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McCaffrey, Anne            Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern. 1983

McCaffrey, Anne            Dragonsdawn. 1988

McCaffrey, Anne            All the Weyrs of Pern. 1991

McCaffrey, Anne            The Dolphins of Pern. 1994

McCammon, Robert R. Swan Song. 1987

McCammon, Robert R.   Stinger. 1988

McCammon, Robert R.   The Wolf's Hour. 1989

McCammon, Robert R.   Mine. 1990

McCammon, Robert R.   Boy's Life. 1991

McCammon, Robert R.   Speaks the Nightbird. 2002

McCann, A. L.                The White Body of Evening. 2002

McCarthy, Wil                The Collapsium. 2000

McDevitt, Jack              The Hercules Text. 1986

McDevitt, Jack                The Engines of God. 1994

McDevitt, Jack                Eternity Road. 1997

McDevitt, Jack                Moonfall. 1998

McDevitt, Jack                Infinity Beach. 2000

McDevitt, Jack                Deepsix. 2001

McDevitt, Jack                Chindi. 2002

McDevitt, Jack                Omega. 2003

McDevitt, Jack                Polaris. 2004

McDonald, Ian               Desolation Road. 1988

McDonald, Ian                King of Morning, Queen of Day. 1991

McDonald, Ian                Hearts, Hands and Voices. 1992

McDonald, Ian                Necroville (US title: Terminal Café). 1994

McDonald, Ian                Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone. 1994

McDonald, Ian                Chaga (US title: Evolution's Shore). 1995

McDonald, Ian                Sacrifice of Fools. 1997

McDonald, Ian                Tendeléo's Story. 2000

McDonald, Ian                River of Gods. 2004

McDowell, Ian                Mordred's Curse. 1996

McHugh, Maureen F.      China Mountain Zhang. 1992

McHugh, Maureen F.      Mission Child. 1998

McHugh, Maureen F.      Nekropolis. 2001

McIntyre, Vonda N.      The Exile Waiting. 1975

McIntyre, Vonda N.        Dreamsnake. 1978

McIntyre, Vonda N.        The Moon and the Sun. 1997

McKillip, Patricia A.     The Forgotten Beasts of Eld. 1974

McKillip, Patricia A.      The Riddle-Master of Hed. 1976

McKillip, Patricia A.      Heir Of Sea And Fire. 1977

McKillip, Patricia A.      Harpist in the Wind. 1979

McKillip, Patricia A.      The Changeling Sea. 1988

McKillip, Patricia A.      The Sorceress and the Cygnet. 1991

McKillip, Patricia A.      The Cygnet and the Firebird. 1993

McKillip, Patricia A.      Something Rich and Strange. 1994

McKillip, Patricia A.      The Book of Atrix Wolfe. 1995

McKillip, Patricia A.      Winter Rose. 1996

McKillip, Patricia A.      Song for the Basilisk. 1998

McKillip, Patricia A.      The Tower at Stony Wood. 2000

McKillip, Patricia A.      Ombria in Shadow. 2002

McKillip, Patricia A.      In the Forests of Serre. 2003

McKillip, Patricia A.      Alphabet of Thorn. 2004

McKinley, Robin            The Blue Sword. 1982

McKinley, Robin            The Hero and the Crown. 1984

McKinley, Robin            Deerskin. 1993

McKinley, Robin            Rose Daughter. 1997

McKinley, Robin            Sunshine. 2003

McMullen, Sean            Mirrorsun Rising. 1995

McMullen, Sean              The Centurion's Empire. 1998

McMullen, Sean              Souls in the Great Machine. 1999

McMullen, Sean              The Miocene Arrow. 2000

McMullen, Sean              Eyes of the Calculor. 2001

McMullen, Sean              Voyage of the Shadowmoon. 2002

McQuay, Mike                Memories. 1987

Merle, Robert                 Malevil. 1973

Meynard, Yves               The Book of Knights. 1998

Michalson, Karen           Enemy Glory. 2001

Miéville, China              King Rat. 1998

Miéville, China               Perdido Street Station. 2000

Miéville, China               The Scar. 2003

Miéville, China               The Tain. 2003

Miéville, China               Iron Council. 2004

Milán, Victor                  The Cybernetic Samurai. 1985

Miller, Faren                  The Illusionists. 1991

Miller, Walter M., Jr.     A Canticle for Leibowitz. 1959

Misha                              Red Spider, White Web. 1990

Mitchell, David              Cloud Atlas. 2004

Mitchell, Mary Ann        Drawn to the Grave. 1997

Monteleone, Thomas F.  Blood of the Lamb. 1992

Moon, Elizabeth            Sheepfarmer's Daughter. 1988

Moon, Elizabeth              Remnant Population. 1996

Moon, Elizabeth              The Speed of Dark. 2002

Moorcock, Michael       Behold the Man. 1966

Moorcock, Michael        The Knight of the Swords. 1971

Moorcock, Michael        The King of the Swords. 1971

Moorcock, Michael        The Sword and the Stallion. 1974

Moorcock, Michael        The Hollow Lands. 1975

Moorcock, Michael        The Condition Of Muzak. 1977

Moorcock, Michael        Gloriana. 1978

Moorcock, Michael        The War Hound and the World's Pain. 1981

Moorcock, Michael        Blood. 1995

Moore, Alan                   Watchmen [AM & Dave Gibbons]. 1987

Moore, Alan                   V for Vendetta [by AM & David Lloyd]. 1989

Moore, Alan                   The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 2000

Morgan, Richard             Altered Carbon. 2002

Morgan, Richard             Market Forces. 2004

Moriarty, Chris               Spin State. 2003

Morrow, James             This Is the Way the World Ends. 1986

Morrow, James               Only Begotten Daughter. 1990

Morrow, James               City of Truth. 1991

Morrow, James               Towing Jehovah. 1994

Morse, David                  The Iron Bridge. 1998

Mujica Lainez, Manuelv The Wandering Unicorn. 1983

Munn, H. Warner            Merlin's Ring. 1974

Murphy, Pat                    The Falling Woman. 1986

Murphy, Pat                    The City, Not Long After. 1989

Murphy, Pat                    Nadya. 1996

Nagata, Linda                  The Bohr Maker. 1995

Nagata, Linda                  Memory. 2003

Nasir, Jamil                    Tower of Dreams. 1999

Nassise, Joseph M.         Riverwatch. 2001

Navarro, Yvonne            Afterage. 1993

Newman, Kim                 Anno Dracula. 1992

Newman, Kim                 The Quorum. 1994

Newman, Kim                 The Bloody Red Baron. 1995

Nicholson, Scott             The Red Church. 2002

Niffenegger, Audrey       The Time Traveler's Wife. 2003

Nissenson, Hugh             The Song of the Earth. 2001

Niven, Larry                  Ringworld. 1970

Niven, Larry                   Protector. 1973