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de Camp, L. Sprague           Lest Darkness Fall. 1941

Siodmak, Curt                     Donovan's Brain. 1943

Gunn, Neil M.                     The Green Isle Od The Great Deep. 1944

Lewis, C. S.                        That Hideous Strength. 1945

Orwell, George                   Animal Farm. 1945

Peak, Mervyn                      Titus Groan. 1946

van Vogt, A. E.                    Slan. 1946

Skinner, B.F.                       Walden Two. 1948

van Vogt, A. E.                    The World of Null-A. 1948

Orwell, George                   Nineteen Eighty-Four. 1949

Stewart, George R.              Earth Abides. 1949

Williamson, Jack                 The Humanoids. 1949

Asimov, Isaac                     I, Robot [coll.]. 1950

Bradbury, Ray                     The Martian Chronicles. 1950

Heinlein, Robert A.             Farmer in the Sky. 1950

Heinlein, Robert A.             The Man Who Sold the Moon. 1950

Lewis, C. S.                        The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 1950

Vance, Jack                         The Dying Earth. 1950

Sarban                                 Ringstones. 1951

van Vogt, A. E.                    The Weapon Shops of Isher. 1951

Wyndham, John                   The Day of the Triffids. 1951

Bester, Alfred                     The Demolished Man. 1952

Sarban                                 The Sound Of His Horn. 1952

Simak, Clifford D.               City. 1952

Asimov, Isaac                     The Caves of Steel. 1953

Asimov, Isaac                     The Foundation Trilogy. 1953

Bradbury, Ray                     Fahrenheit 451. 1953

Clarke, Arthur C.                 Childhood's End. 1953

Kornbluth, C. M.                 The Syndic. 1953

Pohl, Frederik                     The Space Merchants [by FP & C. M. Kornbluth]. 1953

Sturgeon, Theodore             More Than Human. 1953

Clement, Hal                       Mission of Gravity. 1954

Clifton, Mark                       They'd Rather Be Right (aka: The Forever Machine) [by MC & Frank Riley]. 1954

Pangborn, Edgar                  A Mirror for Observers. 1954

Asimov, Isaac                     The End of Eternity. 1955

Brown, Fredric                   Martians, Go Home!. 1955

Golding, William                Inheritors. 1955

Norton, Andre                     Sargasso of Space. 1955

Tolkien, J. R. R.                  The Lord of the Rings. 1955

Bester, Alfred                     The Stars My Destination. 1956

Clarke, Arthur C.                 The City and the Stars. 1956

Heinlein, Robert A.             Double Star. 1956

Finney, Jack                        Time and Again. 1957

Heinlein, Robert A.             The Door Into Summer. 1957

Rand, Ayn                           Atlas Shrugged. 1957

Aldiss, Brian W.                 Non-Stop. 1958

Blish, James                        A Case of Conscience. 1958

Budrys, Algis                      Who?. 1958

Heinlein, Robert A.             Have Space Suit -- Will Travel. 1958

Heinlein, Robert A.             Methuselah's Children. 1958

Leiber, Fritz                        The Big Time. 1958

Pearce, Philippa                  Tom's Midnight Garden. 1958

Piper, H. Beam                    A Planet for Texans (Lonestar Planet) [by HBP & John J. McGuire]. 1958

White, T. H.                        The Once and Future King. 1958

Condon, Richard                 Manchurian Candidate. 1959

Heinlein, Robert A.             Starship Troopers. 1959

Miller, Walter M., Jr.          A Canticle for Leibowitz. 1959

Norton, Andre                     The Beast Master. 1959

Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.              The Sirens of Titan. 1959

Anderson, Poul                    The High Crusade. 1960

Beagle, Peter S.                   A Fine And Private Place. 1960

Budrys, Algis                      Rogue Moon. 1960

Harrison, Harry                   Deathworld. 1960

Lewis, Roy                          What We Did To Father. 1960

Aldiss, Brian W.                 The Long Afternoon of Earth. 1961

Harrison, Harry                   The Stainless Steel Rat. 1961

Heinlein, Robert A.             Stranger in a Strange Land. 1961

Bradbury, Ray                     Something Wicked This Way Comes. 1962

Burgess, Anthony                A Clockwork Orange. 1962

Dick, Philip K.                    The Man in the High Castle. 1962

L'Engle, Madeleine             A Wrinkle in Time. 1962

Piper, H. Beam                    Little Fuzzy. 1962

Russell, Eric Frank             The Great Explosion. 1962

Heinlein, Robert A.             Glory Road. 1963

Norton, Andre                     Witch World. 1963

Simak, Clifford D.               Way Station. 1963

Tevis, Walter                      The Man Who Fell To Earth. 1963

Vance, Jack                         "The Dragon Masters". 1963

Anderson, Poul                    Trader to the Stars. 1964

Leiber, Fritz                        The Wanderer. 1964

Pangborn, Edgar                  Davy. 1964

Aldiss, Brian W.                 "The Saliva Tree". 1965

Anderson, Poul                    The Star Fox. 1965

Herbert, Frank                     Dune. 1965

Zelazny, Roger                    "...And Call Me Conrad". 1965

Ballard, J. G.                       The Crystal World. 1966

Barth, John                          Giles Goat-Boy. 1966

Delany, Samuel R.               Babel-17. 1966

Harrison, Harry                   Make Room! Make Room!. 1966

Heinlein, Robert A.             The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. 1966

Jones, Dennis Feltham         Colossus: Forbin Project. 1966

Keyes, Daniel                      Flowers for Algernon. 1966

Moorcock, Michael             Behold the Man. 1966

Schmitz, James H.               The Witches of Karres. 1966

Sheckley, Robert                 Mindswap. 1966

Vance, Jack                         "The Last Castle". 1966

Zelazny, Roger                    This Immortal. 1966

Anthony, Piers                     Chthon. 1967

Delany, Samuel R.               The Einstein Intersection. 1967