasure and pain swirled within Elle, forming pure satisfaction within her body.

Elle separated her body from his, lying down next to him, her head resting comfortably on his bicep. Luke played with her hair as his breath evened. Normally Elle would be mortified their “date” had been nothing but a roll in her sheets, but her mind was so blissfully numb, she just didn’t care.

“Wow,” Luke exhaled, “didn’t expect that.”

“Yeah, well . . . it’s been a long four days.”

“Indeed.” His fingers left her hair and drifted to trace the line of her silhouette, moving in soothing motions along her ignited skin. “Are you hungry?”


“Should we get dressed? Go out?”

Elle pondered the question, then realized she’d much rather enjoy dinner with Luke inside the sexy confines of her bedroom. “Takeout?”

Luke grinned before nuzzling into her neck. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“There’s a great Chinese place a few miles away that delivers.”

“Perfect. I’ll eat anything, so—”

“I’ll surprise you.”

Reluctantly, Elle pulled away from Luke to stand, retrieving her bathrobe from the hook of her bathroom door. The fluffy cotton enveloped her in comfort as her body still hummed from their encounter. She loved how easy everything was thus far. This easy-going, highly sexual, and ridiculously gorgeous Adonis was lying in her bed, seemingly just as crazy about her as she was about him. Never had a relationship (or something resembling one) been so easy, so effortless. She’d had passion before, but this time it was combined with comfort, rather than constant chaos and miscommunication.

She strolled down the winding staircase to reach her kitchen. Flipping through the menus, she found the one for China Palace and quickly dialed the number on the front flap. After ordering half the dishes on the menu, unsure of what she was in the mood for, she heard footsteps. Warm lips met the skin of her ear and soft hands weaved through her hair, pushing it to the side to give his mouth better access to her skin. Elle turned to face Luke.

“It’ll be here in thirty minutes.”

“That’s just about enough time . . .” Luke’s words trailed off as he resumed the seduction of her neck. Elle giggled before allowing herself to be swept up, once again, in the man named Luke Kingston.