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One of the most amusing afternoons was when we took a cab to an address in the downtown area. I had found it in the handouts and flyers in our room. It was an adult store. Everywhere else in the country, these places are behind walls and in drab industrial areas. In Vegas they have plate glass windows with everything on display! If Marilyn thought the head shop in Ocean City was crazy, she could barely speak when I pulled her into this place! “Alice, this is the other side of the looking glass!” I told her as I led her inside. She just stared in disbelief at some of the stuff. I did notice, however, that her nipples crinkled slightly when she found the bondage items. She had a very dark and secret interest in being tied up, I would discover, but we rarely did that since it’s just not one of my kinks.

I did buy her a vibrator, which caused her to turn beet red, along with a couple of very naughty nighties. Later that afternoon, back at Caesars, I loaded the batteries in the vibrator and showed her how it worked. Marilyn became a very eager convert! Vibrators became a part of our sex play in the future. After we got married, and we would leave the kids to go out on date night, one or two often went into her purse for the drive home in the dark.

We even did some gambling. One day we walked through the casino and I explained how some of the games worked. Roulette was pretty straightforward, but it took a while longer to explain craps. Then we wandered over to the blackjack tables. Marilyn turned her nose up at the table games, preferring slot machines. On the other hand, she’s a very cheap gambler. In those days they still had a few penny slots, so I bought her a couple of rolls of pennies and turned her loose. I headed off to the blackjack tables. I explained that if I was going to lose my money, I at least wanted to do it with a pretty girl.

I sat there and gambled for a couple of hours before Marilyn ran out of pennies and came searching for me. I heard her gasp behind me, but I held up my hand to quiet her. It didn’t work; she kept talking. “Oh my God! What are you doing?!” I waved her into silence and kept my eyes focused on the cards and the count.

I beat the dealer and he slid $300 in chips across to me. I slipped a $50 chip back to him. “For you. I’m cashing out.”

“Cashing out!” he called, and then picked up my chips and slipped them into a holder. He handed that to me, and then motioned a security guard to follow me. I led a dumbfounded Marilyn over to the cashier. The total was about $5,000, which would cover quite a bit of our vacation.

She was silent, but once we got into a lounge and settled down in a corner booth, she asked, “Since when did you start gambling?”

“Hmm? That? That wasn’t gambling, that was skill.” Just at that moment a pretty waitress in a mini-toga came over and took our orders, a gin and tonic, and a daiquiri.

“Carling, I saw you making bets! Don’t tell me it wasn’t gambling!”

I smiled. “It bothers you that much?”

“Yes!” she replied, looking at me in a state of high dudgeon! (Is there a state of low dudgeon?)

I shrugged and said, “Okay, so I won’t make any more bets. How’d you do at the slot machines?”

“That’s not the point!”

I laughed loudly at her “That would mean you lost!”


“So you won? How much?”

“That’s not the point!”

I just started laughing at her. I was still laughing when our drinks arrived. Marilyn stuck her tongue out at me when I quizzed her on how much she had won playing penny slots, and where were her winnings. It turned out that she had indeed won a jackpot, but they had all gone back into the penny slots. I just laughed even more at that.

On the other hand, I promised her I would stay away from the tables for the rest of the trip, and I would spend my winnings on her. That confused her, until I mentioned buying her a dress and some lingerie, which made her blush, especially when I told her what I had in mind. We ended up having a second drink before heading up to our room to talk it over some more. Horizontally!

Eventually our week was over, and we got a limo back to the airport and flew home again. Marilyn insisted that I had to keep her vibrator at the frat house, so I tucked it in the back of one of my dresser drawers. She didn’t seem as worried about her mother finding her new dresses or lingerie. I have no idea how she kept that sort of thing a secret!

I didn’t even try. I had a number of Polaroids of her in the blue dress and her new swimsuits, which I tacked to my wall over my desk. I had asked her to bring her camera with her, and I made sure to get some shots of her. I also tried to get a few of her in her nighties and in the buff, but that got her very upset, so I tossed the idea aside and promised I wouldn’t do that. She was even nervous about the swimsuit shots, but I got her to model them around the pool and she quickly warmed up when she realized I wasn’t doing anything untoward. It wasn’t like I was doing anything X rated, or even R. Nothing got beyond PG-13!

Hell of a vacation!

Chapter 40: Time Flies By

Back at RPI, things began to move in a blur. I spent huge amounts of time down at Amos Eat-Me studying and working with Professor Rhineburg. Since a lot of what I was doing involved the computer system, I spent more than a few nights down there as well, after hours, when the system was at the lowest utilitization levels.

I continued working about one Sunday in four as a cook at Kegs, trying to time them with the weekends when Marilyn visited. I kept trying out upsized favorite recipes of mine and trying them as new recipes for the guys. Mostly they went over well (beef tips with mushrooms proved popular) but not always (pork roast with a curry glaze was sent back — airborne!)

It was sad in some ways, watching friends and brothers who weren’t going to make it academically, as their college life went swirling around the bowl. Andy Kowalchuk and the Cisco Kid were the worst, but forget about telling them shit, they knew better. I laid way off the dope this time around, not out of any great moral issue, but because I just didn’t have the time or inclination.

I did introduce Marilyn to it one weekend. She was very nervous, but we were sitting around in Kowalchuk’s and Gravy Train’s room playing bridge and listening to the Monty Python and the Holy Grail soundtrack, and they started passing around a bong. I took a hit and then showed her how to do it. It was hilarious to watch her reactions. After a bit she lost her nervousness, her eyes got a little glazed, and then suddenly she got very… amorous. I had once told her it tended to make people horny, but she had just laughed it off. She eventually dragged me upstairs and ripped my clothes off of me, and then rode me hard and put me away wet! An amazing night, and I teased her about it mercilessly the next day. “Someday you’ll have children, and what will you tell them when they ask, ‘Why can’t I smoke pot? Did you ever smoke pot?’”

It happened, too. Alison was never a problem with drugs, since she was handicapped to begin with, and Parker never got into it, although he did like his beer. It was Maggie who was the wild one, and she bugged us about dating as soon as she hit puberty, and we know she smoked pot and drank. On the other hand, she didn’t do anything stupid and never got into trouble. The most hilarious moment was when she and Jackson moved into a fixer-upper apartment and she showed us a dresser she had stripped and stained. I promptly opened the top drawer to look at the construction and she screamed since I had found her stash. I just buried my head in my hands to try and stop laughing, while Marilyn huffed and puffed.

Near the beginning of April, a new brother joined the fraternity. A small mutt wandered into the back yard and took up residence. At first he hid in the corner, but then, as the day wore on, he got a little more adventurous and came out of hiding. By late afternoon he had wandered up to the back door, where we still had the airlock set up, and when the door opened, he scurried in before anybody could stop him. He sniffed the cooking in the kitchen and trotted on back, and promptly sat down and whined piteously. Mrs. Clarity ordered him out, but he kept whining, and when a couple of the guys tracked him down, they took pity on him and fed him some of yesterday’s leftovers.