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“On nothing. Just thinking about being an uncle, is all.”

“I don’t think that’s funny,” Marcus argued.

“Troy has a very twisted sense of humor, Marcus,” I said, glaring at the younger Weston brother.

Thankfully, before Troy could say anything else, we pulled up to the front drive. Jake opened the door for me and helped me out of the car. He and Troy grabbed the overnight bags from the trunk and we walked to the front door.

Susan was already at the doorway, exclaiming joyfully at the sight of her boys. She gave each of them hugs and kisses and then she warmly embraced my brother and me.

“I’m so glad you could make it. It’s wonderful to meet you, Marcus.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” he said shyly.

“Call me Susan, dear.”

I murmured my thanks for her invitation and handed her the pie.

“Ooh…this looks scrumptious. It’s Geoffrey’s favorite. Thank you, Cora. You’re a sweetheart.”

A tall man who could only be Jacob Geoffrey Weston II was standing in the entryway, talking to his sons. Jake looked like a younger version of his dad, except for his eyes, which were clearly from his mom. Geoffrey Weston’s hair had more black than gray in it and he had the muscular build of someone who worked with his hands.

I felt a crease form between my brows. I could have sworn Susan said something about her husband’s health being poor, but he looked like he was in the prime of his life.

“You must be Cora!” He turned to me with a bright smile.

“Hi, Mr. Weston. Thank you for–” Before I could finish my sentence, he hauled me into a bone-crushing hug. Nope, definitely nothing wrong with his health. I was coming to realize I’d been had, although I had yet to figure out how. Come to think of it, Susan never mentioned anything about her husband being sick.

“Nonsense. What is this Mr. Weston crap? You can call me Geoffrey or Geoff.”

“Darling, your language,” admonished Susan in a mild voice. She held up the pie, “Cora made your favorite pie.”

Keeping his hands on my shoulder, he turned toward Jake and said, “Son, if you don’t keep this one happy, I’m gonna take my shotgun to your backside.”

I blushed.

Unperturbed by the threat, Jake dragged me out of his dad’s arms and tucked me into his side. “I’m doing my best, sir.”

“Of course you are. We didn’t raise a dummy.” Geoffrey turned to my brother and gave him a man hug. “Welcome, Marcus. Jake tells me you have an interest in science. One of these days, we need to make a trip down to NASA for a tour. I know the chief scientist…” He started to walk off with Marcus, who was hanging on to his every word.

Jake took me on a tour of the house. The décor was simple, but beautiful. The color scheme was mostly cream and silver, which was tasteful and calming. I especially admired the wooden furniture and Jake told me his parents only bought from local craftsman.

During dinner, I sat back and observed the way the Westons interacted as a family. They were warm and gracious and you could feel their unconditional love for each other.

I was too overwhelmed to contribute much to the conversation. Every now and then Jake would send me a searching look and squeezed my thigh in inquiry, but I smiled at him to let him know I was fine. Although Marcus was initially quiet, Geoffrey’s stories about his connections with some of the most famous scientists and engineers soon had my brother opening up as if he’d known the Westons for years.

I liked Jake’s parents immensely.

Susan was a deft conversationalist while Geoffrey exhibited a raw honesty that was disarming. I could tell Susan and Geoffrey had a strong marriage. They clearly loved each other and seemed to read each other’s thoughts. I looked at them with envy. In thirty years, I hoped Jake and I–

No! Not going to go there.

I was a tad self-conscious when Susan brought out my pie to serve as dessert.

Troy, the ham, took one bite and slapped his hand over his heart. “Marry me, Cora. They say the way to a man’s stomach is through his heart. And I can tell you, you’ve won mine.”

Jake snapped his napkin at Troy. The linen hit Troy’s hand with a loud twap. Jake didn’t even look up from his pie.


“Boys! Manners!” Susan scolded, but she couldn’t hide her amusement.

While Troy was acting like a clown, Geoffrey swiped Troy’s piece of pie from under his nose.

Troy picked up his fork and looked down at the empty spot in front of him in dismay. He looked at his dad, who had wolfed down his own slice and was now digging into his son’s. “Hey! Pie stealer.”

“You snooze, you lose.” Geoffrey popped the last bite into his mouth and winked at me. “That’s the best pie I’ve ever eaten. My son is a lucky fella.”

“Mom! Dad stole my piece of pie.” Troy sounded all of five years old.

“Well, there’s still some left in the kitchen.”

Chairs scraped as both Troy and Geoffrey made for the kitchen in a dead run.

Marcus was giggling and I barely kept a straight face.

Susan waved her fork. “Oh, don’t mind them. It’s always like that around here when it comes to dessert.” She closed her eyes. “Hmm… that really is the best pie I’ve ever had. You simply have to give me the recipe or my husband will be impossible to live with.”

“Um… sure. I’ll write it down before I leave.”

Troy and Geoffrey emerged from the kitchen, each with a slice on their plates.

“Is there any more left?” asked Jake.

“You snooze, you lose,” Troy said triumphantly as he ate a forkful.

“That’s my girlfriend’s pie!”

Jake calling me his girlfriend in front of his family sent little butterfly wings fluttering in my stomach.

“I’m sorry son. Your brother is a glutton.”

“That’s your third piece, old man! Who’s the glutton?”

Geoffrey smiled. “Son, that just means I’m the smart one. You both only got one slice and I got three!”

Troy and Jake both groaned at his infallible logic.

“I’ll bake two pies next time,” I offered, smiling at their dynamics. I was tickled by their obsession with dessert.

Three sets of hopeful male eyes turned to me.

“Son, remember, shotgun to your backside.”

“Yes, sir.” Jake was smiling at me like I’d done something miraculous.

“Okay, boys. You know the drill. Dishes.” Susan looked at my brother. “Marcus do you want to help with the dishes or would you like to join us women for a walk?”

“I’ll stay with the guys.”

I smiled mistily at his choice, not surprised my brother wanted to spend more time with the men. It would be good for him to see how males bonded, although hopefully he wouldn’t pick up their habit of fighting over food.

Standing, Susan gestured for me to go with her. “Come on, darling. Let me show you the garden.”

Feeling a bit apprehensive about being alone with Jake’s mom, I looked at Jake, but he was already tying an apron around his waist. He looked so domestic and cute that I stared for a moment.

With a secretive smile on her lips, Susan hooked her arm through mine and led me to the living room. After she flipped on the garden lights, she slid open the French doors leading outside.

I walked out and gasped at the beautifully landscaped yard. Flood lighting showcased the countless flowerbeds full of hydrangeas, poppies, asters, and many more. The air was perfumed with the most wonderful floral scents.

“Oh my! This is gorgeous. You must be an avid gardener.”

“Yes. Geoffrey has his golf and I have my flowers. There’s a little path we can take.” She led me down a cobblestoned walkway and I was glad I wore my comfortable flats.

“I’m so glad Jake met you, Cora. He’s been so much happier.”

“Um… I’m not sure that has anything to do with me,” I mumbled.

She slanted me a look and started laughing. “You keep thinking that, dear.” Wiping a tear out of the corner of her eye, she added, “We all have our delusions.”