Из всех этих усилий не пропало ничего. Человек погибает, но он не умирает, если он что-то оставил человечеству. Протестантизм со временем помог возродить нравственную жизнь Европы, а церковь очистилась и превратилась в организацию, политически более слабую, но морально более сильную, чем прежде. Над дымом битвы вырисовывается один урок: религия проявляет себя с лучшей стороны, когда ей приходится жить в условиях конкуренции; она склонна к нетерпимости там и тогда, где она неоспорима и верховна. Величайшим даром Реформации стало предоставление Европе и Америке той конкуренции конфессий, которая ставит каждую из них в тупик, предостерегает от терпимости и дает нашим хрупким умам изюминку и испытание свободой.
Библиографический справочник к изданиям, упомянутым в Примечаниях
The letters C, P, J, and R after an author’s name indicate
Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and rationalist respectively
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ABRAM, A., English Life and Manners in the Later Middle Ages, London, 1913.
ACTON, JOHN E., LORD (C), Lectures on Modern History, London, 1950.
ADAMS, BROOKS (P), Law of Civilization and Decay, N. Y., 1921.
ADDISON, JULIA, Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages, Boston, 1908.
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ALLEN, J. W. (P), History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century, London, 1951.
ALLEN, P. S. (P), The Age of Erasmus, Oxford, 1914.
ALTAMIRA, R., History of Spanish Civilization, London, 1930.
AMEER ALI, SYED, Short History of the Saracens, London, 1934.
ARCINIEGAS, GERMAN, AMERIGO and the New World, N. Y., 1955.
ARETINO, PIETRO, Works: Dialogues, N. Y., 1926.
ARMSTRONG, EDWARD (P), The Emperor Charles V, 2v., London, 1910.
ARNOLD, SIR THOS., and GUILLAUME, ALFRED, Legacy of Islam, Oxford, 1931.
ARNOLD, SIR THOS., Painting in Islam, Oxford, 1928.
ARNOLD, SIR THOS., The Preaching of Islam, N. Y., 1913.
ASCHAM, ROGER, The Scholemaster, London, 1863.
ASHLEY, W. J., Introd. to English Economic History, 2v., N. Y., 1894 f.
BACON, FRANCIS, Philosophical Works, ed. J. M. Robinson, London, 1905.
BACON, FRANCIS, Works, ed. Spedding, Ellis, and Heath, 6v., London, 1870.
BAEDEKER, KARL, Belgique et Hollande, Paris, 1910.
BAEDEKER, KARL, Munich, N. Y., 1950.
BAINTON, ROLAND (P), Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther, N. Y., 1950.
BAINTON, ROLAND (P), Hunted Heretic: The Life of Michael Servetus, Boston, 1953.
BAINTON, ROLAND (P), The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Boston, 1953.
BAKELESS, JOHN, The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe, Harvard, 1942,
BALDASS, LUDWIG VON, Hans Memling, Vienna, 1942,
BALDASS, LUDWIG VON, Jan van Eyck, Phaidon Press.
BARNES, H. E., Economic History of the Western World, N. Y., 1942.
BARON, S. W. (J), Social and Religious History of the Jews, 3V., N. Y., 1937.
BATIFFOL, L., The Century of the Renaissance, N. Y., 1935.
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BEARD, CHAS. (P), Martin Luther and the Reformation, London, 1896.
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BEARD, MIRIAM, History of the Business Man, N. Y., 1938.
BEAZLEY, C. R., Prince Henry the Navigator, London, 1901.
BEBEL, AUGUST, Woman under Socialism, N. Y., 1923.
BEER, M., Social Struggles in the Middle Ages, London, 1924.
BELL, GERTRUDE, Poems from the Divan of Hafiz, London, 1928.
BELLOC, H.(C), How the Reformation Happened, London, 1950.
BEUF, CARLO, Cesare Borgia, Oxford, 1942.
BLOK, P. J., History of the People of the United Netherlands, 3v., N. Y., 1898.
BLOMFIELD, SIR R., History of French Architecture from the Reign of Charles VIII till the death of Mazarin, 2v., London, 1911.
BLOMFIELD, SIR R., Short History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 1500–1800, London, 1893.
BOCK, ELFRIED, Geschichte der Graphischen Kunst, Berlin, 1930.
BOER, T. J. DE, History of Philosophy in Islam, London, 1903.
BOISSONNADE, P., Life and Work in Medieval Europe, N. Y., 1927.
BOND, FRANCIS, Westminster Abbey, London, 1909.
BOYD, CATHERINE, The French Renaissance, Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
BRANTÔME, SIEGNEUR DE, The Lives of Gallant Ladies, London, 1943.
BRIFFAULT, ROBERT, The Mothers, 3v., N. Y., 1927.
BROWNE, EDWARD, A Literary History of Persia, 4v., Cambridge, England, 1929 f.
BRUNETIÈRE, Ferdinand, Manual of the History of French Literature, N. Y., 1898.
BRYCE, JAMES, The Holy Roman Empire, N. Y., 1921.
BUCKLE, HENRY T., History of Civilization in England, 4v., N. Y., 1913.
BURCKHARDT, JACOB, Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, London, 1914.
BURKE, U. R., History of Spain, 2v., London, 1940.
BURNET, GILBERT, History of the Reformation of the Church of England, 2v., London, 1841.
BURTON, R. F., The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam, Chicago, 1898.
BURY, J. B. (R), History of Freedom of Thought, N. Y., n.d.
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CALVERT, A. F., Cordova, London, 1907.
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CALVIN, JOHN (P), Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2v., Phila., 1928.
CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF POLAND, 2V., Cambridge, England, 1950.
CAMÖES, LUIZ DE, Lusiads, tr. Leonard Bacon, N. Y., 1950.
CAMPBELL, THOS., Life and Times of Petrarch, 2v., London, 1843,
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CARLYLE, R. W., History of Medieval Political Theory in the West, 6v., Edinburgh, 1928 f.
CARLYLE, THOS. (P), Heroes and Hero Worship, in Works, N. Y., 1901.
CARPENTER, EDWARD (R), Pagan and Christian Creeds, N. Y., 1920,
CARTER, THOS., The Invention of Printing in China, and Its Spread Westward, N. Y., 1925.
CASTIGLIONI, ARTURO, History of Medicine, N. Y., 1941.
CELLINI, BENVENUTO, Autobiography, tr. Symonds, N. Y., 1948.