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Luke had no idea what Whitney was talking about, but apparently Elle did. He turned to see her, eyes wide, glaring at Whitney. Luke chuckled, knowing it was some sort of message in his favor. He’d take any support he could get.

Nolan interrupted Luke’s enjoyment of the moment, tapping him on the shoulder. Luke never had any complaints regarding the man whom he was, for all intents and purposes, replacing on the show. In fact, he was grateful to the fellow actor for making his career happen.

“Can I have a word with you, Luke?”

“Um . . .” He glanced around the table, confused. “Sure?”

He walked with Nolan, who appeared frustrated and annoyed, to a relatively quiet spot near the bar.

“What’s up?”

“Leave her alone,” Nolan sneered.

Luke was at a loss. “Wait, hold up. Who are you talking about?”

If Elle had another man attempting to woo her, Luke would blow a freaking gasket. He could handle the ex, but Nolan too? What the hell?

“Whitney. I see how she’s looking at you.” Nolan’s nostrils flared as he looked back toward table 19.

“I’m not interested in Whitney. She’s just keeping me sane, dude.” Luke placed his hand on Nolan’s shoulder. “C’mon, let me get you a drink. You must be on edge tonight. Is this your first nomination?”

“Yeah. But man, I’m crazy about that girl. I didn’t realize it when we were just screwing around, but now? Now, it’s like . . . I’d do anything to get her back.”

“I feel your pain, man, I really do.” Luke looked back at Elle, who was leaning in, talking quietly with her ex. With every movement she made toward the restaurateur, Luke felt less confident, less empowered. He could only hope a little liquid courage would aid him in staying the course.

The two men ordered their respective drinks before walking slowly back to the table. “Sorry about that, I just—God, she drives me nuts.”

“Don’t worry about it. But she is helping me at the moment, so try not to take a little friendly banter as anything more than that, okay?”

“Trying to ruffle the boss lady’s feathers, huh?”

“That obvious?”

Nolan chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “A little. You can take that guy.”

Luke laughed, patting Nolan on the back, knowing he had no intention of coming to physical blows with Troy Saladino, but he appreciated the sentiment just the same. “Thanks, man.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, please find your seats. Taping will begin in ten minutes.” The announcer’s voice came booming over the loudspeaker and attendees scattered back to their tables. The women at table 19 checked their makeup and hair. The tipsy Gina tugged on Luke’s arm as she applied another layer of lipstick. She puckered her lips, checked her teeth, and gave Luke her sexiest attempt at a smile.

True, Gina Romano was a beautiful woman . . . on the outside. But her personality was deplorable and Luke had absolutely no interest in being dragged into her web of lies and delusion. She jeopardized his relationship with Elle, and for that he would never forgive her.

“I missed you. Come sit with me.”

“I’m sitting.” He glared at her, shaking her arm away from his.

“Fine, whatever.”

“I won’t be your photo op, Gina.” His voice was husky and deep as he scolded the actress. Within seconds, and without pondering his earlier discussion with Nolan, he was leaning to his left. “Do me a favor,” he whispered into Whitney’s ear. “Switch places with me?”

Whitney raised her eyebrows, then looked around him toward Gina. “Sorry, pal. I have to draw the line somewhere.”

And then it all seemed clear. Whitney and Gina had both been involved with Nolan. Of course Whitney wouldn’t want to sit next to the drunk wreck of an actress. Luke nodded, and patted Whitney on the forearm.

“Of course, got it.”

The lights blinked on and off, urging everyone to find their seats. Luke took a long sip of his gin and tonic, leaned back in his chair, and prepared to experience his first time at the Golden Globes.

“Motherfucker,” Gina slurred rather loudly, when the winner of her category was announced.

“Gina!” Nolan hissed. “You can’t look pissed on camera. Put a smile on your face.”

“Screw you, Nolan. Don’t tell me what to do. Ever!”

“Gina!” Elle hissed from across the table, her eyes stern and wide. “Enough. Listen to him and put a freaking smile on your face.”

“Fine, whatever.” In one fell swoop, Gina replaced her unglued expression with a calm, collected smile as she clapped along with the audience. The winning actress approached the microphone and the theater grew silent as everyone took in her gracious speech.

Whitney turned her head just briefly, giving Luke a wink. He was really starting to like her. He laughed into his cuff links, avoiding the daggers in Gina’s eyes.

It would be hours before Nolan’s category or the Best Drama category would be announced. Luke was feeling restless. Just as predicted, he and Elle shared several stolen, awkward glances. It wasn’t enough. He needed time alone with her, away from Saladino and the rest of the crazy people at their table. He shifted in his seat, feeling his third gin and tonic doing its job. A warm buzz was spreading throughout his body, and he wanted nothing more than to enjoy his buzz with the woman he loved.

When the host of the show dismissed the cameras, Elle rose from her seat and Luke sat up in attention. “I’m going to use the washroom,” she said to her date.

Feeling bold, Luke waited until she was just a few feet from the table before jumping to his feet and following her to the lobby. Her heels clicked against the marble floor of The Beverly Hilton lobby.

“Elle,” Luke called. She turned, and the color drained from her face as her feet appeared glued to the floor.

“Luke, not now. Go back to the table.”

“No, I need to speak with you.”

Elle scanned the hallway before grabbing Luke’s elbow and pulling him to a quiet corner near the empty entryway. Save for a couple of security guards, they were alone.

Elle’s eyes were troubled, stressed. Luke didn’t want to cause her pain. In fact, all he wanted was to make her happy, to bring love and joy to her life. Why couldn’t she see that? Yes, he was being impetuous, yes, the timing was all wrong, but he didn’t care. He needed her to know the truth.

“What do you want?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. Gently, Luke pressed her into the wall, blocking her in with his hands against the wall. She looked back and forth between his arms that caged her in, then her eyes softened. Despite the harsh tone of her voice, her body language betrayed her.

“I had to talk to you.”

“Fine.” She looked around the hallway again. “Talk.”

“Why did you bring him here?”

“Luke,” she pleaded, her eyes welling with tears. “Don’t do this now. You walked away from me, remember? You said you were done. And now you’re all over my best friend. What in the hell do you want from me?”

“I never should’ve done that. My temper got the best of me and I was an asshole. But I’m not giving up, Elle. I didn’t mean it.”

“You say that now, but—”

“Do you want me to take out an ad in the newspaper to declare my love? I’ll do it. Give an interview with People? No problem. Quit the show? Consider it done. I’ll do whatever it takes to win you. Just tell me it isn’t too late, Elle.”

“I don’t . . . I mean—”

Luke leaned in closer, their noses almost touching. “I’ll never stop fighting for you.”

Elle’s eyes softened and her words came out in a harsh whisper. “You’re . . . fighting for me?”