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Elle’s breath caught. She disagreed with Luke. She didn’t think Troy had pushed her. But she was astonished at how well Luke knew her—really knew her. He was right. Elle not only liked being in control, but doing things on her own time, her own schedule, was absolutely imperative for her comfort and happiness. It was her way, and the fact Luke understood that, that he respected it, was something to appreciate. Perhaps she wasn’t giving the handsome actor enough credit. Obviously, he understood her more than she’d ever anticipated.

“You’re right. I don’t like to be pushed.”

Luke licked his lips; his fingers ran south to Elle’s ass. Without warning, he reached down and hoisted her up. She gasped and wrapped her legs around his waist. He shifted his weight to turn them, perching Elle atop her desk. And for the first time that day, she allowed Troy to leave her mind completely. She was completely and utterly wrapped up in Luke Kingston.

“Most of the time.” She raised a devious eyebrow before taking his mouth with her own. Luke’s hands roamed through her curly hair as his tongue pressed to hers. Her toes curled at the sensations overtaking her body. The touch, the feel of Luke was intoxicating and Elle couldn’t get enough of him. Eagerly, her tongue caressed his and her hands ran up and down his back, pulling him as close to her as possible.

“Wanna get outta here?” he asked between kisses, his voice husky and deep. Elle could feel his length pressed against her pelvis, and she wanted to lose herself in him, to forget all of her mistakes, to take a break from reality.

“Lock the door,” she whispered.

A satisfied grin crossed Luke’s lips. “You never stop surprising me, Elle Riley.”

“I hope that’s a good thing.”

Luke nodded before kissing her lips, her chin, her neck. “The best.”

Elle’s heart thumped uncontrollably and shots of adrenaline zoomed through her abdomen. No matter how much positive self-talk she gave herself, the idea of seeing Troy was feeling like more than she could handle. After her drunken visit to his restaurant, they’d exchanged several text messages and agreed to meet for dinner on a Monday evening. Troy’s restaurant was closed on Mondays and it was the only time he could get away during the dinner hour. When he asked if he could pick the place, Elle agreed immediately. Troy always had such impeccable taste when it came to food and restaurants. She’d only been in the Los Angeles area for a few years, and aside from the takeout places near her home and the studio, she was still pretty clueless about local cuisine.

Troy had chosen a tiny hole-in-the-wall Indian place. When she walked in, she inhaled the familiar scents. The smoky trace of cumin and the aromatic cardamom were the first she recognized. Next came the earthy tone of turmeric and the spicy smell of red pepper. She and Troy had eaten so much Indian food while living in Chicago since her apartment was above an Indian restaurant. Secretly, she wondered if that was the reason for his choice in restaurant. A walk down memory lane, perhaps? Regardless of the reason, Elle’s mind was swimming in memories of Troy and Indian food. Of laughter and samosas. Of romantic sentiments and tikka masala.

Troy was waiting at a small table when she arrived. She glanced down at her watch, hoping she wasn’t late. Troy chuckled as she approached, standing to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re right on time.”

“How do you do that?”

“What?” Troy pulled the chair out for her.

She smiled as she sat. “Read my mind.”

“You looked at your watch the second you saw me.”

“Oh.” Elle shook off her thoughts of kismet and serendipity. He had read her body language; that was all. “Of course. So you like this place?”

“Yeah. It’s not as good as back home, but it’s close.” He gestured to the full wineglass in front of her place setting. “I ordered you a California rosé.”

“Ah, perfect.” Elle took a large sip of the slightly sweet wine, which in her opinion paired beautifully with Indian cuisine. “How are the samosas?”

“Ah yes, you and your samosas. You’ve always been an appetizer girl.”

Elle liked how playful Troy was being. Their other interactions had been so tense, despite their efforts to keep things friendly. Today, he seemed more at ease, which in turn helped her to relax as well.

“Nobody gets between me and a mozzarella stick.” Elle felt herself flirting and embraced it. After all their years apart, it felt good to be playful with Troy again.

“Or an order of nachos . . . or Wisconsin cheese curds . . . should I go on?” Troy winked and handed Elle her menu.

“Nah, I think we both know my affinity for snack food.”

“Are you still keeping candy at your desk?”

“Of course, but only the fruity stuff. I gave up chocolate. Too fattening.”

Troy shook his head and closed his eyes, chuckling under his breath. “I don’t think you’ve ever had to worry about that.”

“What? My weight?”

“Mm hmm, you’ve always had a great body.” Troy’s eyes roamed her as he spoke, centering on her chest. Elle wondered what had come over him—when did he have this sudden change of heart? He looked at her with appreciation rather than contempt, and it filled her heart with hope.

“Says the man with the permanent six-pack.”

“Not anymore, I’m afraid. Too much pizza, it’s gone to my gut.” Troy smacked his stomach lightly with his palm. Elle rolled her eyes. His chest and abs still looked as firm as they did when they were a couple, at least with his clothes on.

“Sure,” she murmured. “I almost believe that.” Troy was never one to fish for a compliment, so she decided he was just being hard on himself. Seeing as he was a perfectionist like herself, that was the obvious conclusion.

Troy laughed again and finished his glass of scotch. Troy always ordered two fingers of scotch on the rocks before any dinner out, especially Indian food. When he received his first job offer after college, Elle had purchased a bottle of Johnnie Walker Platinum to celebrate. She’d purchased another for herself when the pilot of Follow the Sun first aired. Even though they’d enjoyed scotch together more times than she could count, she didn’t know why she did it, since it was Troy’s drink, not hers. But now guilt swarmed her belly as she remembered that she and Luke opened that bottle. Quickly, she pushed the guilt from her mind. She was determined to enjoy this meal, this evening, this time with Troy.

Their waitress took their order, and they quickly fell back into old patterns. Ordering two dishes to split as well as a large order of samosas to snack on prior to the entrees. The wine was doing its job. As she indulged in the second glass, tingles ran down her arms, and her muscles relaxed. Troy had finished his scotch and both were able to ease back into old banter.

Elle’s teeth pierced the first samosa. Steam escaped the small puffy triangle and she relished the savory taste of peas, potatoes, and lentils.

“Mmm, why have I gone so long without having Indian food?” Elle shook her head in amazement as she savored the flavors in her mouth.

“How long?”

A small chunk of potato dropped to her plate and she hoped Troy hadn’t noticed. “Hmm?”

“How long since you’ve had Indian food?”

Elle froze and looked down at her plate, avoiding eye contact. “A long time.”

“I see.” Troy nodded. “Since Chicago?”

Elle nodded, feeling foolish.