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Silverberg, Robert        Thorns. 1967

Silverberg, Robert          Hawksbill Station. 1967

Silverberg, Robert          "Nightwings". 1968

Silverberg, Robert          Nightwings. 1969

Silverberg, Robert          Up the Line. 1969

Silverberg, Robert          Tower of Glass. 1970

Silverberg, Robert          A Time of Changes. 1971

Silverberg, Robert          The World Inside. 1971

Silverberg, Robert          The Book of Skulls. 1972

Silverberg, Robert          Dying Inside. 1972

Silverberg, Robert          The Stochastic Man. 1975

Silverberg, Robert          Shadrach in the Furnace. 1977

Silverberg, Robert          Lord Valentine's Castle. 1980

Silverberg, Robert          Thebes of the Hundred Gates. 1992

Simak, Clifford D.         City. 1952

Simak, Clifford D.          Way Station. 1963

Simak, Clifford D.          The Goblin Reservation. 1968

Simak, Clifford D.          A Choice of Gods. 1972

Simak, Clifford D.          A Heritage of Stars. 1977

Simak, Clifford D.          "Grotto of the Dancing Deer". 1980

Simak, Clifford D.          Project Pope. 1981

Simmons, Dan                Song of Kali. 1985

Simmons, Dan                 Carrion Comfort. 1989

Simmons, Dan                 Hyperion. 1989

Simmons, Dan                 Entropy's Bed at Midnight. 1990

Simmons, Dan                 The Fall of Hyperion. 1990

Simmons, Dan                 Summer of Night. 1991

Simmons, Dan                 Children of the Night. 1992

Simmons, Dan                 Fires of Eden. 1994

Simmons, Dan                 Endymion. 1996

Simmons, Dan                 The Rise of Endymion. 1997

Simmons, Dan                 A Winter Haunting. 2002

Simmons, Dan                 Ilium. 2003

Sinisalo, Johanna            Not Before Sundown. 2003

Siodmak, Curt                 Donovan's Brain. 1943

Skinner, B.F.                   Walden Two. 1948

Sladek, John                    Roderick. 1982

Sladek, John                    Tik-Tok. 1983

Slonczewski, Joan          A Door Into Ocean. 1986

Slonczewski, Joan          The Children Star. 1998

Smith, Cordwainer          Norstrilia. 1975

Smith, Dean Wesley        Laying the Music to Rest. 1989

Smith, Kristine                Code of Conduct. 1999

Smith, L. Neil                 The Probability Broach. 1980

Smith, L. Neil                 Pallas. 1993

Smith, L. Neil                 Forge of the Elders. 2000

Smith, Michael Marshall Only Forward. 1994

Smith, Michael Marshall One of Us. 1998

Snyder, Midori               The Innamorati. 1998

Somtow, S. P.                 Moon Dance. 1990

Somtow, S. P.                 Darker Angels. 1997

Spencer, Wen                  Alien Taste. 2001

Spencer, William Browning                                                                                          Resume with Monsters. 1995

Spencer, William Browning                                                                                          Irrational Fears. 1998

Spinrad, Norman           Bug Jack Barron. 1969

Spinrad, Norman             The Iron Dream. 1972

Spinrad, Norman             A World Between. 1979

Spinrad, Norman             Songs from the Stars. 1980

Spinrad, Norman             The Void Captain's Tale. 1983

Spinrad, Norman             Greenhouse Summer. 1999

Springer, Nancy              The Sable Moon. 1981

Springer, Nancy              Larque on the Wing. 1994

Springer, Nancy              Metal Angel. 1994

Springer, Nancy              Fair Peril. 1996

Stableford, Brian            The Halcyon Drift. 1972

Stableford, Brian            The Empire of Fear. 1988

Stallman, Robert             The Orphan. 1980

Stanton, Mary                  The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West. 1988

Stapledon, Olaf               Last and First Men. 1930

Stapledon, Olaf               Star Maker. 1937

Stasheff, Christopher      The Warlock in Spite of Himself. 1969

Steele, Allen                   Orbital Decay. 1989

Steele, Allen                   Clarke County, Space. 1990

Steele, Allen                   "...Where Angels Fear to Tread". 1997

Stephenson, Neal           Snow Crash. 1992

Stephenson, Neal            The Diamond Age. 1995

Stephenson, Neal            Cryptonomicon. 1999

Stephenson, Neal            Quicksilver. 2003

Stephenson, Neal            The System of the World. 2004

Sterling, Bruce              Schismatrix. 1985

Sterling, Bruce                Islands in the Net. 1988

Sterling, Bruce                Holy Fire. 1996

Sterling, Bruce                Distraction. 1998

Stevermer, Caroline        River Rats. 1992

Stevermer, Caroline        A College of Magics. 1994

Stewart, George R.         Earth Abides. 1949

Stewart, Mary                 The Crystal Cave. 1970

Stewart, Mary                 The Hollow Hills. 1973

Stewart, Sean                Passion Play. 1992

Stewart, Sean                  Nobody's Son. 1993

Stewart, Sean                  Resurrection Man. 1995

Stewart, Sean                  Clouds End. 1996

Stewart, Sean                  Mockingbird. 1998

Stewart, Sean                  Galveston. 2000

Stewart, Sean                  Perfect Circle. 2004

Stith, John E.                   Redshift Rendezvous. 1990

Stith, John E.                   Manhattan Transfer. 1993

Stoddard, James              The High House. 1998

Stoker, Bram                   Dracula. 1897

Stone, Del, Jr.                 Dead Heat. 1996

Stover, Matthew Woodring                                                                                            Iron Dawn. 1997

Straub, Peter                 Shadowland. 1980

Straub, Peter                   Floating Dragon. 1983

Straub, Peter                   Koko. 1988

Straub, Peter                   The Throat. 1993

Straub, Peter                   The Hellfire Club. 1996

Straub, Peter                   Mr. X. 1998

Straub, Peter                   lost boy lost girl. 2003

Straub, Peter                   In the Night Room. 2004

Stross, Charles                Singularity Sky. 2003

Stross, Charles                Iron Sunrise. 2004