Kress, Nancy Probability Sun. 2001
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Other Wind. 2001
Le Guin, Ursula K. Tales from Earthsea [coll.]. 2001
MacLeod, Ken Dark Light. 2001
McAuley, Paul J. The Secret of Life. 2001
McDevitt, Jack Deepsix. 2001
McHugh, Maureen F. Nekropolis. 2001
McMullen, Sean Eyes of the Calculor. 2001
Michalson, Karen Enemy Glory. 2001
Nassise, Joseph M. Riverwatch. 2001
Nissenson, Hugh The Song of the Earth. 2001
Nix, Garth Lirael. 2001
Oliveri, Michael Deadliest of the Species. 2001
Reynolds, Alastair Chasm City. 2001
Russo, Richard Paul Ship of Fools. 2001
Ryman, Geoff Lust. 2001
Scott, Melissa Point of Dreams [by MS & Lisa A. Barnett]. 2001
Searcy, David Ordinary Horror. 2001
Spencer, Wen Alien Taste. 2001
Tem, Steve Rasnic In These Final Days of Sales. 2001
Watts, Peter Maelstrom. 2001
Wharton, Ken Divine Intervention. 2001
Wilkins, Kim Angel of Ruin. 2001
Williams, Conrad Nearly People. 2001
Williams, Liz The Ghost Sister. 2001
Williams, Sean The Dark Imbalance [by SW & Shane Dix]. 2001
Willis, Connie Passage. 2001
Wilson, Robert Charles The Chronoliths. 2001
Anderson, M. T. Feed. 2002
Barker, Clive Abarat [graphic narrative]. 2002
Barnes, Steven Lion's Blood. 2002
Baxter, Stephen Omegatropic [nonfiction]. 2002
Brin, David Kiln People. 2002
Broderick, Damien Transcension. 2002
Bujold, Lois McMaster Diplomatic Immunity. 2002
Campbell, Ramsey The Darkest Part of the Woods. 2002
Carroll, Jonathan White Apples. 2002
Chabon, Michael Summerland. 2002
Clegg, Douglas The Hour Before Dark. 2002
de Lint, Charles Seven Wild Sisters. 2002
de Lint, Charles Waifs and Strays. 2002
Di Filippo, Paul A Year in the Linear City. 2002
Dix, Shane Echoes of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD]. 2002
Egan, Greg Schild's Ladder. 2002
Emshwiller, Carol The Mount. 2002
Eskridge, Kelley Solitaire. 2002
Ford, Jeffrey The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque. 2002
Frost, Gregory Fitcher's Brides. 2002
Gaiman, Neil Coraline. 2002
Gidron, Martin J. The Severed Wing. 2002
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Light Music. 2002
Haldeman, Joe Guardian. 2002
Harris, Charlaine Living Dead in Dallas. 2002
Harrison, M. John Light. 2002
Hetley, James A. The Summer Country. 2002
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki A Fistful of Sky. 2002
Irvine, Alexander C. A Scattering of Jades. 2002
Jens, Tina L. The Blues Ain't Nothing'. 2002
Jones, Gwyneth Castles Made of Sand. 2002
Joyce, Graham The Facts of Life. 2002
King, Stephen Everything's Eventual [coll.]. 2002
Kress, Nancy Probability Space. 2002
Kritzer, Naomi Fires of the Faithful. 2002
Kushner, Ellen The Fall of the Kings [by EK & Delia Sherman]. 2002
Lai, Larissa Salt Fish Girl. 2002
Lowachee, Karin Warchild. 2002
Marquardt, Michelle Blue Silence. 2002
Masson, Sophie The Hand of Glory. 2002
McCammon, Robert R. Speaks the Nightbird. 2002
McCann, A. L. The White Body of Evening. 2002
McDevitt, Jack Chindi. 2002
McKillip, Patricia A. Ombria in Shadow. 2002
McMullen, Sean Voyage of the Shadowmoon. 2002
Moon, Elizabeth The Speed of Dark. 2002
Morgan, Richard Altered Carbon. 2002
Nicholson, Scott The Red Church. 2002
O'Leary, Patrick The Impossible Bird. 2002
Piccirilli, Tom The Night Class. 2002
Pratchett, Terry Night Watch. 2002
Priest, Christopher The Separation. 2002
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Years of Rice and Salt. 2002
Rucker, Rudy Spaceland. 2002
Sawyer, Robert J. Hominids. 2002
Schroeder, Karl Permanence. 2002
Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones. 2002
Simmons, Dan A Winter Haunting. 2002
Swanwick, Michael Bones of the Earth. 2002
Tepper, Sheri S. The Visitor. 2002
Turtledove, Harry Ruled Britannia. 2002
Williams, Sean Echoes of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix]. 2002
Williams, Sean The Storm Weaver and the Sand. 2002
Wright, John C. The Golden Age. 2002
Baker, Kage The Anvil of the World. 2003
Barton, William Off on a Starship. 2003
Baxter, Stephen Coalescent. 2003
Bear, Greg Darwin's Children. 2003
Bergeron, Alain (fr.) Phaos. 2003
Bishop, K. J. The Etched City. 2003
Bisson, Terry Dear Abbey. 2003
Blum, Jonathan Fallen Gods [by JB & Kate Orman]. 2003
Buckner, M. M. Hyperthought. 2003
Bujold, Lois McMaster Paladin of Souls. 2003
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon Felaheen: The Third Arabesk. 2003