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If you want to relax in the dream of living dying consider your philosophy because it keeps you stuck insane or free happy
Your fear of death keeps you from being truly alive so why not embrace dying your fear of life keeps you from jumping in with both feet and experiencing the infinite array of your own potential so why not make room for the totality of you
Scrambling after wealth fame love all the goodies you think will make you happy is a death sentence
Why not grab the key hanging in your brain heart on a tree moon in a child’s face
Bathe in the fresh night breeze breathe out until there’s nothing left allow the gap to close between your living and your dying until you are set free to roam green mountains walk city streets sit still in a rocker as the lights dim in the magic of being

Dying into Redwoods

I often lean against a redwood tree and die into the bark my spine rising into the blue of sky
My legs become roots journeying down into unseen waters my breath slows softens my eyes open in wonder great cumulous clouds dance over the mountain peak
Soon I’ll return to kids computers stress and modern plagues but for this moment I choose to let what I conveniently call myself die and I dwell in the house of relaxation and peace where you and I are inextricably entwined in the living and dying of all things

A Wish for the World

May All Beings Be Happy!
May All Beings Be One!
May All Beings Be Free!

About the Author

Tai Sheridan is a poet, philosopher, and Zen priest. He transforms ancient Buddhist and Zen texts into accessible and inspirational verses. His Buddha in Blue Jeans series offers a contemporary approach to Buddhist philosophy and awakening.

Books by Tai Sheridan

Buddha in Blue Jeans Series

Buddha in Blue Jeans: An Extremely Short Zen Guide to Being Buddha

Relax… You’re Going to Die

Secrets of True Happiness

Buddhist Classics in Modern Verse

Celestial Music: Sutras of Emptiness

The Lotus / Diamond / Heart-Wisdom / Loving Kindness Sutras

The Bare Bones Dhammapada: Big Mind Big Love

Buddha’s Essential Teachings

The Buddhacarita: A Modern Sequel

The Poetic Saga of Buddha’s Life From Birth to Enlightenment

The Zen Wheel of Life Mantra: A Song of Luminous Wisdom and Love

Based on the Bhavacakra — The Wheel of Life Mandala

Zen Classics in Modern Verse

The Light of the Ancient Buddhas: Ballads of Emptiness and Awakening

Based on Keizan’s Transmission of the Light

Rice Eyes: Enlightenment in Dogen’s Kitchen

A poetic version of Dogen’s Tenzo Kyokun on enlightened living and practice

Snow Falling in Moonlight: Odes in Praise of Dogen’s Shobogenzo

Twelve Poems based on Dogen’s Shobogenzo:The Treasury of the True Dharma Eye

Warm Zen Practice: A Poetic Version of Dogen’s Bendowa

Whole Hearted Way


Buddha’s Light Body: Collected Works of Tai Sheridan


Published by Tai Sheridan

Copyright 2012 Tai Sheridan

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