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Graves went on, “Now for a question which you may already have asked yourselves. Why was I, a member of the inter-clade Ethical Council, called in? I have perhaps had more contact than other councilors with Builder artifacts, but I am by no means an expert on the subject. How are ethics involved? I can give you a simple answer. We may be dealing with attempted genocide. The Marglotta say that their world is changing. Some great destructive force is at work in the Sag Arm. It has spread steadily for many millennia, possibly for millions of years. The Marglotta suspect the influence of the Builders. I cannot speak as to the truth of that conjecture, but we have made our own observations of the Sag Arm. We find a region utterly lacking in light and life. Observe.”

The chamber dimmed. The new 3-D display seemed to grin back at Darya. It was as though something had taken a bite out of the spiral arm and left a small sphere of black nothing where stars should be.

“Scary picture.” Louis Nenda spoke softly, as much to himself as to Darya. “And hard luck on Marglotta and friends.”

She whispered back, “Scary, and strange. Anything on that scale has to be Builder activity. But no Builder artifact in our arm ever destroyed whole stellar systems.”

Julian Graves was staring at them. Louis Nenda said, more loudly, “Somethin’s doing a number on the Sag Arm. But Councilor, it’s a zillion lightyears away. We’re safe enough.”

“I do not share your confidence on the latter point.” Julian Graves’s deep voice filled the hall. “Our own clades—all our own clades—could be in danger. We went back to observations of the Sag Arm made millennia ago. The dark sphere is growing, and as it spreads, its outer boundary will come closer to an edge of the Sag Arm—to the place, in fact, where nodes of the Bose network stretch across the Gulf toward our own spiral arm.”

Darya could sense Hans Rebka moving restlessly at her side. He said, “I see what you’re getting at. But what are we talking about here? We sure don’t need to worry about next week, or next year. How long do we have?”

“Precisely?” The lights came on, and Graves was frowning. “I do not know. E. Crimson Tally? An estimate?”

“From the data available, the affected area could reach the far edge of the Gulf somewhere between twenty-nine and thirty-two thousand years from now.”

Graves nodded. “There’s your answer, Captain Rebka. But I wonder why you ask.”

Rebka stood up restlessly, although squeezed between Darya and E.C. Tally he had no place to go. “Because of who I am, and what I’ve done all my life. I can see why Darya might get excited when there are signs that the Builders are busy in the next arm over. I can see why you are involved, because the immediate danger to the Marglotta is an ethical question. But me, I’m strictly short-term. Get in a fix today, maybe I can get you out of it by tomorrow. At least I’ll try. But when you talk thousands and tens of thousands of years, I’m as much use as feathers on a fish.”

“Which goes doubled for At an’ me.” Louis Nenda stood up, too, leaving Darya sitting sandwiched tightly between him and Rebka. “An’ our slaves, J’merlia an’ Kallik—”

“They are not your slaves, Mr. Nenda. I object strongly to the use of that word. They are free beings.”

“Try tellin’ that to them, Councilor—maybe you’ll have more luck than I’ve had. But don’t get me off the point. Me an’ At don’t specialize in ethics.”

“I am not unaware of that point. In fact, I am relying upon it.”

“Eh? What kind of crack is that? Anyway, not only ethics. I’ve been mixed up with Builder stuff ever since Summertide, but nobody in their right mind would call me an expert on them.”

“This also is a fact well-known to me.”

“So why am I here? Why is At here? Why is that"—Nenda seemed ready to use something insulting, but finally he just jerked a thumb toward Hans Rebka—"why is he here? Hell, why is any one of us here? We were forced to come, you know—we didn’t want to.”

Graves nodded. “That also is no surprise. Mr. Nenda, and Captain Rebka also, I am afraid that one element of this whole affair has apparently escaped you. I should have been clearer at the outset. You were not brought to Miranda Port simply to be provided with information concerning the new Bose nodes that lead to the Sag Arm. You were not brought here to learn about the Marglotta, or the destructive force at work in the Sagittarius Arm. Nor were you brought here to offer your advice, valuable as that may be. You were brought here because you, and I, and everyone present in this chamber, have a more active role to perform.”

“Like what?”

“Like, Mr. Nenda, to discover what threatens to destroy Marglot, and what one day may destroy us.” Graves bowed his head, so that light gleamed on his bald dome with its pattern of radiation scars that for some reason he had never bothered to have removed. ” Miranda Port represents no more than a point of embarkation. As soon as possible, we will all be on our way to the Sagittarius Arm.”


Through the Gulf

Darya, even though she was from one of the richest worlds in the Fourth Alliance, had never dreamed that ships like the Pride of Orion existed. It was a miracle of compact structure. Although it was not especially large, and although it looked like and operated as one perfectly integrated body, the ship could divide into six self-contained vessels. Each had its own drive and its own Bose transfer capability. The ship had been renamed before they set out from Upside Miranda Port. Darya suspected that was a Council act. The Pride of Orion and everyone within it would be the first representatives of the local arm to visit its inward neighbor.

Or not quite the first. The Pride of Orion was about to pass through yet another Bose transition. Just ahead, a mere pulsating speck on the screen, flew a much smaller ship. Even as Darya watched and wondered, the Have-It-All entered the node and the signal beacon vanished.

Its presence on the expedition was the result of a terrific argument with Julian Graves on the eve of their departure; an argument, moreover, in which the unheard-of took place: Hans Rebka and Louis Nenda had agreed with each other completely.

“The Pride of Orion is effectively indestructible.” That was Julian Graves.

“I don’t care if the Pride of Orion is made of solid neutronium and could fly up the wazoo of a Bolingbroke giant and come out in one piece.” Nenda stood arms akimbo, glaring at the councilor. “Smart people don’t do things that way, an’ I can’t believe you don’t know it.”

“Nenda’s right.” Hans Rebka poked an accusing finger at Graves . “You saw it for yourself during Summertide and on Genizee. No matter how secure you feel, you don’t travel without a backup. Especially when you’re heading beyond known space.”

“We have a back-up ship, for Heaven’s sake. We have six back-up ships, right on the Pride of Orion. If you want to inspect them, you have my permission to visit every one.”

“Yeah, an’ that’s real easy to do.” Nenda looked around as though seeking a good place to spit. “You know why? Because they are right there on board the Pride of Orion. It gets zapped, they get zapped.”

“What could possibly, as you put it, ‘zap’ the Pride of Orion?”