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“What are your grades like?” I quizzed her about her grades and SAT scores. They were perfectly adequate to get into RPI. Add in that she was a girl, and the school was actively recruiting women and other minorities to fill Federal quotas, and she was a shoo-in.

While we were talking, a pair of large pepperoni pizzas were ordered, along with breadsticks and drinks. The girls all ordered sodas, but Bo ordered a beer, and I ordered a bottle of wine with Sophia.

“Wine, Carl?” she commented.

“Something Italian, I think, since we’re having pizza. Not too full bodied, no Barolos or Tuscans, so maybe a Chianti, but it’s pizza, so nothing as fancy as a Classico or Riserva.” I glanced at the wine list for a moment and then ordered a bottle of Gabbiano. She nodded approvingly.

I looked over at the twins, who were teasing their brother. “So where do you two want to go to school?” I asked. “And do you always dress alike?” They were wearing identical jeans and t-shirts, and even sneakers. Antonia was dressed informally, too. Only Sophia and Maria had dressed to impress, for Maria’s college tour.

The twins giggled at that. Antonia piped up and said, “That way nobody can tell them apart.”

“Not true. I can tell,” I answered.

Sophia and the girls all laughed at that. “Even I can’t tell, and I’m their mother,” she said.

“No way, man. These two have been playing this game since they learned how to walk!” agreed Bo.

I shrugged. “Well, Julietta’s the one with the piece of bread stuck in her braces.”

Instantly, the twin on the left slammed her mouth shut, as all eyes turned to the twins. You could see the twin on the left moving her tongue around in her mouth, and then she looked at me and said, “No I don’t!”

I smiled. “Yeah, but now I know you’re Julietta.”

The twins immediately started complaining, “That’s cheating!” as the rest of us laughed at them. We refused to hear their complaints, so the two of them went off to the bathroom together.

“They’re going to switch places,” said Maria after they left.

“Or maybe just say that they’ve switched places,” rebutted Antonia. She looked at me and said, “They do this all the time.”

“Doesn’t matter. Unless they swap clothes, Margreta has a tiny string hanging off the sleeve of her t-shirt.” I had been eyeing the two girls trying to find something to tell them apart. They really were identical. “I just bet they’re going to be a handful when they start dating. The guys won’t know what’s hit them. Or who!”

Both Bo and Sophia started at that thought. A few minutes later, the twins returned. “Now you don’t know who we are,” said the twin on the right, and they both stuck their tongues out at us.

I looked at their mother and siblings. There was a definite thread loose on the left sleeve of one of the Aerosmith t-shirts. I pointed at her, “Margreta”, moved my finger to the other, and said, “and Juliettta.”

Both girls gave shrieks of disbelief and pouted when their mother laughed at them.

“You’re a very observant young man,” she commented, especially after she caught me looking at her ring finger. She was missing either an engagement ring or a wedding band.

“I’m an observant kind of guy,” I returned with an easy smile. Shortly after that, I felt a stocking clad foot running up the outside of my left leg. Since I was sitting to the immediate right of Sophia, and Maria was on the far side of Bo from me, I was left with an interesting observation of my own. My cock also stiffened inside my pants. I didn’t know what happened to Mr. Berzinski, but he didn’t seem to be a factor anymore.

After a very pleasant lunch, we all headed back out to the parking lot. Bo’s Mustang was parked next to his mother’s Caddy, and I smiled again when I saw it. “You got to love that big Detroit iron,” I commented.

“You like a car like that?” asked Sophia.

“Nothing like it for a soft and comfortable ride.”

She smiled at that.

It was time to go. I waved to the twins and Antonia, and shook Maria’s and then Sophia’s hands. As I touched Sophia’s, I felt something in the palm of my hand. “Thank you for the lunch, Mrs. Berzinski.”

“It was my pleasure. Let’s hope we run into you again.” She smiled and got into her car.

Bo went around the side to the driver’s side, and I took the moment to glance at the note in my palm. Holiday Inn, Room 312, 10:30. Well, maybe I just might run into Sophia again. I bet I wouldn’t be calling her Mrs. Berzinski the next time. I climbed in Bo’s car and we rode back to the dorms.

Chapter 25: Midnight Rendezvous

I goofed off that afternoon in the dorm, and had dinner in the dining hall. After dinner, Buddy pushed me to go to a frat party with him and get totally drunk and wasted. I declined. “Buddy, I’m going out tonight. Sorry.”

“Hey, it’s free beer and dope!”

“Buddy, with you it’s always free beer and dope.” I had never seen him actually buy beer or pot, although he certainly seemed to mooch it pretty quickly.

“So, where are you going?”

“That’s secret, Buddy. If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”


“Trust me, Buddy. I’m going to have even more fun than you will, and I won’t get a hangover from it,” I said, laughing.

By nine, Buddy was history, off to wherever he was getting drunk and stoned at. I grabbed my toilet kit and a towel and headed down the hall. I took another shower, and shaved again, because you never want to be the one to cause rug burns. (Actually, that was sort of overkill. My beard really didn’t get heavy until I was almost 20. A second shave in one day was more along the lines of wishful thinking.) Afterwards, I went back to my room and changed into fresh khakis, a clean white dress shirt, and my deck shoes. I skipped the socks; I definitely skipped the briefs and undershirt. My dress shirt I wore casually, with the sleeves rolled up to mid forearm and a couple of buttons at the collar undone. I left the room a few minutes past ten.

I parked in the Holiday Inn parking lot away from the building, in a spot not well lit, and waited in the car until it was closer to the appointed time. No way did I want to be in the hall when one of the girls came wandering through. I figured that the girls were sharing a room or two, and that Sophia was in her own separate room. By 10:30, the girls would have settled down, but I didn’t want to chance running into them. At 10:27 I got out of the Galaxie, locked it, and went in through the lobby. The clerk glanced at me, but I went through to the elevators and went up to the third floor. Room 312 was to the right side. I walked down the hallway as quietly as I could, and tapped lightly on the door.

After a moment, the door opened wide, and Sophia Berzinski smiled when she saw me leaning against the door frame. She didn’t say anything, but stepped aside and invited me in. I followed her inside, and she closed the door behind me, and set the latch. “I was hoping you might stop by,” she said.

“I was hoping you would invite me,” I replied.

Sophia was looking extremely seductive. She had on a long black silk robe, and the way she moved underneath it led me to believe it was almost all she was wearing. She was also wearing black stockings and black stiletto heels. I eyed her frankly and approvingly. She was carrying a champagne flute half filled with sparkling wine. She wiggled it in my direction. “Would you care to join me?”

“I’d like that.” I followed her over to the table in the room where she had a bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket, along with a second glass. I took off my jacket and hung it over the back of a chair. I looked around the room. It was your basic Holiday Inn style room, with a single king size bed, a dresser with a television bolted to it, and a small table with a couple of chairs. A pair of small armchairs was in one corner facing the television.