Newman, Kim Anno Dracula. 1992
Palwick, Susan Flying in Place. 1992
Pohl, Frederik Stopping at Slowyear. 1992
Powers, Tim Last Call. 1992
Rice, Anne The Tale of the Body Thief. 1992
Robinson, Kim Stanley Red Mars. 1992
Rushdie, Salman Haroun and the Sea of Stories. 1992
Ryman, Geoff Was. 1992
Sargent, Pamela "Danny Goes to Mars". 1992
Sawyer, Robert J. Far-Seer. 1992
Sheffield, Charles Brother to Dragons. 1992
Shepard, Lucius "Barnacle Bill the Spacer". 1992
Silverberg, Robert Thebes of the Hundred Gates. 1992
Simmons, Dan Children of the Night. 1992
Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash. 1992
Stevermer, Caroline River Rats. 1992
Stewart, Sean Passion Play. 1992
Tepper, Sheri S. Sideshow. 1992
Tuttle, Lisa Lost Futures. 1992
Varley, John Steel Beach. 1992
Vinge, Vernor A Fire Upon the Deep. 1992
Wilhelm, Kate Naming the Flowers. 1992
Willis, Connie Doomsday Book. 1992
Yolen, Jane Briar Rose. 1992
Aldridge, Ray The Beauty Addict. 1993
Anthony, Patricia Cold Allies. 1993
Arnason, Eleanor Ring of Swords. 1993
Baird, Wilhelmina CrashCourse. 1993
Baxter, Stephen Timelike Infinity. 1993
Beagle, Peter S. The Innkeeper's Song. 1993
Bear, Greg Moving Mars. 1993
Blumlein, Michael X, Y. 1993
Brin, David Glory Season. 1993
Brite, Poppy Z. Drawing Blood. 1993
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Sower. 1993
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Kingdom of Kevin Malone. 1993
Claiborne, Sybil In the Garden of Dead Cars. 1993
Clute, John The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction [by JC & Peter Nicholls, eds.]. 1993
Connolly, Flynn The Rising of the Moon. 1993
de Lint, Charles Dreams Underfoot. 1993
Denton, Bradley Blackburn. 1993
Ellison, Harlan Mefisto In Onyx. 1993
Engh, M. J. Rainbow Man. 1993
Evans, Christopher Aztec Century. 1993
Ford, John M. Growing Up Weightless. 1993
Gibson, William Virtual Light. 1993
Greenland, Colin Harm's Way. 1993
Griffith, Nicola Ammonite. 1993
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki The Thread That Binds the Bones. 1993
Holdstock, Robert The Hollowing. 1993
Kindl, Patrice Owl in Love. 1993
King, Stephen Nightmares & Dreamscapes [coll.]. 1993
Kress, Nancy Beggars In Spain. 1993
Lowry, Lois The Giver. 1993
McKillip, Patricia A. The Cygnet and the Firebird. 1993
McKinley, Robin Deerskin. 1993
Navarro, Yvonne Afterage. 1993
Noon, Jeff Vurt. 1993
Robinson, Kim Stanley Green Mars. 1993
Rosenblum, Mary The Drylands. 1993
Scott, Melissa Burning Bright. 1993
Sheffield, Charles "Georgia on My Mind". 1993
Shepard, Lucius The Golden. 1993
Sherman, Delia The Porcelain Dove. 1993
Shiner, Lewis Glimpses. 1993
Smith, L. Neil Pallas. 1993
Stewart, Sean Nobody's Son. 1993
Stith, John E. Manhattan Transfer. 1993
Straub, Peter The Throat. 1993
Swanwick, Michael The Iron Dragon's Daughter. 1993
Tarr, Judith Lord of the Two Lands. 1993
Tepper, Sheri S. A Plague of Angels. 1993
Thomson, Amy Virtual Girl. 1993
Wells, Martha The Element of Fire. 1993
Willey, Elizabeth The Well-Favored Man. 1993
Williams, Walter Jon Wall, Stone, Craft. 1993
Wolfe, Gene Nightside the Long Sun. 1993
Womack, Jack Elvissey. 1993
Zindell, David The Broken God. 1993
Anderson, Poul The Stars Are Also Fire. 1994
Arnzen, Michael A. Grave Markings. 1994
Attanasio, A. A. Solis. 1994
Banks, Iain Feersum Endjinn. 1994
Barnes, John Mother of Storms. 1994
Bishop, Michael Brittle Innings. 1994
Bujold, Lois McMaster Mirror Dance. 1994
Bunch, Chris The Warrior's Tale [by Allan Cole & CB]. 1994
Cadigan, Pat Fools. 1994
Carroll, Jonathan From the Teeth of Angels. 1994
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Furies. 1994
Crowley, John Love & Sleep. 1994
Dean, Pamela The Dubious Hills. 1994
Denton, Bradley The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians & A Conflagration Artist [coll.]. 1994
Egan, Greg Permutation City. 1994
Farmer, Nancy The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm. 1994
Gerrold, David "The Martian Child". 1994
Goodkind, Terry Wizard's First Rule. 1994
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Queen City Jazz. 1994
Gottlieb, Sherry Love Bite. 1994
Heald, Denise Lopes Mistwalker. 1994
Holder, Nancy Dead in the Water. 1994
Jones, Gwyneth North Wind. 1994