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I owe him an explanation. “Jordan … Mark asked me out to dinner a few days ago, and I turned him down. I can’t say it had anything to do with what happened today, but he’s definitely treated me different since then, and…”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner?” His face is suddenly harsh; his expression serious. “Jesus, Adeline.” He’s angry.

“I didn’t know this would happen.” I’m barely whispering as his harsh eyes bear down on me.

“I would never have put you up there to pitch the design, knowing that. I’d have at least put a stop to it sooner had I known there was no basis for his bullshit! Damn it, Adeline.”

But as quickly as our most enjoyable dance turned sour, it now turns toxic as Vera appears out of nowhere and takes Jordan by the arm. I pull myself from him, trying to quickly retreat. The last thing I want to endure is the hatred of Vera as I steal myself from Jordan, but it’s too late. Jordan’s grip on my arm clamps down as I step away from him. His eyes bore into me, and as Vera looks between us I look only at him. Vera is as intoxicated as ever and smiling warmly at Jordan, but as her eyes pass to me the hatred radiates from her.

“Throwing the intern a bone, are we?” She’s speaking to Jordan, implying I’m nothing more than a pathetic title not even worthy of a name, let alone a dance with this man.

But Jordan isn’t interested in offending me on this night, and I’m thankful for that much. “Her name is Adeline, Vera, and I doubt she refers to you as the interior designer, so perhaps you could show her the same respect and use her name.” His words bite, and she recoils and removes her hand that is so obviously not welcome on his arm. His hand is still holding my arm gently but firmly. I want to be away from Vera, but I’m suddenly most engaged in being near Jordan.

“Fine, Adeline.” And turning to me, she speaks once more. Her expression is hateful and her words are as well. “I should have mentioned this would be black tie … my mistake. But hey, you won’t be around long enough for anyone to remember how ridiculous you look, so take heart, dear Adeline.”

And as Jordan opens his mouth to likely berate her, Mr. Foster appears and claps a hand on Jordan’s shoulder. “Adeline, right? Are you enjoying your evening?” I nod but am still flustered by Vera’s words. I’m embarrassed, and now I have yet another pair of eyes taking in my appearance. Mr. Foster is kind though, and after appraising me he continues. “You remind me of my daughter in that dress. It’s exactly something she would wear, and it looks lovely.” The quick wink of his eye is all that’s needed for my emotions to unravel and for the impending tears to prick my eyes, and as I look to Jordan, begging him with my eyes to release me, he understands. With a furrow of his brow, he finally lets go of the warm grip on my arm. I bid both Mr. Foster and Jordan a quick good night, ignoring Vera as I turn and stumble through the crowd.

I’m done. This day has been more than I can handle, and I’m emotionally exhausted. I’ve fought my tears for the last time, and there is nothing that will keep me here any longer. Vera is a bitch, and Jordan intimidates and confuses me far more than my fragile emotions can tolerate at the moment. Mr. Foster may have been kind, but I can’t handle one more person appraising me in pity or ridicule. When I exit the building, however, I’m devastated to see it’s pouring rain. I have no umbrella, and I will now be forced to walk the three blocks in my uncomfortable shoes through a rainstorm. Brilliant, but at least I’m free of the intimidation of Foster’s dinner.

As my tears finally fall freely, I plunge headlong into the wall of rain, shuffling my feet quickly down the sidewalk. I’m moving as swiftly as I can, but the rain is coming so fast the sidewalk is moving with a sheet of water over its surface. My strappy silver heels are protecting my feet in no way, and by the time I reach the street in front of Architectural Artifacts, I’m soaked to the skin and not an inch of my body is dry. I make it a block before my first mishap. When I take a wrong step, my heel catches in a sidewalk grate, and as my foot is propelled forward by my step, my shoe unfortunately is not. I end up with one shoe on and one sticking out of the grate in the sidewalk, but as I pull and yank on the shoe it won’t budge. A car turns down the street, but I’m so immersed in my fight against the grate I don’t realize this car is looking for me.

With one final tug, I loosen the shoe and topple backward on my butt, hitting hard with a thud. I’m now sitting drenched on the sidewalk with my shoe in my hand, crying pitifully. The car has now made its way to me, and the moment the car is stopped at the curb, Jordan exits quickly and approaches, pulling me to stand in front of him. His eyes are dark and intense as they take in mine, and in one swift moment he lunges for my lips and captures them with his own. His kiss is passionate, harsh, and desperate, and it feels so good. The rain is cool on my skin, but his lips are warm and send their warmth coursing through my body. He moves his hands to grip my hips and pushes me back to the side of his car. In haste, he pulls the fitted skirt of my dress to my waist, strips my underwear down my legs, lifts me to the hood of his car, and pushes between my thighs.

His mouth remains locked to mine, and his tongue thrusts and forces its way between my lips. He tastes of wine, and his tongue runs along mine as it searches every last surface of my mouth. His hands abandon my cheeks he’s held in his clasp since lifting me to the hood, and he pulls out a condom from his pocket and presses it into the palm of my hand. With his hands free, he hastily unbuttons his pants, slides the zipper down, and grabs the condom from my hand. His mouth is still owning mine, but as he tears open the condom wrapper, he leaves my lips and looks to my eyes while he works with quick hands. I want to hold his eyes that are dark and searing and so damn seductive, but instead my gaze moves to his incredible arousal jutting between our bodies, and once he’s rolled the condom down his length, he pulls my hips to teeter on the edge of his car. He holds me still as his penis glides between the slick lips of my sex. The rain continues to pound our bodies, and the cooling effect on my heated and sensitized skin is arousing. He leans to my mouth for one last sweet kiss before his lips trail to my ear. His breathing is coming in gasps, and as I push my groin toward his, he lets out a deep and warm moan against my neck.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you since I woke and found you gone from my bed. Ask me for it. Please.” He thrusts gently against my sex as he speaks, and there is no denying my want as well. My body is drenched in wetness, not just from the rain that beats down on us and around us, enveloping us in a soft echoing waterfall.

“Please fuck me.” Without hesitating, he grips my hips and pushes his entire length inside my body as his gaze holds mine and his mouth drops open. The pain is a stab to my womb, and as I cry out he patiently watches my eyes for the pain to subside. I nod when I’m ready for him to move again, and he withdraws quickly before thrusting back within my tight sheath. His hands remain on my hips as he continues to stroke in and out of my body, his intensity building with each stroke, and as his thrusts quicken and the pounding force as well, my body loosens and relaxes to his invasion.