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Kavan, Anna                        Ice. 1967

O'Brien, Flann                     The Third Policeman. 1967

Shaw, Bob                           Night Walk. 1967

Silverberg, Robert              Thorns. 1967

Silverberg, Robert              Hawksbill Station. 1967

Zelazny, Roger                    Lord of Light. 1967

Beagle, Peter S.                   The Last Unicorn. 1968

Brunner, John                      Stand on Zanzibar. 1968

Chandler, A. Bertram          False Fatherland. 1968

Clarke, Arthur C.. 2001: A Space Odyssey. 1968

Delany, Samuel R.               Nova. 1968

Dick, Philip K.                    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. 1968

Disch, Thomas M.               Camp Concentration. 1968

Lafferty, R. A.                     Past Master. 1968

Le Guin, Ursula K.              A Wizard of Earthsea. 1968

Masson, David                    The Caltrap Of Time [coll.]. 1968

McCaffrey, Anne                 Dragonflight. 1968

Panshin, Alexei                   Rite of Passage. 1968

Roberts, Keith                     Pavana. 1968

Silverberg, Robert              "Nightwings". 1968

Simak, Clifford D.               The Goblin Reservation. 1968

Brunner, John                      The Jagged Orbit. 1969

Calvino, Italo                      Cosmicomics. 1969

Carter, Angela                     Heroes And Villains. 1969

Crichton, Michael               The Andromeda Strain. 1969

Dick, Philip K.                    Ubik. 1969

Le Guin, Ursula K.              The Left Hand of Darkness. 1969

McCaffrey, Anne                 The Ship Who Sang. 1969

Silverberg, Robert              Nightwings. 1969

Silverberg, Robert              Up the Line. 1969

Spinrad, Norman                 Bug Jack Barron. 1969

Stasheff, Christopher           The Warlock in Spite of Himself. 1969

Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.              Slaughterhouse-Five. 1969

Zelazny, Roger                    Isle of the Dead. 1969

Aldiss, Brian W.                 The Moment of Eclipse. 1970

Anderson, Poul                    Tau Zero. 1970

Clement, Hal                       Star Light. 1970

Compton, D. G.                   The Steel Crocodile. 1970

Heinlein, Robert A.             I Will Fear No Evil. 1970

Kosinski, Jerzy                    Being There. 1970

Kurtz, Katherine                  Deryni Rising. 1970

Lafferty, R. A.                     Fourth Mansions. 1970

Lem, Stanislaw                    Solaris. 1970

Levin, Ira                             This Perfect Day. 1970

Niven, Larry                        Ringworld. 1970

Russ, Joanna                        And Chaos Died. 1970

Silverberg, Robert              Tower of Glass. 1970

Stewart, Mary                     The Crystal Cave. 1970

Tucker, Wilson                    The Year of the Quiet Sun. 1970

Zelazny, Roger                    Nine Princes in Amber. 1970

Anderson, Poul                    The Byworlder. 1971

Anderson, Poul                    "The Queen of Air and Darkness". 1971

Bunch, David                      Moderan. 1971

Chant, Joy                            Red Moon and Black Mountain. 1971

Gerdner, John                      Grendel. 1971

Lafferty, R. A.                     The Devil Is Dead. 1971

Le Guin, Ursula K.              The Lathe of Heaven. 1971

MacLean, Katherine            "The Missing Man". 1971

McCaffrey, Anne                 Dragonquest. 1971

Moorcock, Michael             The Knight of the Swords. 1971

Moorcock, Michael             The King of the Swords. 1971

Silverberg, Robert              A Time of Changes. 1971

Silverberg, Robert              The World Inside. 1971

Swann, Thomas Burnett       The Forest of Forever. 1971

Zelazny, Roger                    Jack of Shadows. 1971

Adams, Richard                  Watership Down. 1972

Anderson, Poul                    There Will Be Time. 1972

Asimov, Isaac                     The Gods Themselves. 1972

Brunner, John                      The Sheep Look Up. 1972

Carter, Angela                     The Infernal Desire Machine Of Dr. Hoffman. 1972

Effinger, George Alec         What Entropy Means to Me. 1972

Farmer, Philip José             To Your Scattered Bodies Go. 1972

Gerrold, David                    When Harlie Was One. 1972

Gunn, James                        The Listeners. 1972

Koestler, Arthur                  The Call Girls. 1972

Malzberg, Barry N.             Beyond Apollo. 1972

Shaw, Bob                           Other Days, Other Eyes. 1972

Silverberg, Robert              The Book of Skulls. 1972

Silverberg, Robert              Dying Inside. 1972

Simak, Clifford D.               A Choice of Gods. 1972

Spinrad, Norman                 The Iron Dream. 1972

Stableford, Brian                 The Halcyon Drift. 1972

Walton, Evangeline             The Song of Rhiannon. 1972

Wolfe, Gene                        "The Fifth Head of Cerberus". 1972

Zelazny, Roger                    The Guns of Avalon. 1972

Anderson, Poul                    Hrolf Kraki's Saga. 1973

Anderson, Poul                    The People of the Wind. 1973

Clarke, Arthur C.                 Rendezvous with Rama. 1973

Gerrold, David                    The Man Who Folded Himself. 1973

Heinlein, Robert A.             Time Enough for Love. 1973

Herbert, Frank                     Hellstrom's Hive. 1973

Malzberg, Barry N.             Herovit's World. 1973

Merle, Robert                      Malevil. 1973

Niven, Larry                        Protector. 1973

Pynchon, Thomas                Gravity's Rainbow. 1973

Stewart, Mary                     The Hollow Hills. 1973

Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.              Breakfast of Champions. 1973

Watson, Ian                         The Embedding. 1973

Aldiss, Brian W.                 Billion Year Spree [nonfiction]. 1974

Anderson, Poul                    Fire Time. 1974

Anderson, Poul                    A Midsummer Tempest. 1974

Chandler, A. Bertram          The Bitter Pill. 1974

Charnas, Suzy McKee         Walk to the End of the World. 1974