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Viviase turned his back on us and walked with Mickey at his side. Ames and I headed back for the Taurus. I stopped at the phone at the gas station at Beneva and Bee Ridge and called Lawrence Werring’s office and got his secretary. I told her I wanted to speak to Harvey. She told me I wanted to speak to Mr. Werring.

Werring came on almost immediately.

“Gone out of business, Fonesca?” he asked calmly.

“No,” I said.

“Good, then I have papers for you to serve on three people, today.”

I couldn’t afford to lose Werring’s business or Harvey so I said, “I’ll be right there.”

A hundred fifty dollars wouldn’t be bad either. Before I could ask Werring if he could transfer me to Harvey, he hung up. I called back. This time I was allowed to get through to Harvey.

“Lewis,” he said. “Challenge me.”

I told him what I wanted.

“Make it harder.”

“How about having it done in an hour?” I said.

“I accept the challenge,” he said.

We went back to my office, stopping at the DQ for burgers and fries. Dave asked if I wanted to finally try sailing next Saturday. Just a test to see if I might like it. Ames was also invited. We both turned him down politely and went up to my office.

Two messages on the machine.

The first was from Rubin, the Herald-Tribune reporter.

“Man named Merrymen was just found murdered,” he said. “His father-in-law was murdered, too. Merrymen’s son knows a girl named Adele Hanford. You had something to do with a case involving the death of a couple of people last year including Adele’s father. The same source who told me about the missing Lonsberg manuscripts called ten minutes ago. We’ll have a story tomorrow morning. You want to give me a call so we get it right? I’m planning to squeeze your name somewhere into it.”

Young man’s smart, I thought, and leaned back wanting to tell Ames to walk back to the Texas, wanting to unplug the phone, wanting to watch a western, an old one with John Wayne, Randolph Scott, Tim Holt, or “Wild” Bill Elliott, wanting to sleep without dreaming.

I pushed the button and got the second message. It was from Conrad Lonsberg. He didn’t give his name.

“Four o’clock, my house.”

Ames had finished his burger and was emptying a container of root beer.

“Feel like going for a ride?” I asked.

He nodded.

We went off to serve the papers. All were for the same case, a civil action about some property in Towles Park. Towles Park, not three blocks from where I lived, had been trying to make a comeback after years of being a small collection of ramshackle old houses. It was now an artist’s colony of sorts. The houses repaired and painted bright colors. Shingles over the doors with cute names, even a small restaurant I’d never been to. One of the houses that hadn’t made a comeback was the issue. I didn’t care.

The first two papers were delivered into the hands of the witnesses or litigants, I didn’t know which, within fifteen minutes. Number one was a waitress at the Sunrise Deli on Webber and Beneva. Number two was a Japanese cardiologist on Arlington. Number three had no address, wasn’t in the telephone book. Just the name, James Nuttley.

“Know him,” Ames said.

“Who is he?”

“Homeless, sometimes. Tried working at McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried, Burger King. All dumped him. Ed Fairing tried him as a bartender for a few days. You read Omar Khayyam?”

“Not recently,” I said as we drove east on Main Street.

“What does the vintner buy half so precious as that he sells,” Ames said.

“Nuttley drank more than he sold,” I said.

“Lasted two or three days. Ed gave him a few dollars and walked him out the door. Sun’s up, weather’s warm. Got a few places to try. Five Points first.”

I turned the car around and headed back to Five Points Park. A group of the homeless, a small group, heads down, were sitting on the grass across the street from the Golden Apple Dinner Theater. I slowed down.

“The one with his hands in his pockets,” said Ames.

I parked illegally, leaving Ames in the Taurus, and ran over to the small group. Nuttley looked up at me with clear eyes silently saying, “What’s the world going to do to me now?”

I handed the folded paper to the bewildered man and hurried back to the car where I filled in the form stating I had delivered all three of the papers.

We brought the form back to Werring’s office where his secretary prepared a check and took it in for the boss’s signature. She was back in less than a minute.

“New record,” she said.

“I got places to go and people to see,” I explained. “Starting with Harvey.”

Ames and I went down the corridor and into Harvey’s computer room. The counter next to him was lined with cans of Sprite.

“I did it in forty minutes,” he said, proudly handing me a brown clasped envelope. It felt as if it contained a magazine. “I can probably get more but I don’t know what it would be worth.”

“We’ll see after I read this,” I said.

“You just serve some papers?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said.

“Dinner at Michael’s at the Quay, Friday,” he said. “You pay. We can go early and catch the early bird specials.”

“If I’m in town,” I said.

“I’m bringing a date,” he said.

Harvey was a good-looking man and now a sober man. He had told me that he was staying away from women until he felt alcohol-safe. So either he did feel safe or he was taking a chance. Either way, I owed him. I would see if Sally was available.

“Use your phone?” I asked.

Harvey nodded and went back to his computer screen.

I got Sally at her desk after the fifth ring.

“Lew,” I said.

“She didn’t call,” she said. “I’m going to have to turn her in.”

“One more day,” I said. “I want to go over some things with you first. I’ve got an idea or something that resembles one. This evening?”

“I’ll probably be out on cases or in my office late tonight,” she said. “I’ve got a client and her kids with me right now.”

“It’s important,” I said.

“My office, seven o’clock,” she said and hung up.

I checked my watch. Just enough time to drop Ames back at the Texas, read what Harvey had dug up, and get to Lonsberg’s.

“Been a busy day,” I said to Ames when he stepped out of the car.

“You know where to find me,” he said.

I nodded and watched him go into the Texas. Then I opened the envelope Harvey had given to me and began to read. It didn’t take long. With the remains of Conrad Lonsberg’s two manuscripts and the envelope with the material from Harvey, I got some gas and headed toward Casey Key fairly sure of what was going on now, but needing Sally to fit one more piece together if she could. I needed the world’s foremost expert on Adele. Sally was it.

I got to Lonsberg’s five minutes late. There was a car parked near the gate, a blue Toyota a few years old. When I parked, a kid in jeans, a white shirt, and a blue blazer jumped out of the Toyota. A camera dangled around his neck. He ran like an athlete and looked like one, a young Paul Newman, but this guy had the nose of my uncle Guiliarmo, big, arched. It gave him the look of a preening bird.

“Fonesca?” he said when he approached, no sign of being out of breath.

“Rubin?” I guessed.

He nodded and took my picture before I could protest.

“Lewis Fonesca in front of Conrad Lonsberg’s house,” he said. “I’ve got enough. You want to give me a little more? Your explanation?”

“I’m a process server,” I said.

“And you’re serving all those papers under your arm to Conrad Lonsberg?”

“No comment,” I said, heading for the door.

“You get my message on your machine?” he asked, taking another picture.

“I got it,” I said. “No comment.”

He took another picture.

“We can deal here,” the kid said. “I give you this roll of film if (a) you get Lonsberg to talk to me, (b) you talk to me, or (c) you give me something, documents, something I can go on.”