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Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off my feet.

I let out a string of curses, kicking my feet in the air.

“Stay away from me,” I said between ragged breaths. “You’re ruining everything!”

“Calm down.”

It had the exact opposite effect. I swung my head, headbutting his nose with the back of my skull.


It was the last thing I heard as I was dragged into unconsciousness.

Chapter 35Kingston

Thank fuck I had the tranquilizer with me.

I wasn’t expecting her to thank me on her knees, but I certainly didn’t expect her to lose her shit and attempt to run back to Perez. This goddamned woman went full savage.

Alexei handed me a handkerchief, and I wiped my bleeding nose.

By the time I’d gotten back to bid on Romero’s daughter, the auction was finished. So, dialing in to my brother’s broadband satellite, I quickly got a message to Kian Cortes and dropped our location pin. He’d get it to the Leone brothers, who would ensure she was rescued. Nobody knew Perez’s ways and location better than his own brother, Kian.

My primary focus had to be getting Liana out of there before Sofia Volkov showed up. In fact, I was surprised she hadn’t swooped in yet.

“Want me to take her?” Alexei offered. A muscle in my jaw flexed, something about any man getting near an unconscious Liana rubbing me the wrong way.


He nodded. “You sure about this?”

I lowered my gaze to her sleeping face. Like this, she looked young and untainted. The picture of innocence.


“If you need anything else, you know how to get in touch with me.”

“Thank you.” I turned to face him. “And tell Rora not to worry.”

The corners of his lips lifted. “No promises there.” His eyes lowered to Liana’s slumped form. “She looks nothing like her.”

Her. Sofia Volkov. The woman who’d brought so much misery to so many people.

“She doesn’t,” I agreed, shoving the bloody handkerchief into my pocket and heading toward the helicopter.

There was more to Liana than met the eye, and I needed to peel back her layers to understand what had happened to her. I needed to fulfill my promise. And most of all, I needed to understand this attraction.

I strapped her in, fastening the seat belt across her chest. A soft moan snatched my attention, and sneaking a look at her face, I froze as the old pain slashed through me. Her curls. Her soft, full lips. There was something there. She looked so fucking familiar.

She’s her twin, my reason scoffed. Logic didn’t do much to assuage my guilt and confusion. In fact, my hopeful heart wanted to remain blind.

Another breathy moan, and my dick twitched.

I rubbed a hand over my face.

Why was it that both my heart and my dick were in the business of fucking me over?

I’d purchased this island in the Mediterranean through Kristoff Baldwin.

If I didn’t want to be found, I wouldn’t be. The estate and surrounding land weren’t listed publicly. Unless you were fifty miles out and knew exactly where to look, the white Roman-style home on the hill would remain incognito. And if you were on the island, you had to wade through thick jungle, shrubs, and rivers to even reach the stream that snaked around it protectively.

The dense foliage hid it from curious eyes on the local fishing boats that often ventured close to the island. Even the gardens were designed with privacy in mind. And then there was the high-tech security installed across the island that would make it hard for anyone to infiltrate if they happened to find themselves on its shores.

It was a perfect hideout, a lonely place befitting the desolate and dark feelings in my chest.

After a visit to a doctor who checked over Liana to confirm her well-being—and her glaring at her the entire time—I was assured her bruising would fade. She was malnourished so I had ordered a generous supply of food with the couple who maintained the house when I was away. The fridge would be stocked and the house clean by the time I got there, and the staff would be nowhere to be found. It was the way I preferred it—being alone.

Except this time, Liana would be with me.

After I took another short helicopter ride, I used my brother’s jet to get the rest of the way. Liana slept for the entirety of the trip. I checked her pulse several times, worried about the dosage I’d administered, but her heart beat strong and steady.

It must be her exhaustion from weeks of captivity and the trauma of being on that grimy stage yesterday.

Now, with sunset imminent on the opposite side of the world and the chirping of birds quieting down, I crossed the stone bridge with Liana in my arms, a long-forgotten feeling slammed into me. Home.

I’d been here many times, but this feeling rarely struck me. It had eluded me since Lou’s death, and hardly resurfaced. Confusion swirled inside me as I lowered my eyes to the precious cargo I held.

Could it have something to do with⁠—

I firmly cut off that train of thought. This had nothing to do with Liana and everything to do with the fact that I had Sofia Volkov’s daughter at my mercy. That I’d kept my promise.

“Home sweet home,” I rasped, the pain in my chest as strong as ever. I could almost pretend that Louisa was here with me, that we got what we’d hoped for—a life together away from the underworld, reigning over our own domain. Just the two of us.

My body went cold, knowing full well that could never happen, and my chest tightened with unspoken grief. I knew it was time to let those memories go. Or at least try to.

My footsteps rang against the bare stone of the empty house, and my eyes locked on the wrong sister.

Even though she was dead weight, she weighed next to nothing. I climbed the stairs two at a time, my gaze reluctantly falling to the slope of her nose, the apples of her cheeks. She was different from what I remembered of Louisa.

Stronger. Frailer. Older, naturally.

The suite we stopped in front of was large and airy, mahogany furniture with dusky rose accents everywhere. It was Louisa’s favorite color.

I laid her down on top of the linen covers, her blonde hair fanning over the pillow. I studied her face, those harsh cheekbones she’d inherited from her mother. Her skin was almost translucent, making her full pink lips pop.

Liana’s arm dangled limply, her eyes twitching behind closed lids, looking at once both an angel and my waking nightmare. I wondered what she was dreaming about. Did she think of her sister? Did she regret not showing up that night we were supposed to run away?

For a moment, I considered taking her nightgown off and replacing it with a clean one, but then decided against it. Her arms were bruised, and so were her bare feet. I wasn’t sure what she endured during her captivity, but there was no need to add to it.

She curled into herself, and her eyes blinked open.

For several moments, she only stared before she said, “Where am I?” Her voice was soft and raspy. Then furious. When I didn’t answer, our gazes locked in a silent battle and she added, “I’ll kill you if you cost me my sister.”

My muscles tensed at her words. The drugs must have made her delusional. I pulled a blanket over her and headed out of the room.

“I’ll have food and drink brought up to you, ice princess.” My hand on the doorknob, I glanced over my shoulder to find her glaring at me. “Want some ice cream?”

She stiffened. “I hate ice cream.”

My brows furrowed. Both twins dreamt of a day when they’d be able to have ice cream every day. Their father fed it to them once, and Lou fell in love with vanilla. I couldn’t remember which flavor Liana liked, and I regretted it now.

“If you change your mind, there’s ice cream.”