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“Then you were so taken with Dale Richards at the DataPoynt meeting. You were willing to go to bat for his company.”

“Jake, I was going to bat for his employees who would be out of jobs!”

His gaze drilled into mine. “His employees?”

I huffed in exasperation. “Yes, those poor people who would be out of jobs because you refused to help them!”

Groaning, he buried his face in my hair. “FUCK! Cora, you’re making me crazy!”

I gasped in indignation. “I’m making you crazy? Ha!”

His chuckle vibrated against me. He lifted his head. “You know, I wouldn’t be such a jealous bastard if you’d agree to date me. Exclusively.”

I tried to scowl, but my laugh ruined it. “Your logic is convoluted and asinine.”

He moved his body imperceptibly closer to me, his chest grazing against my breasts and his hard thighs bracketing my legs. My nipples hardened and heat flooded my sex.

I gasped and pressed my back against the door, trying to create space between us. He immediately eliminated the gap, shifting his weight so that he pinned me against the door. His hips pushed against my lower body, not hiding his arousal from me. I could already feel the fog stealing into my mind.

“Jake, we agreed this was a bad idea.” My voice was thready and weak.

You said this was a bad idea. I didn’t.” He nuzzled his nose into the sensitive spot below my ear.

I swore I didn’t mean to tilt my head, but before I knew it, his lips were skimming along the length of my neck and a breathy whimper escaped my lips. Feeling drugged, my eyes dropped to half-mast. His tongue peeked out to flick at my skin, leaving hot spots as he trailed his lips to the point where my neck met the slope of my shoulder. One of his hands left the door and caressed my clavicle through the thin silk of my blouse. It slowly slid down to cup my breast, his fingers subtly kneading my soft flesh. I gasped as my nipple tightened painfully. His other hand clasped onto the curve of my hips and the incredible heat of his palm seared through the layers of my clothes, scalding my skin.

Opening his mouth, he let his hot breath heat my skin before licking it with the flat of his tongue. Then he blew lightly on the wet patch. I shivered as goose bumps formed on my skin.

My fingers formed into claws against the wooden door. I felt like every molecule in my body was melting. “Jake.”

His name emerged as a moan and it seemed to set him off. He jerked his head up and captured my lips, tongue plunging deep into my mouth. His left hand gripped the back of my head to hold me immobile for his plundering. The taste of him was addictive and I welcomed the invasion, angling my head to get a tighter seal on his mouth. My hands clutched onto his biceps. I was intensely aware of his erection throbbing against my pelvis.

A rough hand skimmed under my skirt, grazing the inside of my inner thigh.

My eyes popped open in alarm and I made a vague sound of surprise. Jake broke the kiss and looked down at me, his eyes viridian. Without breaking eye contact, he moved his hand higher. Each inch was a slow seduction and I felt powerless to stop him.

He reached the edge of my panties and his fingers grazed the lace trim. “Fuck, baby. You feel so hot.”

Whatever I was going to say was lost in the heat of his mouth. He swallowed my gasp as his fingers slid underneath the damp panel. The pads of his fingers ran through my slick folds, barely teasing the entrance to my pussy. Back and forth. Back and forth.

My hips pulsed, seeking a deeper contact. He answered by sliding the tips of two fingers into my channel. My feminine muscles closed tightly over the digits as they sunk in halfway.

Desperate for air, I broke away, my breaths coming out in uneven pants. My vision glazed over, all my concentration focused on the thick fingers between my shaking thighs. The only thing that kept me standing was his hard bulk pressing me against the door.

“Your pussy is so wet and tight. I knew you’d feel amazing. I can’t wait until you’re wrapped around my cock.” He pulled out an inch and pushed in two.

The mewl that came out of my mouth was needy and hungry. “Jake, please!” Pride was subsumed under the clamoring in my body for satisfaction.

His eyes burned through to the marrow of my bones. “Baby–”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

We both froze.

“Jake, are you in there? I’ve been waiting with Halpern for five minutes!”

At the sound of Troy’s voice, I tensed.

 Jake’s forehead hit against the door with a loud thump. His breathing was a ragged as mine. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Cora and I need to finish up a memo.”

“Alright. Hurry up!”

Jake turned his head and whispered into my ear. “I’m sorry to leave you hanging baby, but I need to go.” He carefully pulled his fingers out of me and I moaned at the loss of fullness.

The skin on his face pulled taut. His gaze held mine as he lifted his fingers into view. I flushed at the evidence of my arousal glistening on the tips. He slowly brought them to his mouth and sucked on my wetness.

An involuntary groan rose from the back of my throat at the erotic sight of him tasting me.

“Hmm… you taste sweet, just as I imagined.” His eyes darkened. “Fuck! I’ll never get my cock to behave in time for the meeting.”

My gaze dropped and my mouth went dry. His erection was a hard column distending the placket of his pants.

Abruptly, Jake spun away from me, his back stiff. “Baby, I need you to leave this office. One more look like that from you and I won’t give a damn about any meeting. I’d have you on the ground with my cock in your pussy in ten seconds flat.”

What look?

“Jake…” My brain was still fuzzy and I didn’t know what to do. My body urged me to stay.

“Baby, please. Go!”

I jumped, startled by the plea in his voice. My hand scrabbled for the doorknob and finally latched on. Without saying another word, I scampered out of the room and walked briskly to the bathroom. With every step, I was aware of how wet my folds were. My body was still throbbing in protest at being denied relief.

The VP of Marketing, Marcia Goldstein, gave me a funny look as she passed me in the hallway.

I lowered my head, letting my thick hair hide my red face, and ducked quickly into the bathroom. One look in the mirror and I knew why I got the strange look. There was no hiding my kiss-swollen lips and too bright eyes. The apples of my cheeks were fuschia pink. My nipples were visible beads through my blouse. I squeezed my eyes closed in shame.

How did he turn me into this sex-crazed woman I didn’t recognize? When he threatened to take me on the floor, a part of me had screamed, “Yes! Take me now!”

My only consolation was that Jake was just as affected. A small giggle escaped me as I remembered him begging me to leave. “At least I know he knows the word please,” I told my reflection.

The door to one of the stalls opened, startling me. I thought the bathroom was empty and was glad I didn’t say anything revealing.

A red-eyed Alana emerged and she stopped short at the sight of me. She walked to the sink and averted her gaze.

I tried not to gape at her appearance. This was not the polished, haughty woman I was used to. To anyone on the streets, she would still look every inch the professional career woman, but I noticed the subtle differences. Her makeup failed to hide her pasty complexion. Her hair was slightly tousled– not in the deliberate sexy style some women wore, but in the I-forgot-to-comb-that-one-patch way. Her clothes were infinitesimally askew. But most telling of all were her eyes. She had recently had a good cry.

Hoping I wouldn’t regret it, I tentatively asked, “Are you okay, Alana?”

Staring down at her sudsy hands, she muttered, “Why would you care?”

I stifled my sigh of exasperation and spoke with restrained patience. “I’m not your enemy, Alana. I know you don’t like me and I don’t know why, but you look like you could use a friend right now. If you need to talk to someone...”