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“Harder. Rougher.” One of his hands lowered to wrap around my fingers, showing me how much pressure he liked. I tightened my grip and increased my speed. He murmured instructions and moaned when I followed them.

I raised my eyes to gauge Jake’s reaction to my touch. His eyes were closed and his mouth was parted, rasping breaths pushing past his lips. Instinctively, I put more pressure against the underside of his cockhead.

“Fuck! Do that again!”

I didn’t care that he barked at me. The surge of sensual power I felt in that moment was intoxicating. My thumb rubbed the same sensitive spot and Jake threw back his head, exposing his strong throat. His chest expanded and contracted with each deep breath.

“Baby, if you don’t want to get dirty again, you better stand back. I’m so fucking close.”

My heart thumped like a drum. I wanted to make him lose control. Instead of pulling away, I renewed my efforts and after two tight strokes, his cock jumped in my hands and Jake shouted. I gasped in surprise as white viscous liquid sprayed onto my neck and chest. He reached down to guide my hands in wringing every drop of pleasure out of him.

Finally, he pushed my hands away and dragged me to my feet. My knees were killing me, but the look of utter satiation on Jake’s face was worth the discomfort.

His eyes gleamed possessively as he touched the remnants of his silky release on my torso. “Baby, so sexy. So goddamn sexy. You’re going to take my dick in your mouth soon.”

I shivered, imagining taking his hard length in my mouth and driving him crazy with my tongue.

“Hmm… your mouth was made to take my cock. Just like every part of you was made for me.” Eyes burning with heat, he brought his hand to my mouth. “Taste.”

I hesitated, but remembering the way he licked me to climax, I stuck my tongue out and lapped at his fingers. It tasted slightly salty and all Jake. I swallowed the tips of his fingers into my mouth and suckled. “Hmm…”

He pulled them out of my mouth with a pop, his eyes dark and intense. “You are a temptress. No more of your seductive wiles or we’ll never make it to dinner.”

Ignoring my gasp of outrage, he turned the shower on to full blast and washed off his seed from my breasts.

When he stepped out of the shower, I checked out his spectacular buns and mourned the lost opportunity to wash his backside. Next time, I promised myself. I giggled, not recognizing this new Cora that was emerging. I was a shameless hussy, I told myself and I wanted to do a little happy dance. I hadn’t felt so carefree in years.

“Come on, baby. I’m starving. You’ve drained all of my energy with your insatiable demands.”

“Ha!” As far as comebacks went, it was pathetic, but I was enjoying his teasing too much to want to argue.

We dried ourselves hastily. I had to put on my old clothes and without my panties, I felt exactly like the hussy I had dubbed myself.

Jake changed into jeans and a t-shirt that complemented his eyes. It was the first time I’d ever seen him in casual clothes and I thought he looked even better than when he was in his designer suits. He still looked inhumanly beautiful, but I could pretend he was just an ordinary guy. I could pretend the Grand Canyon sized social gap between us didn’t exist.

When he was in his expensive suit, I knew I was living in a fantasy world. Because what did a billionaire CEO see in a poor secretary with little education, little prospects, and a lot of baggage?

Chapter 15

When I called Marcus to let him know Jake was taking us out to dinner, he sounded a little too excited for my comfort. Again, I wondered if I was making a mistake in letting Jake get involved so deeply into our lives. If I got hurt, I was a big girl and I knew the risks going into this relationship. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if my brother got hurt as well.

As if he knew the direction of my thoughts, Jake put his hand on my bare thigh and squeezed. “Stop overthinking everything.”

The selfish side of me fought with the responsible side. Finally, I pushed away my concerns and decided to enjoy our time together. I had to talk to Marcus when we were alone. The key to building a relationship with my brother, I had come to realize, was to treat him like an adult and include him in decisions that affected us both.

After I changed– and put on panties– Jake took us to a mom-and-pop Chinese restaurant, which made the most amazing pot stickers. He made me blush when he teased that the stir-fry was not up to my caliber. Marcus loved having another male to talk to about his interests and Jake was incredibly patient with my brother.

“Marcus, your sister and I are dating. Are you okay with that?”

I choked on a water chestnut. I had not expected him to talk to my brother about us like this.

Without looking away from my brother, Jake patted the middle of my back while I guzzled my water.

Marcus’s thin shoulders shrugged. “Sure, I knew that a couple of weeks ago.”

Say what?

“When you went to my principal’s office with her.”

Jake and I both gaped at him.

Marcus looked at us with a mix of superiority and disgust. “Come on. I’m a kid, not stupid. Why would your boss drive you there unless there’s something personal going on? And why would he offer to move us into a luxury apartment?” As if he hadn’t dropped a bombshell, he looked over at me and asked, “Cora, can you pass me the sweet and sour pork, please?”

I handed him the plate, my brain still catching up to his. Sometimes his intelligence was a bit terrifying.

Jake sat back in his seat. With admiration in his voice, he offered, “When it’s time for college, pick whichever one you want and I’ll make sure you get a full scholarship.”

My chopsticks fell to the table and I made a sound of distress. That was five years away. Jake wasn’t going to be around that long.

Jake’s eyes narrowed at my expression and he leaned over and gave me a hard kiss. His hand held the back of my neck possessively.

“Eww… just cuz I was okay with you two dating doesn’t mean I want to see you kissing.” Marcus made a gagging sound.

Breaking away, Jake sat back and grinned. He kept his hand on my neck, his fingers playing with the baby hairs on my nape. “Sorry, buddy. You’re going to have to get used to it. Do you have a lot of homework this weekend?”

“I finished most of it after school.” Marcus made a face and then confessed, “I have one history paper due on Monday.”

“If you finish your paper by tomorrow, I will take you and your sister sailing on Sunday.”

Marcus was practically vibrating with excitement. “Really?”

“As long as Cora proofreads it and approves, then yes.”

Marcus pumped his hand into the air and I laughed at his enthusiasm.

Saturday was a lazy day. While Marcus was doing his homework, Jake hung out in our tiny apartment. He brought his laptop to do some work, but he told me he just wanted to spend time with me. It was sweet and undemanding. Once Marcus was done with his paper, I read it over and then we went out to dinner again, this time to a pizzeria.

Jake and I managed to gross out Marcus a few times with our kissing. I placed the blame squarely in Jake’s lap because the man couldn’t keep his hands and lips to himself. I never took him to be an affectionate person in public, but I guess I never knew him that well to begin with.

Of course, I didn’t fight him too hard. I hoped that over time, his effect on me would wear off some so that I could think straight. I inadvertently muttered that out loud and Jake smiled like a cat that swallowed the canary.

Marcus and I woke up early on Sunday, excited about the prospect of sailing for the first time. Jake picked us up in a sedan instead of his two-door Bentley and drove us out to the harbor. He had a sixty-eight feet yacht that was shiny and sleek and cost more than most people made in a lifetime.