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Goldstein, Lisa                    The Dream Years. 1985

Grant, Richard                     Saraband of Lost Time. 1985

Hodgell, P. C.                     Dark of the Moon. 1985

King, Stephen                      Skeleton Crew [coll.]. 1985

Kube-McDowell, Michael P.                                                                                        Emprise. 1985

Le Guin, Ursula K.              Always Coming Home. 1985

Malzberg, Barry N.             The Remaking of Sigmund Freud. 1985

Milán, Victor                       The Cybernetic Samurai. 1985

Niven, Larry                        Footfall [by LN & Jerry Pournelle]. 1985

O'Shea, Pat                          The Hounds of the Morrigan. 1985

Powers, Tim                        Dinner at Deviant's Palace. 1985

Rice, Anne                          The Vampire Lestat. 1985

Roberts, Keith                     Kiteworld. 1985

Robinson, Kim Stanley        The Memory of Whiteness. 1985

Ryman, Geoff                      The Warrior Who Carried Life. 1985

Sagan, Carl                          Contact. 1985

Simmons, Dan                     Song of Kali. 1985

Sterling, Bruce                    Schismatrix. 1985

Wells, H. G.                        The Time Machine. 1985

Willard, Nancy                    Things Invisible to See. 1985

Williams, Tad                     Tailchaser's Song. 1985

Zelazny, Roger                    Trumps of Doom. 1985

Aldiss, Brian W.                 Trillion Year Spree [nonfiction]. 1986

Banks, Iain                          The Bridge. 1986

Beagle, Peter S.                   The Folk of the Air. 1986

Bear, Greg                           "Tangents". 1986

Bisson, Terry                      Talking Man. 1986

Blaylock, James P.              Homunculus. 1986

Bujold, Lois McMaster       Shards of Honor. 1986

Campbell, Ramsey              The Hungry Moon. 1986

Card, Orson Scott                Speaker for the Dead. 1986

Chase, Robert R.                 The Game of Fox and Lion. 1986

de Lint, Charles                   Yarrow. 1986

Fowler, Karen Joy              Artificial Things [coll.]. 1986

Frankowski, Leo                 The Cross-Time Engineer. 1986

Gibson, William                  Count Zero. 1986

Hambly, Barbara                 Dragonsbane. 1986

Helprin, Mark                     A City in Winter. 1986

Kay, Guy Gavriel                The Darkest Road. 1986

Kay, Guy Gavriel                The Wandering Fire. 1986

King, Stephen                      It. 1986

McDevitt, Jack                    The Hercules Text. 1986

Morrow, James                   This Is the Way the World Ends. 1986

Murphy, Pat                         The Falling Woman. 1986

Ryman, Geoff                      The Unconquered Country. 1986

Saxton, Josephine                Queen of the States. 1986

Shaw, Bob                           The Ragged Astronauts. 1986

Slonczewski, Joan               A Door Into Ocean. 1986

Süskind, Patrick                  Perfume. 1986

Taylor, Keith                       Bard III: The Wild Sea. 1986

Vinge, Vernor                      Marooned in Realtime. 1986

Wilson, Robert Charles       A Hidden Place. 1986

Wolfe, Gene                        Soldier of the Mist. 1986

Wren, Thomas                     The Doomsday Effect. 1986

Armstrong, Michael            After the Zap. 1987

Arnaud, G. J.                       La Compagnie des Glaces (The Ice Corporation). 1987

Barker, Clive                      Weaveworld. 1987

Barker, Clive                      Cabal. 1987

Bear, Greg                           The Forge of God. 1987

Benford, Gregory                Great Sky River. 1987

Bowker, Richard                 Dover Beach. 1987

Brin, David                         The Uplift War. 1987

Bull, Emma                         War for the Oaks. 1987

Butler, Octavia E.               Dawn. 1987

Cadigan, Pat                        Mindplayers. 1987

Cantrell, Lisa W.                 The Manse. 1987

Card, Orson Scott                Seventh Son. 1987

Constantine, Storm              The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit. 1987

Crowley, John                     Ægypt. 1987

de Lint, Charles                   Jack the Giant Killer. 1987

Dickson, Gordon R.            Way of the Pilgrim. 1987

Effinger, George Alec         When Gravity Fails. 1987

Fergusson, Bruce                 The Shadow of His Wings. 1987

Friedman, C. S.                   In Conquest Born. 1987

Geary, Patricia                    Strange Toys. 1987

Gladney, Heather                Teot's War. 1987

Goldstein, Lisa                    A Mask for the General. 1987

Grant, Richard                     Rumors of Spring. 1987

Grimwood, Ken                  Replay. 1987

Heinlein, Robert A.             To Sail Beyond the Sunset. 1987

Hinz, Christopher                Liege-Killer. 1987

King, Stephen                      Misery. 1987

Koman, Victor                     The Jehovah Contract. 1987

Kushner, Ellen                     Swordspoint. 1987

McCammon, Robert R.        Swan Song. 1987

McQuay, Mike                    Memories. 1987

Moore, Alan                        Watchmen [AM & Dave Gibbons]. 1987

Park, Paul                            Soldiers of Paradise. 1987

Powers, Tim                        On Stranger Tides. 1987

Roberts, Keith                     Gráinne. 1987

Saint, H. F.                          Memoirs of an Invisible Man. 1987

Shepard, Lucius                   Life During Wartime. 1987

Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall                                                                                          Reindeer Moon. 1987

Turner, George                    The Sea and Summer. 1987

Willis, Connie                     Lincoln's Dreams. 1987

Wolfe, Gene                        The Urth of the New Sun. 1987

Allen, Roger MacBride       Orphan of Creation. 1988

Anderson, Kevin J.              Resurrection, Inc.. 1988