BELISARIUS, a general of the Eastern Empire ungratefully treated by the Emperor Justinian.
BENEDICTE, bless you.
BETIMES THE MORN, early in the morning.
BICKER, a wooden vessel for holding drink; a quarrel.
BILLIE, a term of familiarity, comrade.
BIRKIE, a smart fellow.
BIRLING, merry-making.
BIT, small.
BLATE, shy, bashful.
BLAWING, flattering.
BLEEZING, bragging.
BLUE-CAP, a Scotsman.
BOGLE, a ghost, a scarecrow.
BON VIVANTS, lovers of good living.
BONA ROBA, a showy wanton.
BONUS SOCIUS, good comrade.
BORREL, common, rude.
BRAID, broad.
BRASH, a sudden storm, an attack.
BRATTLE, a clattering noise, as of a horse going at full speed.
BRAW, brave, fine.
BRENT BROO, high brow.
BROCARD, maxim.
BROSE, oatmeal which has had boiling water poured upon it.
BROWN, a famous landscape gardener.
BROWST, a brewing.
BUCEPHALUS, the favourite horse of Alexander the Great.
BUCKIE, an imp, a fellow with an evil twist in his character.
BUFF NOR STYE, neither one thing nor another.
BUFFERS, pistols.
BUSK, deck up.
BY ORDINAR, extraordinary, uncommon.
BYE AND ATTOUR, over and above.
CADGER, a travelling dealer.
CADDIE, a porter, an errand-boy.
CAETERA PRORSUS IGNORO, in short, I know nothing of the rest.
CALLANT, a young lad.
CALLER, cool, fresh.
CANNY, shrewd, prudent, quiet.
CANTLE, fragment.
CAPERNOITED, crabbed, foolish.
CAPRICCIOS, a fanciful composition.
CAPRIOLE, a leap made by a horse without advancing.
CARDINAL, a woman's cloak.
CARLINES, old women.
CATILINA OMNIUM, ETC. Catilina had surrounded himself with the
most vile and criminal company.
CAUSEWAY, path, roadway.
CAVALIERE SERVENTE, gentleman in attendance.
CAVE NE LITERAS, ETC. take care that you are not carrying
Bellerophon's letters (letters unfavourable to the bearer).
CHACK, a slight repast.
CHANCY, safe, auspicious.
CHANGE-HOUSE, a small inn or ale-house.
CHANTER, the tenor or treble pipe in a bag-pipe.
CHAPE, a thin metal blade at the end of a scabbard.
CHAPEAU BRAS, a low, three-cornered hat.
CHOUGH, a bird of the crow family.
CHUCKY, fowl.
CHUCKY-STONES, small stones, a child's game.
CLAP AND HOPPER, signs of the mill.
CLAVERS, gossip, idle talk.
CLEEK, lay hold on.
CLEIK IN, to join company.
CLOSE, an alley, a narrow way.
CLOSE-HEADS, the entry to an alley, a meeting-place for gossips.
CLOUR, to strike, to bump.
COBLE, a little boat.
COCKERNONY, top-knot.
COGIE, small wooden bowl.
COMMUNE FORUM, ETC. the common court is the common dwelling-place.
CORDWAIN, Spanish leather.
CORIOLANUS, a Roman patrician, who, being driven from the city,
took refuge with Aufidius, the leader of the Volsci.
COUP, fall, upset.
COURIER DE L'EUROPE, a newspaper.
COVYNE, artifice.
CRACK, gossip.
CRAIG, throat, neck.
CRAWSTEP, the steplike edges of a gable seen in some old houses.
CREEL, basket carried on the back.
CREMONY, Cremona[56].
CROWDER, fiddler.
CUR ME EXAMINAS QUERELIS TUIS?, why do you wear me out with your
CURN, a very little.
DAFT, crazy.
DAIS, a canopy, a table placed above the others, a room of state.
DARGLE, dell.
DAURG, day's work.
DE APICIBUS JURIS, from the high places of the law.
DE PERICULO ET COMMODO REI VENDITAE, concerning the risk and profit of sales.
DEAD-THRAW, death-thraw.
DEBOSHED, debauched.
DEFORCEMENT—SPULZIE—SOUTHRIEF, legal terms for resisting an
officer of law.
DEIL, devil.
DELATE, accuse.
DELICT, misdemeanour, QUASI DELICT, apparent offence.
DEPONE, to testify.
DERNIER RESORT, last resort.
DIABLERIE, sorcery, witchcraft.
DILIGENCE, writ of execution, coach.
DING, to knock, beat down.
DIRDUM, uproar, disturbance.
DITTAY, an indictment.
DIVOT, thin turf used for thatching cottages.
DOCH AN DORROCH, the stirrup cup.
DOMINUS LITIS, one of the principals in a law suit.
DOOL, sorrow, sad consequences.
DOOR-CHEEK, door-post.
DOUCE, respectable.
DRAMATIS PERSONAE, persons of the drama.
DRAPPIT, fried.
DRIBBLE, a drop.
DRIFT, drift-snow.
DULCINEA, Don Quixote's imaginary mistress.
DUNSTABLE, something simple and matter-of-fact.
DYVOUR, bankrupt.
EKE, addition.
EMBONPOINT, plumpness.
EN CROUPE, riding behind one another.
ET PER CONTRA, and on the other side.
EVITE, avoid.
EX COMITATE, out of courtesy.
EX MISERICORDIA, out of pity.
EXCEPTIO FIRMAT REGULAM, the exception proves the rule.
EXOTIC, of foreign origin.
FACTOR LOCO TUTORIS, an agent acting in place of a guardian.
FARDEL, burden.
FASH, FASHERIE, trouble.
FECK, space.
FEMME DE CHAMBRE, chamber-maid.