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Closing the door behind her, Elle said hello to Rob’s secretary and continued toward the open hallway lined with framed posters of the cast. She had a few hours to work on developing episode seven before the read-through that afternoon with Gina and Luke. She could only hope to make some progress so both she and Rob could relax. She hadn’t yet spoken to Nolan since the news broke. Whitney had urged her to let some time pass first. This show was so important to her, it was impossible to separate business from personal. His decision to leave the show bruised not only her fragile ego, but it placed a very large damper on her confidence in future seasons. Was Gina next? Would Follow the Sun become a rotating cast? It was difficult to predict if his departure would have a ripple effect, or if the pebble would just land in the pond, sinking quietly to the bottom.

When she rounded the corner to the hallway leading to her office, she was greeted by an unexpected face. An unexpected handsome face with a relaxed smile, and bright, friendly, sexy eyes.


“Hey.” Luke ran his fingers through his hair and Elle wondered what it would be like to do that. To stroke his wavy locks while lying in bed together, completely naked after an intense lovemaking session.

“Uh, hey, I mean, hi. Hi.” Elle stumbled over her words and was instantly mortified. She had to get herself in check or he would suspect she was developing a crush. She was his boss; she had to act like it.

Luke ran his tongue slowly across his bottom lip as he inspected her face, and she felt naked, exposed, as if he could read her thoughts. As if he could see them splayed on her bed, covers and sheets falling toward the cool floor. Both naked. Both flushed and sated from their activities in the bedroom. The bedroom in her brain.

As much as she wanted to deny it, this man did things to her. When she was around him, every cell of her body awoke from a deep sleep. And she liked that feeling; she missed it. In fact, every time she was near Luke, she craved that feeling of being startled awake—of adrenaline coursing through every nerve of her body.

Luke placed one lazy hand on his hip, just below the worn leather belt that fit snugly around his waist. “I know I’m a little early. Thought you might let me take you to lunch.”

Elle glanced at her watch. It was barely nine a.m. When her eyes reconnected with his, she noticed his tan cheeks turn the slightest shade of red. He shrugged and chuckled as he corrected himself. “Or breakfast.”

“I’d love that, really I would, but . . .” She looked around for someone or something to guide her stammering thoughts. “I have so much to do. I have to add you, I mean, David, into the script for episode seven, and I have some backstory to create. I’m just swamped at the moment. You understand, right?”

Why was she turning this gorgeous man away? She had no idea.

“Rain check, then?” Luke persisted, his eyebrows raised, making his eyes appear vulnerable, almost needy. Elle felt her resolve weakening as he stepped closer to her, invading her personal space. Normally, that would’ve bothered her. But when Luke’s arm brushed gently against hers, Elle was intoxicated rather than uncomfortable. She wanted more.

“Yes, of course.” Elle’s expression softened as she leaned in closer. “I’d like that.”

Luke looked appeased, calm. He must have understood she wasn’t closing that door completely. His fingers grazed her forearm and his eyes locked with hers as a satisfied smile crossed his face. Elle felt naked, exposed, as if Luke could read her mind, see the fantasies brewing in her head. “Good.”

Elle’s skin tingled at his touch. “But I’ll, um, I’ll see you at the read-through.”

“Yes, I’ll get to meet the famous Gina Romano.” His fingers remained on her skin, moving slowly back and forth along her arm, which was covered in goose bumps. Elle resisted the urge to move away from his touch. It seemed brazen and inappropriate, but she didn’t want him to stop. So she swallowed hard, doing her best to ignore the dry, cotton-like feel of her throat. “She’s not so bad. I’m sure you’ll like her.”

“So far, I’ve been nothing but impressed.” Luke narrowed his eyes, his fingers slowly moving to grip Elle’s forearm ever so slightly. His message was clear. With that simple gesture, it was obvious to Elle he was just as drawn to her as she was to him.

How they would handle their attraction was another story. For that, Elle had no answers—only more questions. Questions she couldn’t allow herself to entertain. She had a storyline to develop, a character to create, and a show to save.

Her attraction to Luke Kingston would have to wait.

At least for a day or two.

Never had Elle been so turned on, yet so annoyed in all of her adult years. She watched as Gina and Luke read through the lines of a scene she’d written for David.

“David, what are you doing here?” Gina flipped her jet-black tresses behind her shoulder and toyed with the buttons of her silk top as she delivered her lines. Elle cringed, knowing Gina had quite an effect on nearly every man she met. She didn’t want Luke to succumb to Gina’s charms, but the show runner in her was impressed with Gina’s obvious acting skills. She could only hope Gina wasn’t actually interested in Luke.

Luke’s gaze darted to Gina’s more than ample chest and Elle’s heart rate increased. “I can’t stay long,” the actor recited. “I’m needed back at the casino.” Luke smiled at Gina and instantly Elle was pissed off.

Their chemistry permeated the room. This was a good thing, she attempted to remind herself. It was powerful for the show. Their obvious attraction amped up the scene and she knew it would work. Audiences would buy it. They’d root for David and eventually accept Desmond’s departure. Luke and Gina would be the new faces of Follow the Sun. She saw everything brimming inside her head: success, high Nielsen ratings, bragging rights, possible awards. She saw it all. But she also saw the undeniable spark between the two actors, and it manifested itself in a rush of adrenaline in her gut.

She couldn’t take it anymore. She had to end the reading. “That’s great, thanks. I think we have all we need.”

Luke nodded, shook Gina’s hand, and paused briefly to look back at Elle. Heat filled her cheeks as his lips turned into a half smile, before he left the room. She didn’t want him to go, but she knew it was necessary in order for her to regain her composure.

“Well, isn’t he a hottie?” Gina said, winking at Elle. Elle pursed her lips and nodded, dismissing the actress from the room.

Elle nodded to Whitney, giving her the all clear to finalize Luke’s offer of a contract.

“You okay?” Whitney tilted her head. “You seem out of sorts.”

“I am.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Not really.”

“Is it Mr. Gorgeous?”

Elle smiled begrudgingly. “Maybe. I hate that I barely know him and I’m already feeling like this. It’s why I avoid getting involved! I feel unglued already and we just met.”

“Don’t self-sabotage, Elle. I can tell you want to. You get this look in your eye.”

Whitney was right. Since arriving in California, Elle had sabotaged every relationship she’d begun. Every last one. As much as she tried to decipher her patterns, and as much as she allowed Whitney to psychoanalyze her, she didn’t know why she did it. She didn’t know why she was this way. But if she was being honest, none of the men she’d dated since moving to California had made adrenaline course through her veins the way Luke did. It was why her self-saboteur status was in full effect.

“I can’t make any promises.”

“I mean it. You like him—don’t cut it off before it even begins. You can’t control everything in life—you can’t keep yourself from getting attached, from getting hurt. That’s just life.”