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“She said that you weren’t wearing any underpants and that her mother needed to call the Panty Police!” Marilyn squawked at that and smacked me in the arm, which got me to laughing so hard my hat blew off and I had to chase it down.

We had lunch a bit before noon at a pizza place. I was starting to get worried about the weather. It was getting darker and the wind was starting to blow stronger. We ate lunch and hurried back north. The rain held off until we were about a block away from the hotel, and then we ran back as fast as we could before we got drenched. I led the way to an ocean view bar and we sat and had a couple of rum punches. I admired the view of Marilyn more than the storm. Her dress got a bit clingy and sheer when wet.

After drinking the rum punches, Marilyn’s dress dried enough that it wasn’t so clingy and sheer, and I decided I rather preferred it the other way around. Or, in other words, I started thinking with my dick. I signed for the drinks and took Marilyn’s hand. “Come on, I need to get something from the room.” Marilyn nodded and stood up, slurping her rum punch down through the straw first.

We walked out to the lobby and got into the first available elevator. Thankfully it was empty. I slipped behind her and wrapped my arms around her, and then lowered my face to her shoulders. One of Marilyn’s major erogenous zones was her shoulders; she just went nuts went I touched her or licked her there. She stiffened and arched her back, and whimpered slightly. “I think I know what you want in the room,” she said lowly.

“Is that a problem?” I asked, licking her neck as I whispered to her.

She whimpered some more, and haltingly answered, “No…”

I kept tormenting her for the rest of the ride to our floor, which was only a few seconds more. I gave her a knowing smile, to which she blushed, but she also smiled. I unlocked the door and led her inside. As I suspected, the room had been made up, and my bed had a new cover on it. I led her to the bed and gently pushed her backwards. “Sit down.” She gave me a shy smile, but she sat promptly and looked at me expectantly.

I gave her a much more wolfish smile and knelt at her feet. “I seem to recall saying something about kissing something and making it feel better. Maybe I should check on that.” I said this as I ran my fingertips lightly over her ankles. She was too excited to answer me, but she nodded vigorously. I tugged her sandals off and tossed them behind me, where they clattered against something, but I didn’t bother looking. I slowly ran my fingers up her ankles to her calves, and under the hem of her long skirt. Then I lifted her left leg up and gently kissed her calf. “Was it here I was supposed to kiss?”

“No,” she answered weakly.

I gave her an innocent look and rested her calf on my right shoulder, and then lifted her right leg up and kissed my way from her right calf up to her right knee. I gave that a little more attention, and then looked up at her. “Here?”

“Unh unh.” Marilyn’s face was starting to get red and her eyes had a slightly glazed look to them.

I shrugged slightly, rested her right leg on my left shoulder, and turned my attention to her left leg again. Now I had to push her hem northwards, very slowly, and I kissed and licked my way about a third of the way up her left thigh. I could definitely smell her musk now, and I could feel the pulse of her racing blood under her supple flesh. “Now?”

She just shook her head.

I switched sides. Her dress was now almost up to her hips, although I still couldn’t see the final objective. I kissed my way up to just a few inches south of the endpoint. “Now?”

“Oh, God, stop teasing me!” she pleaded.

I smiled to myself and kept licking. Another three inches and her dress was up to her hips, her legs were spread wide, and my lips were planted on her naked pussy. Marilyn gave a happy little shriek as I started lapping my tongue up and down her greasy slit, burrowing my way through the triangle of fur. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” she babbled. Juices were pouring from her, and when I started concentrating on her clit, her ass was humping off the bed and her hands were on the back of my head trying to pull me inside her.

I licked her through two very quick orgasms, and then as she came down from the second, I backed off slightly and slowed down to a stop. I could feel the wetness on my face and I looked up at her again. Marilyn had collapsed back onto the bed, and now she lifted up onto her elbows and looked down at me dazed. “Feel better now?”

“I think you know I do!” She smiled down at me and I crawled up onto the bed next to her. We were both still dressed, although Marilyn’s dress was up around her waist. I reached behind her neck and undid the clasp holding the halter together, and it fell down, exposing those beautiful tits. Marilyn’s skin is pale, and you don’t get a whole lot of sun in upstate New York, so she wasn’t tanned. I took a good look at her and then pulled her dress up and over her head, with Marilyn moving around and assisting me. Then she was laying on the bed next to me naked.

I sat up and peeled off my own shirt. I had already kicked off my shoes. “I think I’m overdressed. Care to do something about that?”

Marilyn blushed but said, “Okay.” And then she stopped, unsure of what to do. I should have expected that; she was very naïve and innocent when we met. She may have known the theory, and what with nine brothers and sisters, she was quite well versed in the aftermath, but she was quite unsure of the practical aspects. To tell the truth, way back when we were first starting out, I was pretty much as fumbling as she was. That’s probably why certain things never really improved. As I mentioned before, Marilyn gave a lousy hummer, but to be fair about it, I never taught her what I liked. I never knew how to teach her what I liked. Don’t blame the student if the teacher is an asshole!

I lay back on the bed and pulled some pillows under my head. She looked nervously at me, so I took her hands and brought them to my waist. “The pants have to come off first. Why don’t you start with the belt, and work your way from there?”

Well, that she could figure out. She undid my belt and then stopped to look at me nervously, but I just nodded encouragingly and she undid the snap and then pulled my zipper down. Just the pressure of her fingers through my pants on my painfully stiff cock had me twitching. She looked at me again, so I simply arched my back and lifted my ass up. “Now they need to come off.”

Marilyn blushed fiercely, and she tugged my pants down to about my knees, and I told her to pull them completely off. That left me in my tighty-whiteys, so I arched my back and said, “Everything!”

Marilyn steeled herself and grabbed them and pulled them south, although she was quite surprised when the waistband caught on my stiff cock and I had to reach in and free myself. She looked down at me with both fascination and fear. This was quite a bit different than bathing one of her baby brothers. I even mentioned this to her. “There. I bet you had to do that when giving a bath to one of your baby brothers.”

She smiled at that. “Yeah, well they sure didn’t look like that!”

I reached out and took her right hand and laid it on my cock. It twitched happily at that, and she yanked her hand away by reflex. I just reached out and took her hand and brought it back, and wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began using her hand to jerk myself off slowly. I murmured happily as she got the idea, and decided to give some positive feedback. “Mmmm, yeah, just like that… nice and slow, don’t grab or yank, mmmmm, keep going… that feels good, don’t stop…” I was originally planning on just a little foreplay, but I was fairly worked up after eating her out, and seeing her there in her youthful beauty was doing a number on me. “Don’t stop, that feels so good… keep going, more, just like that, just like that.” I knew that when I popped she would be so startled as to yank her hand away, so I put my right hand around hers to guide her, and stared at those beautiful tits. A couple of minutes later she got the surprise of her life, when I groaned and this white goop started shooting out of me. Much as I thought, she tried to move her hand, but I kept her in place and had her pump me dry.