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Kushner, Ellen                Swordspoint. 1987

Kushner, Ellen                Thomas the Rhymer. 1991

Kushner, Ellen                The Fall of the Kings [by EK & Delia Sherman]. 2002

Lackey, Mercedes           Storm Warning. 1994

Lafferty, R. A.               Past Master. 1968

Lafferty, R. A.                 Fourth Mansions. 1970

Lafferty, R. A.                 The Devil Is Dead. 1971

Lafferty, R. A.                 Aurelia. 1982

Lai, Larissa                     Salt Fish Girl. 2002

Laidlaw, Marc                Neon Lotus. 1988

Laidlaw, Marc                The 37th Mandala. 1996

Lake, David J.                 Walkers on the Sky. 1976

Lake, David J.                 The Man Who Loved Morlocks. 1981

Landis, Geoffrey A.        Mars Crossing. 2000

Langford, David              The Space Eater. 1982

Lansdale, Joe R.             The Drive-In. 1988

Larson, Jeanne                Silk Road. 1989

Laymon, Richard             The Traveling Vampire Show. 2000

Le Guin, Ursula K.        A Wizard of Earthsea. 1968

Le Guin, Ursula K.          The Left Hand of Darkness. 1969

Le Guin, Ursula K.          The Lathe of Heaven. 1971

Le Guin, Ursula K.          The Dispossessed. 1974

Le Guin, Ursula K.          The Beginning Place. 1980

Le Guin, Ursula K.          The Compass Rose [coll.]. 1982

Le Guin, Ursula K.          Always Coming Home. 1985

Le Guin, Ursula K.          Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea. 1990

Le Guin, Ursula K.          Four Ways to Forgiveness [coll.]. 1995

Le Guin, Ursula K.          The Telling. 2000

Le Guin, Ursula K.          The Other Wind. 2001

Le Guin, Ursula K.          Tales from Earthsea [coll.]. 2001

Le Guin, Ursula K.          Changing Planes [coll.]. 2003

Lebbon, Tim                   White. 1999

Lebbon, Tim                   Naming of Parts. 2000

Lee, Sharon                     Balance of Trade [by SL & Steve Miller]. 2004

Lee, Tanith                    The Birthgrave. 1975

Lee, Tanith                      Death's Master. 1979

Lee, Tanith                      Kill the Dead. 1980

Leiber, Fritz                  The Big Time. 1958

Leiber, Fritz                    The Wanderer. 1964

Leiber, Fritz                    Our Lady of Darkness. 1977

Lem, Stanislaw               Solaris. 1970

L'Engle, Madeleine         A Wrinkle in Time. 1962

Lethem, Jonathan             Gun, With Occasional Music. 1994

Lethem, Jonathan             The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye [coll.]. 1996

Levin, Ira                        This Perfect Day. 1970

Levinson, Paul                The Silk Code. 1999

Lewis, C. S.                    That Hideous Strength. 1945

Lewis, C. S.                    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 1950

Lewis, Roy                     What We Did To Father. 1960

Lewis, Sinclair               It Can't Happen Here. 1935

Linaweaver, Brad           Moon of Ice. 1988

Lindsay, David               A Voyage To Arcturus. 1920

Lisle, Holly                     Fire in the Mist. 1992

Little, Bentley                 The Revelation. 1990

Longyear, Barry B.         "Enemy Mine". 1979

Longyear, Barry B.         Infinity Hold. 1989

Lowachee, Karin            Warchild. 2002

Lowry, Lois                    The Giver. 1993

Lucashenko, Melissa       Killing Darcy. 1998

Luckett, Dave                  A Dark Winter. 1998

Luckett, Dave                  A Dark Victory. 1999

Lupoff, Richard A.          Sword of the Demon. 1977

Lupoff, Richard A.          Space War Blues. 1978

Lynn, Elizabeth A.        The Dancers of Arun. 1979

Lynn, Elizabeth A.          Watchtower. 1979

Lynn, Elizabeth A.          Dragon's Winter. 1998

MacAvoy, R. A.              Tea with the Black Dragon. 1983

MacLean, Katherine        "The Missing Man". 1971

MacLean, Katherine        The Missing Man. 1975

MacLeod, Ian R.             The Great Wheel. 1997

MacLeod, Ian R.             The Light Ages. 2003

MacLeod, Ken               The Star Fraction. 1995

MacLeod, Ken                The Stone Canal. 1996

MacLeod, Ken                The Cassini Division. 1998

MacLeod, Ken                The Sky Road. 1999

MacLeod, Ken                Cosmonaut Keep. 2000

MacLeod, Ken                Dark Light. 2001

MacLeod, Ken                Newton's Wake. 2004

Malzberg, Barry N.       Beyond Apollo. 1972

Malzberg, Barry N.         Herovit's World. 1973

Malzberg, Barry N.         The Remaking of Sigmund Freud. 1985

Mamatas, Nick                Move Under Ground. 2004

Marano, Michael            Dawn Song. 1998

Marillier, Juliet              Daughter of the Forest. 1999

Marillier, Juliet              Son of the Shadows. 2000

Marley, Louise                The Terrorists of Irustan. 1999

Marley, Louise                The Child Goddess. 2004

Marquardt, Michelle       Blue Silence. 2002

Martin, George R. R.    Dying of the Light. 1977

Martin, George R. R.      Fevre Dream. 1982

Martin, George R. R.      The Armageddon Rag. 1983

Martin, George R. R.      A Game of Thrones. 1996

Martin, George R. R.      A Clash of Kings. 1998

Martin, George R. R.      A Storm of Swords. 2000

Martin, Valerie               Mary Reilly. 1990

Mason, Lisa                    Summer of Love. 1994

Massie, Elizabeth           Sineater. 1992

Masson, David                The Caltrap Of Time [coll.]. 1968

Masson, Sophie              The Hand of Glory. 2002

Matheson, Richard          Bid Time Return. 1975

Matthews, Susan R.        An Exchange of Hostages. 1997

Matthews, Susan R.        Prisoner of Conscience. 1998

May, Julian                     The Many-Colored Land. 1981

McArthur, Maxine          Time Future. 1999

McArthur, Maxine          Less Than Human. 2004

McAuley, Paul J.. 400 Billion Stars. 1988

McAuley, Paul J.            Eternal Light. 1991

McAuley, Paul J.            Pasquale's Angel. 1994

McAuley, Paul J.            Fairyland. 1995

McAuley, Paul J.            The Secret of Life. 2001

McAuley, Paul J.            White Devils. 2004

McCaffrey, Anne          Dragonflight. 1968

McCaffrey, Anne            The Ship Who Sang. 1969

McCaffrey, Anne            Dragonquest. 1971

McCaffrey, Anne            The White Dragon. 1978

McCaffrey, Anne            Dragondrums. 1979

McCaffrey, Anne            The Crystal Singer. 1982