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“Yeah. Next you’re going to ask me how they ended up in Mexico, right? I wish I knew. All I can get from IBM is that they were on one of our POs that had that as a freight address.” He paused and reviewed his notes. “I asked them to fax me a copy of it, but the bottom line is, they want a ton of money to release them out of customs and onto the plane to Chicago.”

108 Melissa Good Kerry leaned back, wishing she didn’t have the headache she did.

The weather, she suspected, was the root cause. “Okay.” She steepled her fingers and rested her lips against the tips of them, trying to figure out what Dar would do.

Something tricky, she was sure, because handing over thousands of dollars into government fingers wasn’t something Dar would have liked. Hmm. She was aware of everyone’s eyes on her, curious and intent, especially Clarice’s at the other end of the table.

What would Dar do?

“Okay. This is what you’re going to do.” Kerry took a breath.

“What’s the closest account we’ve got down there?”

“Tijuana International,” Stacia Brennon supplied, her voice curious. “Why?”

Kerry got up and paced, something she knew her partner loved to do. “Call up the delivery executive for that account. Tell him to take delivery of those mainframes.” She paused and turned, leaning her hands on the back of Mark’s empty chair. “Then write up an inter-divisional transfer between the South American SBU and the Educational, and have FedEx International pick them up on our inter-company account.”

“Ooh,” Stacia smiled, “I like it.”

John Byers chuckled. “Me, too. Stace, you want to call Pedro? I’ll get FedEx on the line.” His eyes twinkled as he glanced back at Kerry.

“Very slick, chief.”

Kerry smiled and walked back around to her seat, dropping into it and stretching her legs out under the table as she cradled her tea mug in both hands. She’d hoped the herbal stuff would settle her stomach, which had been in churning upset most of the morning, but so far it hadn’t, and Kerry hoped she wasn’t coming down with something. “I had a good teacher.”

Chuckles traveled around the table. “That’s what we hear.” Clarice smiled sweetly at her. “Looks like Dar picked a wonderful successor.”

Yeesh. Kerry smiled back at her. “Thank you. I like to think so.” She glanced up as Mark reentered the room, then reviewed the rest of the agenda. “Okay, what’s next? Mark, did we get all of the equipment requests in for first quarter?”

Clarice looked back down at her notes with a smirk, ignoring Mark as he circled around her and took his seat again.

Kerry’s nails drummed softly on her pad.

“HEY, KER, YOU up for lunch?” Mark caught up to her in the hallway on the way back to their offices. “They’ve got some decent-looking fried chicken down there today.”

Kerry winced and laid a hand over her stomach. “Ergh...I don’t think I’m up to that. I’ll go down and have a cup of soup with you, Red Sky At Morning 109

though.” She punched the elevator button. “My guts have been in knots since before the meeting.”

“Flu, maybe?” Mark hazarded. “Been going around, I hear.”

“Maybe,” Kerry agreed, as they entered the elevator and let the doors close. A thought occurred to her, and she shifted her portfolio under her left arm and removed her cell phone from its clip with her other hand. As they reached the bottom floor and exited out of the elevator into the huge lobby, she hit the auto dialer and held the phone to her ear.

It rang an unusual number of times before it was answered and she heard Dar’s voice, a slightly hoarse note in it that immediately worried her. “Hi.”

“Hey.” The note modulated and deepened, sounding relieved even through the cellular connection. “What’s up? Problems there?”

“Um.” Kerry wracked her brains for a reason to be calling.

“Well...ah...I just need to know...” She stopped and took a breath.

“Would you believe I just wanted to hear your voice?” She lowered her own and gave the two passing admins a smile. “Mark, can you grab a table?”

“Sure.” The MIS chief waved at her. “Say hi to the boss for me.” He disappeared into the cafeteria, leaving Kerry in relative isolation.

“Sorry.” Kerry returned her attention to the phone and moved toward the plate-glass wall. “Anyway, it was silly. How are you?”

A sigh came down the line. “Tough morning,” Dar said. “I think I went over the line for a few minutes.”

Uh-oh. Kerry found a bench and sat on it, ignoring the passing crowds on their way to lunch. “What happened? The petty person get to you? I knew I should have come down there and booted her in the behind.” Her guts started to ease up a little, and she took a deeper breath. “No wonder my insides are in knots.”

There was a little silence. “Are they?” Dar asked. “Really?”

“Yeah,” Kerry said. “Have been for a while. Between that and the headache I’ve got, I thought I was coming down with something. Are you all right?”

“Pretty much. I found a bottle of iced tea and a balcony. I’ve been standing out here for about ten minutes just watching it rain,” Dar answered. “I think I’ve got your headache’s twin sister. Damn, I haven’t lost it like that in years, Ker.”

“Did you yell at her?” Kerry returned the waved greeting from Duks.

“No.” A sigh sounded. “She backed me into corner and started bawling me out. One poke too many, I guess. I took her down and nearly ripped her head off.”

Kerry stared at the phone in shocked silence. Apparently Dar realized it, because her next words were rushed, almost stammered.

“It just happened so fast... I don’t know what she thought she was 110 Melissa Good trying to do, but I—”

“Wait a minute,” Kerry interrupted. “Just hold it there.”

Dar fell silent.

“She poked you?” Kerry’s voice rose. “She laid a finger on you?

Who in the hell does she think she is? That’s bullshit, Dar!”


“Jesus! You should call that general buddy of yours and get her butt transferred to the bottom of Hoover Dam!” Kerry went on. “Son of a bitch!”

“Ker, take it easy.” Dar’s voice had calmed. “I took care of it. I pretty much think she won’t try that again.”

“Damn straight she won’t,” Kerry snorted. “Boy, wait ’til I see her.”

Dar laughed softly. “Oh, sweetheart, you just made my day,” she said. “Thank you.”

“I haven’t done anything yet,” Kerry muttered in protest.


“Why don’t you get some warm milk and go lay down on the couch in my office for a little while?” Dar was still chuckling. “I’m figuring on taking off from here in couple of hours. There isn’t much I can do without the T1; and frankly, I think I’m going to find more when I get everything sucked down and into the analyzers.”

Kerry imagined the plush comfort of the couch upstairs and smiled.

“Actually, I feel better now,” she admitted. “But be careful, okay? I keep having nightmares of you being buried under the billowing clouds of testosterone out there.”

“I will. Talk to you later, cute stuff.”

“All right,” Kerry replied. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Kerry folded the phone and juggled it in her hands as she leaned back, definitely feeling the knots unraveling in her stomach. Her headache was still there, but the tension she’d felt all morning was dissipating. She stood up and stowed her phone, then tugged her sleeves a bit straighter and made her way into the cafeteria.

DAR BRACED HER boots against the lower railing on the small porch she’d rediscovered near the back end of the training area. There was a small hard bench built against the wall, and just enough cover to avoid being soaked by the still-heavy rain outside.