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b) -la / -las: Walaa (here is) dwa (two) rosa (rose). Sey-la (this one) es (is) rude (red), toy-la (that one) es (is) blan (white). – Here are two roses. This one is red and that one is white.

c) wan (only about people): Syao (little) wan bu (not) lai (to come). – The little one isn't coming.

3. Adjective to adverb: -(e)m (the stressed vowel doesn't change) or the same form

a) for adjectives ending in -e: klare (clear) – klarem (clearly)

b) for adjectives ending in a consonant: santush (satisfied, contented) — santushem (contentedly)

c) for other adjectives the form doesn't change: hao (good, well), kway (quick, quickly)

4. Noun to adverb: -nem: amiga (friend) – amiga-nem (friendly)

5. Noun to verb:

a) -vati: pao (a bubble) – paovati (to bubble)

b) -isi: memoria (memory) – memorisi (to memorize)

6. Adjective to verb

a) fa- (= -ifi): hao (good) – fa-hao (to improve, grow better), leve (light) – levifi (to lighten, become lighter)

b) mah- (= -isi): gran (big) – mah-gran (to increase, make bigger), klin (clean) – klinisi (to clean, cleanse)

c) -fai: hwan (yellow) – hwanfai (appear/show yellow)

7. Verb to noun

7.1. Without special changes in meaning

a) -a (for the verbs ending with "consonant + i"), -sa (for other verbs) (the act, the result): lubi (to love) – luba (love), gun (to work) – gunsa (work)

b) -ing (the process) (the stressed vowel doesn't change): swimi (to swim) – swiming (swimming), gloti (to swallow) – glota (a swallow) – gloting (swallowing)

c) tu: Tu samaji (to understand) es (is / are) tu pardoni (to forgive). – To understand means to forgive.

7.2. Doer

a) -er (doer or tool): leki (to treat medically) – leker (doctor), ofni (to open) – ofner (opener)

b) -sha (a person performing the action): plei (to play) – plei-sha (the one who is playing)

c) -nik (a person having a characteristic feature): fobi (to be afraid of) – fobnik (coward)

7.3. Related to the action

a) -tura (the final result): shwo (to say, to talk) – shwotura (a saying)

b) -wat (the object of action): pi (to drink) – piwat (beverage)

c) -ka (an object related to the action): pendi (to hang) – pendika (peg, rack)

8. Verb to adjective

8.1. General meaning

a) -ke (related to): helpi (to help) – helpike (auxiliary), hao-chi-ke (good, well + to eat) fan (food) – tasty food

b) -she, -ney (participles): skribi (to write) – skribi-she (writing), skribi (to write) – skribi-ney (written)

8.2. With special meaning

a) -bile (possibility): vidi (to see) – vidibile (visible)

b) -shil (tending to): kusi (to bite) – kusishil (tending to bite)

c) -val (worth doing): admiri (to admire) – admirival (admirable)

9. Verb to adverb

a) -shem (the short form for the verbs ending with i: sembli-shem = semblem): ahfi (to hide) – ahfi-shem (secretly)

b) -nem: ofensi (to offend) – ofensi-nem (like being offended)

Particles and affixes that don't change the class of word[edit] 1. Common[edit]

(can be used with words of different classes)

1.1. Opposition: no-: pinchan (ordinary) – nopinchan (extraordinary)

1.2. Diminutive and magnifying:

a) -ki (diminutive, doesn't change the quality): doga (dog) – doga-ki (a little dog, doggy); somni (to sleep) – somni-ki (to take a nap)

b) gro- (magnifying, without change in meaning): okos (eyes) – gro-okos (big eyes), gao (high, tall) – gro-gao (very high), danke (thank you) – gro-danke (thank you very much), pluvi (to rain) – gro-pluvi (to rain heavily)

1.3. pre- (precedence): vidi (to see) – previdi (to foresee), nam (name) – prenam (first name), yeri (yesterday) – preyeri (the day before yesterday)

1.4. Negative attitude

a) dus- ("bad, ill"): fauha (smell) – dusfauha (stink), trati (to treat) – dustrati (to mistreat)

b) shma- (disdain): kaval (horse) – shma-kaval (jade), skribi (to write) – shma-skribi (to scribble)

1.5. Similarity: -si: kitaba-si (sort of a book)

2. Noun[edit]

2.1. Diminutive and magnifying:

a) -kin (diminutive, with some change of quality): barela (barrel) – barelakin (keg)

b) -gron (magnifying, with some change of meaning): denta (tooth) – dentagron (tusk)

2.2. Other:

a) -inka (particle): snega (snow) – sneginka (snowflake)

b) -tot (a whole, a total): rishta (a relative) – rishtatot (all relatives, a clan)

c) yun- (a young): kota (cat) – yunkota (kitten)

d) pra- (ancestor): opa (grandfather) – praopa (great-grandfather), lingwa (language) – pralingwa (parent language)

e) -ista (relating to a doctrine or a profession): denta (tooth) – dentista (dentist)

f) -nik (bearer of some characteristic feature): kitaba (book) – kitabnik (book lover)

g) -dan (a container): nayu (butter) – nayudan (butterdish)

h) fuy- (disgust): jen (person) – fuy-jen (nasty person)

i) stif- (step-): - mata (mother) – stif-mata (stepmother)

j) -inloo (indirect kinship) (colloq.): brata (brother) – brata-inloo (cousin)

3. Adjective[edit]

3.1. bu- (negation, but not opposition): gran (big) – bugran (not big)

3.2. -ish ("to some degree"): blan (white) – blanish (whitish), hao (good) – haoish (passable)

4. Verb[edit]

4.1. Prefixes of aspect

a) en- (beginning): lubi (to love) – en-lubi (to fall in love)

b) ek- (one time or suddenly): krai (to cry) – ek-krai (to give a cry)

4.2. Opposite action: de(s)-: sharji (to charge) – desharji (to unload, to discharge)

4.3. Other prefixes

a) ras- (separation, division, or dispersion): dai (to give) – rasdai (to distribute, give to several people)