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However forgetful I might have been about the events of Friday, I’m reminded swiftly the moment I sit at my desk and Vera approaches. “Come on. You’re expected in Foster’s office… I said come on! I don’t have all day.” Bitch. As I stand to follow, Vera takes off like lightning, leaving me in the dust. I have to jog just to catch up, and as Vera looks back once and regards me with her normal dose of Adeline hatred, I cringe. I don’t want to think about the catastrophe that was Friday, but apparently that’s exactly what I’m in for.

As I enter Foster’s office, I look around expecting Jordan, but he’s absent. Vera, however, is not, and she makes her presence very well known as she speaks. “Here she is. She was apparently late this morning.” I was not! I had no idea I could hate a person so much, but I’ve discovered I’m really quite good at hating her. Mr. Foster pays her comment no mind and asks me to sit. As I do, Jordan enters, and I’m left craning my neck around to see him as he approaches behind me. He looks glorious and amazing as always. He’s wearing another ridiculously awesome suit that fits to a T. This one is an indistinguishable shade of gray or brown, and he’s paired it with a deep brown-colored shoe that has a squared off toe and looks as perfectly antique as his designs. I’m left catching my breath as he takes the seat next to me without the slightest hint of nervousness at my presence—good to know only one of us is so pathetic.

When Mr. Foster speaks, I stop breathing once again, but not because of Jordan’s presence in any way. “I’m sorry, Adeline, about what happened on Friday with Mark Lear, and it should make you feel better that Mark has been removed from the Market Street project. However, when I spoke with Andrew Trigg at Trigg Development, he asked that you be removed from the project as well.” His eyes hold mine with a gentleness and sincerity that threatens to leave me in tears yet again.

Though I’ve lost my voice, and breath for that matter, Jordan has not. “What the hell are you talking about?” Apparently he’s more than okay with addressing Foster in such a way, but my gaping mouth must make it clear I’m shocked, and I am shocked.

“Relax, Jordan, I reassured him Adeline wasn’t the cause of this problem with Lear, and it would be inappropriate and unfair to punish her for Mark’s behavior. You know full well I’m sympathetic to what Adeline endured from Mark on Friday. But it was no small feat convincing him to leave Adeline on the project.” And with hesitation he looks to me. “It’s difficult with an intern. Though they recognize Mark was out of line, they were also defensive. Regardless, they’ve agreed to let you continue to work on Jordan’s team, though they’ve cautioned you’ll be removed if there are any further … misunderstandings… Apparently, Mark is being quite vocal at Trigg and painting Adeline in a less than favorable light.”

“Misunderstanding! A misunderstanding was Mark thinking it was a good idea to proposition Adeline in the first place. His reaction to her rejection was inappropriate!” Jordan is very close to yelling, and I’m still and frozen by his side. My heart is warm with his defense, but my body is cold with the unspoken threat. Should I lose my internship, should I receive bad marks for my time at Foster’s, my career will be off to a decidedly bad start. I’ve strived to maintain the highest grades my stamina would allow. This coveted internship was the final hurdle to seal my career path. To think Mark’s unfavorable, albeit vindictive, opinion of me could affect Trigg’s willingness to allow me to continue work on their project could ultimately have a lasting impact on my internship and moreover my career. Hell, it’s damn unfair frankly, and while I’m pissed, I’m also terrified.

But Jordan reads my mind as he speaks once again. “She doesn’t deserve to have her record tarnished because of Mark’s misplaced and inappropriate affections.”

“Jordan, I’ve kept her on the job, and she’ll have a chance to see this project through to the end. I’ve reviewed her design boards. They’re impressive, and you know I won’t remove her from this project unless absolutely necessary. However, her department head at Columbia is asking to speak with her. Apparently, Mark decided to take it upon himself to fill him in on the events of Friday, naturally giving his own personal, skewed rendition of the meeting.” Foster is shaking his head in disgust as he looks to me and continues. “Dr. Lynch would like to see you today as soon as you can make it there. You don’t need to return to the office today. I want you to take the rest of the day off, and please don’t think it’s any reflection of what happened Friday. You have my complete support on this matter, and it’s quite apparent you have Jordan’s as well.”

I nod. It’s the only response I can muster. I can’t say I’m shocked, but I’m certainly terrified. Dr. Lynch is the head of the Interior Design Program at Columbia, and while my experience with him has always been positive, I suddenly feel as though I’m being sent to the principal’s office. I’m the good student, not the one who causes chaos such as this, and on top of all of that I’ve done nothing wrong! I should be furious, and I am to a degree, but at the moment I’m more terrified of the threat this holds over my future than anything else.

I say nothing. I have no idea what to say, but as both Jordan and Foster continue to watch me while Vera glares from the wall she’s standing next to, I panic, feeling as though I ought to say something. I manage an, “Okay,” but nothing else. Vera is being oddly quiet, but the smirk that passes her expression as I stand to leave tells me she’s enjoying my predicament.

Jordan stands with me and comments to the room, “I’ll walk you out.”

I nod without making eye contact as I move toward the door. Jordan follows me in silence to my cubicle as I grab my purse, and just when I think he intends to say nothing, do nothing, regard me in no way, he brushes a tender and gentle hand on my shoulder as I turn to walk past him out my cubicle. I still at his touch, wanting more, wanting him, wanting some sort of comfort, and he gives it. As I stop midstride, he pushes me back to the workspace desktop and reaches for my face.

We’re hidden by the interior of my cubicle, and as his hand touches my cheek, I look to his eyes, and in intense slow motion he leans to my lips, places a gentle kiss, and moves his mouth to my ear. “It’s going to be okay. You’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t forget that.” My heart is fluttering with intense longing, and my knees are wobbling in my desire, but I have other battles to fight before I can think of him. I thank him and walk again from my cubicle with his gaze trailing after me.


Upon arriving at Dr. Lynch’s office, I’m left waiting in the reception area, my nervousness mounting by the second. When at last I’m called into the office, Dr. Lynch smiles warmly but hesitantly. My hands are clammy, shaky, and I’m struggling not to let terror touch my expression. I’m offered a seat and sink to the soft surface, thankful to take my weight off my wobbly knees.

Dr. Lynch sits, regarding me only a moment before he starts speaking. “I’ve spoken with Foster, and I want you to understand you’re not in any kind of trouble. He feels strongly you’re not to blame for Mr. Lear’s behavior on Friday, and I can assure you while Mr. Lear may have contacted me, his portrayal of the events doesn’t fit with any experience I’ve had with you, and quite frankly reeked of resentment. I’m sorry you had to endure such awful treatment by him. But I want to be clear with you, this job is a large undertaking for an intern, and if you are in over your head on this one, I want to know. You’ve been one of my best students, but you are still a student, and I would rather remove you from this project than see your rating on this internship suffer.”