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Wilhelm, Kate                 Juniper Time. 1979

Wilhelm, Kate                 Naming the Flowers. 1992

Wilkins, Kim                  The Infernal. 1997

Wilkins, Kim                  The Resurrectionists. 2000

Wilkins, Kim                  Angel of Ruin. 2001

Wilkinson, Carole           Dragonkeeper. 2003

Willard, Nancy               Things Invisible to See. 1985

Willey, Elizabeth            The Well-Favored Man. 1993

Williams, Conrad           Nearly People. 2001

Williams, Liz                  The Ghost Sister. 2001

Williams, Liz                  The Poison Master. 2003

Williams, Liz                  Banner of Souls. 2004

Williams, Sean               The Unknown Soldier [by SW & Shane Dix]. 1995

Williams, Sean               Metal Fatigue. 1996

Williams, Sean               The Resurrected Man. 1998

Williams, Sean               Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by SW & Shane Dix]. 2000

Williams, Sean               The Dark Imbalance [by SW & Shane Dix]. 2001

Williams, Sean               Echoes of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix]. 2002

Williams, Sean               The Storm Weaver and the Sand. 2002

Williams, Sean               Orphans of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix]. 2003

Williams, Sean               The Crooked Letter. 2004

Williams, Tad                 Tailchaser's Song. 1985

Williams, Tess                Map of Power. 1996

Williams, Tess                Sea as Mirror. 2000

Williams, Walter Jon    Wall, Stone, Craft. 1993

Williams, Walter Jon      Metropolitan. 1995

Williams, Walter Jon      City on Fire. 1997

Williamson, Jack            The Humanoids. 1949

Willis, Connie                "Fire Watch". 1982

Willis, Connie                Lincoln's Dreams. 1987

Willis, Connie                "The Last of the Winnebagos". 1988

Willis, Connie                Doomsday Book. 1992

Willis, Connie                Remake. 1995

Willis, Connie                Bellwether. 1996

Willis, Connie                To Say Nothing of the Dog. 1998

Willis, Connie                Passage. 2001

Wilson, F. Paul               Healer. 1976

Wilson, F. Paul               Wheels Within Wheels. 1978

Wilson, F. Paul               An Enemy of the State. 1980

Wilson, F. Paul               The Keep. 1981

Wilson, F. Paul               Sims. 2003

Wilson, Robert Charles A Hidden Place. 1986

Wilson, Robert Charles  The Divide. 1990

Wilson, Robert Charles  Mysterium. 1994

Wilson, Robert Charles  Darwinia. 1998

Wilson, Robert Charles  Bios. 1999

Wilson, Robert Charles  The Chronoliths. 2001

Wilson, Robert Charles  Blind Lake. 2003

Windling, Terri               The Wood Wife. 1996

Winter, Douglas E.         Run. 2000

Winter, Laurel                 Growing Wings. 2000

Wolfe, Gene                  "The Fifth Head of Cerberus". 1972

Wolfe, Gene                    The Shadow of the Torturer. 1980

Wolfe, Gene                    The Claw of the Conciliator. 1981

Wolfe, Gene                    The Sword of the Lictor. 1982

Wolfe, Gene                    The Citadel of the Autarch. 1983

Wolfe, Gene                    Free Live Free. 1984

Wolfe, Gene                    Soldier of the Mist. 1986

Wolfe, Gene                    The Urth of the New Sun. 1987

Wolfe, Gene                    Soldier of Arete. 1989

Wolfe, Gene                    Nightside the Long Sun. 1993

Wolfe, Gene                    Caldé of the Long Sun. 1994

Wolfe, Gene                    The Wizard Knight. 2004

Wolverton, Dave            On My Way to Paradise. 1989

Womack, Jack                 Elvissey. 1993

Wood, N. Lee                 Looking for the Mahdi. 1996

Wren, Thomas                 The Doomsday Effect. 1986

Wright, John C.               The Golden Age. 2002

Wright, S. Fowler           The World Below. 1929

Wyndham, John               The Day of the Triffids. 1951

Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn   The Palace. 1979

Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn   Ariosto. 1980

Yolen, Jane                    The Devil's Arithmetic. 1988

Yolen, Jane                     Sister Light, Sister Dark. 1988

Yolen, Jane                     White Jenna. 1989

Yolen, Jane                     Briar Rose. 1992

Yulsman, Jerry                Elleander Morning. 1984

Zahn, Timothy                 The Blackcollar. 1983

Zebrowski, George         Brute Orbits. 1998

Zelazny, Roger              "...And Call Me Conrad". 1965

Zelazny, Roger                This Immortal. 1966

Zelazny, Roger                Lord of Light. 1967

Zelazny, Roger                Isle of the Dead. 1969

Zelazny, Roger                Nine Princes in Amber. 1970

Zelazny, Roger                Jack of Shadows. 1971

Zelazny, Roger                The Guns of Avalon. 1972

Zelazny, Roger                Doorways in the Sand. 1975

Zelazny, Roger                "Home Is the Hangman". 1975

Zelazny, Roger                The Hand of Oberon. 1976

Zelazny, Roger                The Courts of Chaos. 1978

Zelazny, Roger                Trumps of Doom. 1985

Zettel, Sarah                    Reclamation. 1996

Zindell, David                Neverness. 1988

Zindell, David                The Broken God. 1993


сортировка по дате:

Shelley, Mary                      Frankenstein. 1818

Abbot, Edwin A.                 Flatland. 1884

Stoker, Bram                       Dracula. 1897

Wells, H. G.                        The War of the Worlds. 1898

Hodgson, William Hope     The House On The Borderland. 1908

Burroughs, Edgar Rice        A Princess Of Mars. 1912

Hodgson, William Hope     The Night Land. 1912

Lindsay, David                    A Voyage To Arcturus. 1920

Eddison, E. R.                     The Worm Ouroboros. 1922

Wright, S. Fowler               The World Below. 1929

Stapledon, Olaf                   Last and First Men. 1930

Huxley, Aldous                   Brave New World. 1932

Lewis, Sinclair                    It Can't Happen Here. 1935

Rand, Ayn                           Anthem. 1937

Stapledon, Olaf                   Star Maker. 1937

Tolkien, J. R. R.                  The Hobbit. 1937

de Camp, L. Sprague           The Incomplete Enchanter [by Fletcher Pratt & LSdC]. 1941