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“I know, right? What a great title. I bet it’ll sell millions of copies.” Gina placed her hands on her hips, a pompous smile still perched on her face. “Look, I’m sorry you had to find out this way, but I’d assumed you knew. I thought Luke gave you a heads-up. Anyway, just know we’ll have to do some photo ops, and should probably go to the Globes together.”

Elle’s lip curled in anger as she contemplated a response.

“Are you deranged?” Luke snapped from behind Elle. “I’m not doing that!”

Gina scrunched her lips together and tilted her head to the side before walking to Luke’s side, placing her hands on his arm. “Luke, seriously, you don’t have to pretend anymore. It’s all out in the open.”

Luke pulled away from Gina, focusing on Elle. “She’s lying, Elle. You have to believe me. This is all some sick, twisted game. I never agreed to this.”

“Oh, please.” Gina sneered, her fake smile erased from her face. “You could have told her. God knows you had plenty of opportunities. I gave this interview weeks ago. Don’t blame me because you’re a chickenshit.”

“What are you talking about? I told my agent I wasn’t interested in pretending with you. But you did it anyway! You’re sick, you know that?” Luke’s cheeks were scarlet and his chest was heaving up and down as he snarled at the actress.

“I’m not taking the fall so you can keep nailing the boss, Luke. Tell the truth.”

“You’re such a bitch,” Elle snapped, offended by the insinuation. But what if it was true?

Luke pulled on the ends of his wavy hair. “Oh my God! You are deranged!”

Gina shook her head and flipped her dark hair behind her shoulder. “And what about you? You knew how this would play out, that poor Elle would be humiliated, but you went along with it anyway. You’re breaking this poor woman’s heart for the chance to be an A-lister. The least you could have done was tell her before it went to press.”

Elle had no idea who to believe. Yes, Luke seemed enraged and confused, but perhaps he was just backpedaling, trying to figure out a way to cover up his scheme with his costar, trying to save his career. She tossed the magazine to the side, smoothed down her skirt and blouse, and regained her composure.

“Table read in less than thirty. I’ll see you there.”

“Elle, wait, please.” Luke grabbed her arm, but she brushed him off, pulling her arm away from his grasp. “Don’t go. I had nothing to do with this, I swear to you. Let’s go back to your office, let’s figure this out. I’ll call my agent, I’ll do anything. Just . . . you have to believe me.”

Elle shrugged, her voice cracking. “I’m sure your Twitter followers will double by this afternoon. And more movie roles will follow. Not indie films, but the big stuff. That’s what you’ve always wanted, right?”

“Elle, stop.”

“See you in the conference room.”

Elle slammed the door behind her, ran to her office, and locked the door behind her. She slumped into her leather chair and sobbed. Moments later, Luke knocked on the door.

“Please, think this through before you throw us away. I can’t lose you, Elle, please.”

“Go away. Please, just . . . let it be.”

“You can’t believe her, Elle, please. It’s not true. I’ve never lied to you. Not once. And I never will.”

Elle felt herself caving. She stood, tempted to allow him to enter her office. But she knew what would happen if she did. She’d succumb to his charms, she’d believe everything he said simply because she wanted to believe in him, in his goodness. She wanted to believe this wonderful, sexy man was exactly who he claimed to be. But her time spent in Hollywood had left her jaded. And she needed to put him to the test.

“If you don’t leave, I’ll call the police and they’ll escort you out. And then I’ll call the papers. Trust me, those aren’t the headlines you want.”

Elle waited with bated breath for him to call her bluff, to insist he’d gladly go to jail if it would prove his love and devotion to her. But when the other side of the door grew silent, she knew it. He left.

Everything suddenly became clear. Months ago, she’d suspected Luke was using her for his career, and now it felt as if every fear she had was confirmed. He didn’t care about her. Not really, not enough. What he really cared about was fame, fortune, and headlines. No matter his proclamations of love, or visions of a future together. And she hated herself for buying into the fantasy. For allowing the images of them together, swollen belly, diamond ring, and lazy days on a hammock to travel from her mind to her heart. He was a gifted actor and nothing more. Nothing more.

Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack.” Saul Greenberg, the president of the network, was smiling wide, leaning back in his chair.

Elle’s leg bobbed up and down as she pondered his offer to create a new show for prime time.

“I’m thrilled, just thrilled at how you’re running things down there. The viewers love it—our ratings have never been better. A time slot is opening up next fall. And I want you to present three pitches for a new drama to debut right after Follow the Sun.”

“I can’t believe this. How—how will I balance both shows?” Elle’s arms, shoulders, even face were tense.

“You’ll figure it out. There will be a significant salary bump, of course. And bonuses. This is a big deal, Ms. Riley. We don’t do this for just anyone. You’re a star—three Golden Globe nods. And number one in the Nielsens.”

“What kind of show are you looking for, sir? Law? Medical? Something totally different?” Her mind was swirling, yet empty.

Saul cracked a smile and Elle wondered if he could sense her state of total panic. “We’re open to whatever you can bring to the table. We’ll start filming this summer. You’ll need to hand over more of the writing to your staff, so you can balance both shows. Do you think you can do that?”

“I’m sure that can be arranged.”

Saul chuckled.

Elle tipped her head to the side. “Sir?”

“Letting go of control is . . . well, it’s not your strong suit.”

“I promise to work on it.”

“That’s good enough for me.” Saul rose from his seat. “Can you have those ideas to me by Friday?”

That’s two days from now! Elle screamed inside her head. She inhaled deeply, knowing she’d figure out a way, and composed herself before rising to her feet to shake Saul’s hand.

“Sure, I can do that.” Elle reeled in her nerves, giving Saul her best confident smile. “Thank you for this opportunity, sir.”

Elle left Saul’s office and walked down to the parking lot, entering her car before whooping with glee and slapping her steering wheel with exuberance. She couldn’t believe it. In several months, she could be the writer and show runner of not one, but two shows in prime time. The feeling was exhilarating.

The only problem was her empty brain.

No ideas, not one. She needed Rob. As much as his sage-like behavior sometimes annoyed her, he had definite skill when it came to coaxing the creativity from Elle when her nerves were shot. Quickly, she sent him a text informing him of her discussion and requesting a brief meeting in her office.

She returned to the studio lot and made her way to her office. Rob was waiting for her when she arrived.

“How excited are you?” Rob asked.

“I’m freaking out, Rob!” Elle paced her office. Her hands trembled and her mind remained blank.

“C’mon, you’re a creative person. I’m sure you have plenty of ideas in that head of yours.”

It was true most of the time. Elle’s mind did wander at times, and she dreamed up new ideas. Fresh and exciting ideas that had nothing to do with her past. She needed to somehow tap into that now. The opportunity to create something completely from scratch was beyond exciting. It was the opportunity of her career.