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McMullen, Sean                  Souls in the Great Machine. 1999

Nasir, Jamil                         Tower of Dreams. 1999

O'Nan, Stewart                    A Prayer for the Dying. 1999

Park, Severna                      The Annunciate. 1999

Passarella, J. G.                  Wither. 1999

Pinto, Ricardo                     The Chosen. 1999

Robson, Justina                   Silver Screen. 1999

Routley, Jane                       Aramaya. 1999

Rowling, J. K.                     Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 1999

Sawyer, Robert J.                Flashforward. 1999

Scott, Martin                       Thraxas. 1999

Smith, Kristine                    Code of Conduct. 1999

Spinrad, Norman                 Greenhouse Summer. 1999

Stephenson, Neal                 Cryptonomicon. 1999

Tepper, Sheri S.                  Singer from the Sea. 1999

Vinge, Vernor                      A Deepness in the Sky. 1999

Watts, Peter                         Starfish. 1999

Wilson, Robert Charles       Bios. 1999

Anderson, Poul                    Genesis. 2000

Asaro, Catherine                 The Quantum Rose. 2000

Barton, William                  Heart of Glass. 2000

Blom, Suzanne Allés           Inca. 2000

Campbell, Ramsey              Silent Children. 2000

Danielewski, Mark Z.         House of Leaves. 2000

de Lint, Charles                   Forests of the Heart. 2000

Desmond, Sean                    Adam's Fall. 2000

Dix, Shane                           Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by Sean Williams & SD]. 2000

Dowling, Terry                   Blackwater Days. 2000

Dunn, Mark                         Think Tank. 2000

Gardner, James Alan           Hunted. 2000

Gentle, Mary                       Ash: A Secret History. 2000

Gerrold, David                    Jumping Off the Planet. 2000

Gloss, Molly                       Wild Life. 2000

Goonan, Kathleen Ann        Crescent City Rhapsody. 2000

Grimsley, Jim                      Kirith Kirin. 2000

Hartnett, Sonya                    Thursday's Child. 2000

Hopkinson, Nalo                 Midnight Robber. 2000

Kay, Guy Gavriel                Lord of Emperors. 2000

Kernaghan, Eileen               The Snow Queen. 2000

King, Stephen                      On Writing [nonfiction]. 2000

Landis, Geoffrey A.             Mars Crossing. 2000

Laymon, Richard                 The Traveling Vampire Show. 2000

Le Guin, Ursula K.              The Telling. 2000

Lebbon, Tim                        Naming of Parts. 2000

MacLeod, Ken                     Cosmonaut Keep. 2000

Marillier, Juliet                   Son of the Shadows. 2000

Martin, George R. R.           A Storm of Swords. 2000

McCarthy, Wil                    The Collapsium. 2000

McDevitt, Jack                    Infinity Beach. 2000

McDonald, Ian                    Tendeléo's Story. 2000

McKillip, Patricia A.          The Tower at Stony Wood. 2000

McMullen, Sean                  The Miocene Arrow. 2000

Miéville, China                   Perdido Street Station. 2000

Moore, Alan                        The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 2000

Powers, Tim                        Declare. 2000

Pullman, Philip                    His Dark Materials 3: The Amber Spyglass. 2000

Reynolds, Alastair              Revelation Space. 2000

Roberts, Adam                    Salt. 2000

Rowling, J. K.                     Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. 2000

Sawyer, Robert J.                Calculating God. 2000

Smith, L. Neil                      Forge of the Elders. 2000

Stewart, Sean                      Galveston. 2000

Tem, Melanie                      The Man on the Ceiling [by Steve Rasnic Tem & MT]. 2000

Tepper, Sheri S.                  The Fresco. 2000

Volsky, Paula                      The Grand Ellipse. 2000

Walton, Jo                           The King's Peace. 2000

Wilkins, Kim                       The Resurrectionists. 2000

Williams, Sean                    Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by SW & Shane Dix]. 2000

Williams, Tess                    Sea as Mirror. 2000

Winter, Douglas E.              Run. 2000

Winter, Laurel                     Growing Wings. 2000

Barker, Clive                      Coldheart Canyon. 2001

Bisson, Terry                      The Pickup Artist. 2001

Bradbury, Ray                     From the Dust Returned. 2001

Bujold, Lois McMaster       The Curse of Chalion. 2001

Card, Orson Scott                Shadow of the Hegemon. 2001

Carey, Jacqueline                Kushiel's Dart. 2001

Carroll, Jonathan                 The Wooden Sea. 2001

Chiang, Ted                         "Hell Is the Absence of God". 2001

Clark, Simon                       The Night of the Triffids. 2001

Colfer, Eoin                        Artemis Fowl. 2001

Courtenay Grimwood, Jon  Pashazade: The First Arabesk. 2001

Czerneda, Julie E.               In the Company of Others. 2001

Daniel, Tony                       Metaplanetary. 2001

de Lint, Charles                   The Onion Girl. 2001

Dix, Shane                           The Dark Imbalance [by Sean Williams & SD]. 2001

Dodd, Quenin                      Beatnik Rutabagas from beyond the Stars. 2001

Dorsey, Candas Jane           A Paradigm of Earth. 2001

Douglass, Sara                    The Wounded Hawk. 2001

Fforde, Jasper                     The Eyre Affair. 2001

Gaiman, Neil                       American Gods. 2001

Goto, Hiromi                       The Kappa Child. 2001

Hamilton, Peter F.               Fallen Dragon. 2001

Hoffman, Nina Kiriki          Past the Size of Dreaming. 2001

Hoyt, Sarah A.                     Ill Met by Moonlight. 2001

Jones, Gwyneth                   Bold as Love. 2001

Joyce, Graham                     Smoking Poppy. 2001

Katz, Louise                        The Other Face of Janus. 2001

Kiernan, Caitlín R.              Threshold. 2001

King, Stephen                      Black House [by SK & Peter Straub]. 2001

Kingsbury, Donald              Psychohistorical Crisis. 2001