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He was a giant, a legend, a polygamist, a swindler and a big talker, the bane of government; father to chieftains and a whole Buysvolk of his own. He restlessly walked the uneasy landscape of southern Africa like the wild dogs who were always at his heels, always in his head – especially the earless red dog who put Buys on his renegade path. He was born in the Langkloof. He died on the banks of the Limpopo. But Buys is not dead.

About the Author

Dr Willem Anker lectures in creative writing at Stellenbosch University. His debut novel, Siegfried (Kwela, 2007), received the UJ debut prize and the Jan Rabie/Rapport prize. Buys (of which Red Dog is the translation) was published in 2014 and won the WA Hofmeyr, University of Johannesburg, kykNET-Rapport, Helgaard Steyn and Hertzog Prize.


First published in 2018 by Kwela Books,

an imprint of NB Publishers,

a division of Media24 Boeke (Pty) Ltd,

40 Heerengracht, Cape Town 8001


First published in Afrikaans in 2014 as Buys

Copyright © Willem Anker 2018

Translated by Michiel Heyns

All rights reserved.

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Cover design by Michiel Botha

Cover photography by iStock

E-book design by Wouter Reinders

Available in print:

First edition in 2018

ISBN: 978-0-7957-0851-0

Epub edition:

First edition in 2018

ISBN: 978-0-7957-0852-7 (epub)

Mobi edition:

First edition in 2018

ISBN: 978-0-7957-0853-4 (mobi)