- Ela (she) es (is / are) muy (very) jamile (beautiful). Ela es muy jamile. – She is very beautiful.
b) tro (too)
- Sey (this) panta (trousers) es (is / are) tro (too) gran (big). Sey panta es tro gran. – These trousers are too big.
c) idyen (a little)
- Yur (your) klaida (clothes) es (is / are) idyen (a little) mokre (wet). Yur klaida es idyen mokre. – Your clothes are a little wet.
d) basta (enough)
- Sey (this) dom (house) es (is / are) basta (enough) gran (big). Sey dom es basta gran. – This house is big enough.
e) ga (completely)
- Kinda (child) es (is / are) ga (completely) gande (dirty). Kinda es ga gande. – The child is completely dirty.
f) aika (quite)
- Sey (this) dom (house) es (is / are) aika gran (big). Sey dom es aika gran. - This house is quite big.
3.3. Pronouns that function as adjectives[edit]
a) possessive: may (my), nuy (our), yur (your), suy (his / her), luy (his), elay (her), ley (their)
- Wo (where) es (is) yur (your) mata (mother)? Wo es yur mata? – Where is your mother?
b) swa-ney (own)
- Me (I) pren (to take) swa-ney (own) bao (bag), bu (not) yur (your) shapa (hat). Me pren swa-ney bao, bu yur shapa. – I take my own bag, (and) not your hat.
c) demonstrative: sey (this), toy (that), tal (such)
- Sey (this) dom (house) es (is) gao (tall). Sey dom es gao. – This house is tall.
- Me (I) bu (not) pri (to like) tal (such) joka (joke). Me bu pri tal joka. – I don't like such jokes.
d) specifying: koy (some), eni (any), kada (every, each), otre (other), same (same), nul (no), ol (all, whole)
- Kada (every) gina (woman) pri (to like) chokolat (chocolate). Kada gina pri chokolat. – Every woman likes chocolate.
- Nul kota pri chi legum. – No cat likes to eat vegetables. 4. Adverb[edit]
Examples: hao (well), klarem (clearly).
4.1. Comparison: look comparison for adjectives
4.2. Demonstrative[edit]
a) of manner: tak (so)
- Me (I) bu (not) pri (to like) wen (when) yu (you) shwo (to say) tak (so). Me bu pri wen yu shwo tak. – I don't like when you talk so.
b) number: tanto (so much)
- Yu (you) bu (not) gai (should) shwo (to say) tanto (so much) lautem (loudly). Yu bu gai shwo tanto lautem. – You shouldn't talk so loudly.
- tanto kway (fast) kom (as) posible (possible) - tanto kway kom posible – as fast as possible
c) situation: hir (here), dar (there)
- Me (I) es (is /are /am) hir (here), yu (you) es (is / are / am) dar (there). Me es hir, yu es dar. – You are here, I'm there.
d) direction: ahir ((to) here), adar ((to) there)
- Lai (to come) ba ("imperative") ahir (here)! Nau (now) go (to go) ba ("imperative") adar (there)! Lai ba ahir! Nau go ba adar! – Come here! Now go there!
e) time, condition: dan (then)
- dan me (I) bu (not) mog-te (can + "past tense") – dan me bu mog-te – then (at that time) I could not
- dan me (I) bu (not) go (to go) - dan me bu go – then (under such condition) I'm not going
4.3. Compound[edit]
a) situation: koylok (somewhere), enilok (anywhere), kadalok (everywhere), otrelok (in the other place), nullok (nowhere)
- Lu (he) lekti (to read) mucho (much), luy (his) kitaba (book) es (is) kadalok (everywhere). Lu lekti mucho, luy kitaba es kadalok. – He reads a lot, his books are everywhere.
- Hir (here) yur (your) bao (bag) yok (there is no), shuki (to look for) ba ("imperative") otrelok (in the other place). Hir yur bao yok, shuki ba otrelok. – There is no your bag here, look for it some other place.
b) time: koytaim (sometime), enitaim (anytime), oltaim (all the time); koyves (sometimes), kadaves (every time), unves (once), otreves (another time), nulves (not once, never)
- Koytaim (sometime) me (I) ve ("future tense") go (to go) a ("direction") Paris (Paris). Koytaim me ve go a Paris. – Sometime I will go t Paris.
- Lu (he) lekti (to read) oltaim (all the time). Lu lekti oltaim. – He is reading all the time
c) manner: koykomo (somehow), enikomo (anyhow)
- Yu (you) mog (can) resolvi (to solve) sey (this) taska (task) enikomo (anyhow). Yu mog resolvi sey taska enikomo. – You can solve this task anyhow.
d) degree: koygrad (to some degree), nulgrad (not in the least)
- Me (I) sol (only) koygrad (to some degree) samaji (to understand) yu (you). Me sol koygrad samaji yu. – I understand you only to some degree.
e) other: olosam (anyway), otrekas (otherwise)
4.4. Other[edit]
a) frequence: sempre (always), oftem (often), rarem (rarely), pinchanem (usually), neva (never)
- Lu (he) sempre (always) tardi (to be late). Lu sempre tardi. – He is always late.
b) time: nau (now), poy (then, later), sun (soon), turan (suddenly), tuy (right now), yeri (yesterday), sedey (today), manya (tomorrow)
- Sedey (today) meteo (weather) es (is) hao (good). Me (I) bu (not) jan (to know) kwel (what) meteo (weather) ve ("future tense") bi (to be) manya (tomorrow). Sedey meteo es hao. Me bu jan kwel meteo ve bi manya. – Today the weather is good. I don't know what the weather will be like tomorrow.
c) yo (already), haishi (still, as yet), snova (again)
- Me (I) yo (already) jan (to know) om (about) to (that). Me yo jan om to. – I know about that already.
- Lu (he) haishi (still) safari (to travel). Lu haishi safari. — He still travels.
d) supposition: shayad (perhaps), mogbi (maybe), musbi (must be), semblem (seemingly), sertem (certainly), zaruu (without fail), ouran (casually), verem (actually)
- Shayad ta (he / she) bu (not) ve ("future tense") lai (to come). Shayad ta bu ve lai. – Perhaps he / she will not come.
- Musbi ta (he / she) he ("past tense") fogeti (to forget). Musbi ta he fogeti. – He must have forgotten about it.
e) addition, confirmation: yoshi (also), toshi (too)
- Me (I) hev (to have) blan (white) kamila (camilla).Yoshi (also) me (I) hev (to have) rude (red) rosa (rose). Me hev blan kamila. Yoshi me hev rude rosa. –– I have a white camilla. Also I have a red rose.