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Still, I had to clarify my position even though I felt like the worst ingrate. “This doesn’t change anything between us.”

His grin did not dim. “I didn’t expect it to.” His expression turned rueful. “You really do have the most appalling opinion of me. I have my work cut out for me. I have never had to resort to cheap tricks to win a woman’s affection and I don’t plan to start with you.” He stooped down and looked directly at me. His voice lowered until it was an intimate caress against my skin. “Baby, when you finally come to me, and you will, it will be for no other reason than you want me so much you can’t help yourself.”

His endearment sent my heart racing and my breath caught at the determination in his aquamarine eyes. I felt like a rabbit sighted by a hawk. And I was afraid the emotion spreading through me wasn’t fear. It was excitement.

Chapter 9

Marcus thought Jake hung the moon and the stars and the sun and everything in the universe when I told him about the scholarship. He wanted to call Jake to thank him, but I nixed the idea, considering it too intrusive. I compromised by letting him text a thank you to Jake’s cell phone.

I didn’t want Jake to feel obligated to talk to my brother. I loved Marcus, but when he was excited about a topic, he could go on forever about it. It was both endearing and exasperating.

Within seconds of the sent text, I heard Marcus’s cell phone ring.

“Hi Jake!”

I looked up from my book in surprise.

Marcus’s lean face was bright and happy. “Uh-huh. Yeah.” He nodded vigorously, his hair flopping into his eyes.


“It’s awesome. I’m going to start next week. I wanted to go tomorrow, but Cora says we still have to figure out my classes and stuff. Yeah. Thanks!”

There was a long pause. I strained to hear Jake’s side of the conversation, but I couldn’t make out a single word.

“Sure! I’m don’t think Cora would mind!”

The book fell out of my hands and hit the floor with a loud thud. I sat up in alarm. “Marcus!” The idea of a twelve-year old agreeing to something on my behalf filled me with dread.

Peeking at me, he turned away and said quickly, “Bye, Jake. Thanks for everything.” He ended the call and stuffed the phone in the pocket of his baggy jeans.

I stood and planted my fists on my hips. It would have been more effective had I been taller than he was, but I tried to project authority. “What wouldn’t I mind?”

He shuffled guiltily toward his room. “Um… Jake said he had an empty apartment that was closer to my school and to your work. He said it’s sitting empty and we could move into it if we want.”

He spoke so quickly that the words strung together. It took me a few moments to register the words. “Marcus Branton! We are not taking charity from my boss!”

His jaw jutted out pugnaciously. “It’s not charity. Jake said we could pay the same amount of rent as we do now! And I hate it here. Something’s always broken and it’ll take me an hour to get to and from Galileo.”

I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. “Marcus, you know this is wrong. If we accept Jake’s generosity, we are essentially letting him subsidize our apartment. And that is charity. I know our living situation is not ideal, but Jake has done enough. He already pulled strings to get you a full scholarship. It’s not fair to take advantage of his kindness. When our lease is up in a few months, we can take a look at our finances to see if we can move closer to the school.”

His eyes brightened with hope. “Really?”

“I can’t promise anything, but yes we’ll seriously look into moving.” With Marcus’s tuition taken care of, I was sure we could upgrade to a nicer location.

Long arms snapped around me and I almost cried at Marcus’s spontaneous display of affection. He had not voluntarily hugged me since he was a young kid. Every time I pulled him into a hug, it felt like he was tolerating my touch.

I wrapped my arms around his bony figure and held him close. For the first time in a long time, I felt like my brother and I were on the same page. I closed my eyes to savor every precious second, but all too soon, he pulled away awkwardly.

“Um…should I call Jake to tell him?”

I narrowed my eyes in anger at Jake’s manipulative ways. “No, I’ll talk to him.”

“Okay. Don’t make him mad, okay?”

I gnashed my teeth. The man was turning my own brother against me. “Why would I make him mad?”

“Uh…cuz you look really pissed off.”

“I’m fine. Don’t you have to get ready for school? Just because you’re transferring doesn’t excuse you from finishing your homework. You have that paper due in English Lit.”

“UGH!” He groaned and walked to his room, feet dragging on the floor. English Literature was his least favorite subject. Before he reached his door, he paused and looked at the floor. “Um…Cora, I’m sorry for saying I hate you the other day.” He slanted a sideway glance at me. “I didn’t mean it.”

Tears welled up. “I know.”

He gave me a small smile of relief and walked into his room.

I took a moment to savor the shift in our relationship. My heart already felt lighter.

After a few minutes, I took out my phone and dialed Jake. My foot tapped with irritation as the phone ring.

“Hey, baby. I was hoping to hear from you.”

At the sound of his deep voice calling me baby, I almost forgot the purpose of my call. All I felt were the tremors of pleasure running from my ears down my spine to my feminine core. I bit my lip hard, hoping the pain would help me focus.

Work today had been an uphill battle. After our passionate kiss, Jake’s demeanor changed. He was never outright unprofessional, but there were little things that kept my nerves humming the whole time. When he spoke to me, he stood close a tad too close. His eyes followed me with a calculating glint, as if he were plotting something. When he spoke to me, he used a softer tone. And most distracting of all were his little touches. They weren’t lewd or inappropriate– a hand at my elbow or our fingers meeting when I handed him something– but each glance of his skin electrified my senses.

“Jake, what the hell are you doing?”

“What do you mean, baby?”

I almost groaned out loud, giving away how much he affected me. “Don’t call me that!”

His voice lowered to a croon. “But you are my baby. My beautiful, sexy, stubborn baby.”

“Jake!” I meant to say it as a rebuke, but it came out as more of a half-moan.

“I love the way you say my name. I can’t wait until you’re screaming it when you come on my cock.”

The phone landed on the floor with a loud crack. I stared at it, my mind pure sludge. My limbs were weak and shaking and it felt like I was running a fever. To my embarrassment, my panties were wet.

Shit! A few sexy words and I creamed myself.

“Cora! Are you okay?” My name sounded far away and with a start, I realized Jake was still on the other line.

I clenched my jaw and picked up the phone. Afraid he would derail me with his seductive voice, I spoke rapidly, “How dare you talk to Marcus about moving! It was an underhanded tactic and you know it. He’s twelve, Jake.”

His voice was surprisingly calm in the face of my angry words. “I knew you weren’t going to agree to move, but I don’t like where you live. It’s not safe for you or Marcus.”

“That’s for me to decide. It’s the best I can do right now and I don’t need your interference.”

“I’m not interfering. I’m trying to help.”

“We’re fine where we’re at!” I said haughtily.

“Your stubbornness is exactly why I talked to Marcus about it in the first place. Sometimes your brother is more levelheaded than you are. Why won’t you let me help you? What I told Marcus is one hundred percent true. There are several units in River North which are sitting empty. You and Marcus could move in this weekend.”