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Kelly, James Patrick           Wildlife. 1994

Kilpatrick, Nancy                Near Death. 1994

King, Stephen                      Insomnia. 1994

Kress, Nancy                       Beggars and Choosers. 1994

Lackey, Mercedes               Storm Warning. 1994

Lethem, Jonathan                 Gun, With Occasional Music. 1994

Mason, Lisa                         Summer of Love. 1994

McAuley, Paul J.                 Pasquale's Angel. 1994

McCaffrey, Anne                 The Dolphins of Pern. 1994

McDevitt, Jack                    The Engines of God. 1994

McDonald, Ian                    Necroville (US title: Terminal Café). 1994

McDonald, Ian                    Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone. 1994

McKillip, Patricia A.          Something Rich and Strange. 1994

Morrow, James                   Towing Jehovah. 1994

Newman, Kim                     The Quorum. 1994

Pollack, Rachel                   Temporary Agency. 1994

Resnick, Mike                     "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge". 1994

Sawyer, Robert J.                End of an Era. 1994

Scott, Melissa                     Trouble and Her Friends. 1994

Simmons, Dan                     Fires of Eden. 1994

Smith, Michael Marshall     Only Forward. 1994

Springer, Nancy                  Larque on the Wing. 1994

Springer, Nancy                  Metal Angel. 1994

Stevermer, Caroline            A College of Magics. 1994

Tepper, Sheri S.                  Shadow's End. 1994

Turner, George                    Genetic Soldier. 1994

Turtledove, Harry               Worldwar: In the Balance. 1994

Wilson, Robert Charles       Mysterium. 1994

Wolfe, Gene                        Caldé of the Long Sun. 1994

Asaro, Catherine                 Primary Inversion. 1995

Baxter, Stephen                   The Time Ships. 1995

Bethke, Bruce                      Headcrash. 1995

Blaylock, James P.              All the Bells on Earth. 1995

Brin, David                         Brightness Reef. 1995

Card, Orson Scott                Alvin Journeyman. 1995

Caswell, Brian                    Deucalion. 1995

Cherryh, C. J.                      Invader. 1995

Clute, John                          Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia. 1995

de Lint, Charles                   The Ivory and the Horn. 1995

Dix, Shane                           The Unknown Soldier [by Sean Williams & SD]. 1995

Dowling, Terry                   An Intimate Knowledge of the Night. 1995

Egan, Greg                          Axiomatic [coll.]. 1995

Egan, Greg                          Distress. 1995

Freireich, Valerie J.            Becoming Human. 1995

Ghosh, Amitav                    The Calcutta Chromosome. 1995

Goldman, E. M.                   The Night Room. 1995

Griffith, Nicola                   Slow River. 1995

Hand, Elizabeth                   Waking the Moon. 1995

Hobb, Robin                        Assassin's Apprentice. 1995

Hoffman, Nina Kiriki          The Silent Strength of Stones. 1995

Jones, Diana Wynne            The Crown of Dalemark. 1995

Joy, Dara                             Knight of a Trillion Stars. 1995

Joyce, Graham                     Requiem. 1995

Kay, Guy Gavriel                The Lions of Al-Rassan. 1995

Koontz, Dean                       Strange Highways [coll.]. 1995

Le Guin, Ursula K.              Four Ways to Forgiveness [coll.]. 1995

MacLeod, Ken                     The Star Fraction. 1995

McAuley, Paul J.                 Fairyland. 1995

McDonald, Ian                    Chaga (US title: Evolution's Shore). 1995

McKillip, Patricia A.          The Book of Atrix Wolfe. 1995

McMullen, Sean                  Mirrorsun Rising. 1995

Moorcock, Michael             Blood. 1995

Nagata, Linda                      The Bohr Maker. 1995

Newman, Kim                     The Bloody Red Baron. 1995

Nix, Garth                           Sabriel. 1995

Oates, Joyce Carol              Zombie. 1995

Powers, Tim                        Expiration Date. 1995

Priest, Christopher              The Prestige. 1995

Roszak, Theodore               The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein. 1995

Sawyer, Robert J.                The Terminal Experiment. 1995

Scott, Melissa                     Shadow Man. 1995

Shinn, Sharon                      The Shape-Changer's Wife. 1995

Spencer, William Browning                                                                                          Resume with Monsters. 1995

Stephenson, Neal                 The Diamond Age. 1995

Stewart, Sean                      Resurrection Man. 1995

Taylor, Lucy                        The Safety of Unknown Cities. 1995

Thomson, Amy                    The Color of Distance. 1995

Williams, Sean                    The Unknown Soldier [by SW & Shane Dix]. 1995

Williams, Walter Jon          Metropolitan. 1995

Willis, Connie                     Remake. 1995

Alderman, Gill                    The Memory Palace. 1996

Banks, Iain                          Excession. 1996

Barker, Clive                      Sacrament. 1996

Barnes, John                        One for the Morning Glory. 1996

Barton, William                  "Age of Aquarius". 1996

Baxter, Stephen                   Voyage. 1996

Bell, Hillary                        Mirror, Mirror. 1996

Brin, David                         Infinity's Shore. 1996

Bujold, Lois McMaster       Cetaganda. 1996

Bujold, Lois McMaster       Memory. 1996

Card, Orson Scott                Children of the Mind. 1996

Dann, Jack                           The Memory Cathedral. 1996

Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen)                                                                                The Golden Key [by Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson & KE]. 1996

Fry, Stephen                        Making History. 1996

Garfinkle, Richard              Celestial Matters. 1996

Goingback, Owl                  Crota. 1996

Goonan, Kathleen Ann        The Bones of Time. 1996