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“Why do we always have to argue when it comes to Rome?” Cara cut in, “Anyway Father wouldn’t allow it, and he won’t let our warriors go and fight for them and we’re not going there either, so forget it.” Although he was younger than his brothers he had never been afraid to speak his mind, or to tell them what he thought, especially when the subject came to Rome.

Approaching the village they could smell the ever present smoke from fires, children laughing and playing and somewhere in the background, a smith forging metal as he struck molten chunks together to form whatever he was creating.

“Hello Cara.” A pretty blonde haired girl walked towards them. She was slender at the waist and wore a cheeky grin as she reached up for his reins, “I thought I’d see you again.”

Her name was Mott, although everyone knew her as Mo. They had met at a birthday celebration when her father, who was a local Chieftain, had brought her along to their major settlement.

“What have you brought me?” She asked smiling and reddening slightly. He couldn’t help glancing at her sensual shape, the top of her breasts were visible from above, but he tried to keep his eyes fixed on hers. They were dark brown almost black and not for the first time he felt himself lost to them.

He frowned, “My brother Ad of course.” He said quickly looking to his brother for support. “He’s of the age now to take a wife and I told him all about you after the celebrations.”

Now Mo frowned, “But I only have eyes for you.” She blushed and dropped her gaze and let her hand graze his thigh palm first. “Anyway I want a warrior to warm my bed not a bare faced boy.”

Tog laughed, “See Ad! I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen. There are many benefits to a manly appearance.” Ad looked at Mo in disdain.

“Are you staying long?” Mo asked Cara.

“We’re just passing through.” He replied, “On our way to do some fishing, maybe a little hunting.”

She frowned again, “Without a rod and line?”

“We’re going to make them when we get there.” He lied, “we have sinew for a line and will find good sticks for rods. “Why, what are you doing?” He asked trying to change the subject.

“Come and see my new baby goat.” She raised her dark eyebrows pleadingly. “He’s only a few weeks old and very friendly and cute.”

“We don’t have time for such things young woman.” Ad remarked as he rode past a stationary Cara.

“Young? I’m sixteen summers I’ll have you know, bare faced one. You look about six with your baby bottom smooth face.” She looked back at Cara. “Come on please, please, please,” she begged, “it won’t take long.”

He looked at his two brothers, “I’ll catch you up this won’t take long.”

Tog smirked looking at Mo, “I’m sure it wouldn’t.” Being older and more experienced with females, he had already had his share of them. Cara blushed slightly.

“We’ll wait for you at the smith’s,” Ad said, “just don’t be too long.” Caradoc smiled at Mo as she again took his reins and led him through the village.

“You’ll love Edbutt,” she said, “you’ll see.” As she led him away people saw who she was with and nodded respectfully, he smiled in return. At first he had found it strange when he began to realise that he was different to most boys as he was the son of the king, but usually forgot about it and went about his business of being a lad. Such things could wait, although he often wished he were just like other boys, anonymous.

She led him to her roundhouse where there was a small animal enclosure at the rear, he heard Edbutt before he saw him as a loud bleating started as Mo climbed the fence. There before him staring up at them was a small fawn coloured goat shouting, ‘Mmmmnh mhhh mhhh.’

“Oh Edbutt stop all the racket!” Mo said, “You know father has said you’ll be for the pot if you keep this up.”

Edbutt ran over to Mo as she knelt down, his tail furiously wagging, “Mmmmnh.” He cried excitedly, even more despite the warning. “He accepts me as his Mother now.” Mo said as Cara frowned then raised his eyebrows as the little goat nuzzled up to his ‘mother’. He was slightly larger than a small dog and was almost white except for a darker stripe running along his back and he had a dark face, tiny horns stuck out from the top of his head. He pushed himself into Mo’s legs as he began to calm down.

“I had no idea goats were like this.” Cara said. “I’ve had dogs who behave like it but never a goat.”

“That’s because people keep goats for milk and meat not pets but they’re very friendly when you get to know them.” She said patting his neck and rubbing his soft hair as he lifted his head enjoying the attention. “Smell him.” She said.

“What?” Cara’s head bobbed backwards. “Smell your goat?”

“Yes,” she replied raising an eyebrow. “He’s very fresh,” she leaned back, “go on try him.” He climbed the gate still unsure about sniffing the young animal but he went ahead and screwed his face up as he leaned forward. Edbutt turned shaking his head. “Is he going to….!” Before he could say another word the little animal rose up on his hind legs and butted Cara’s knee. He grabbed the green woollen neckerchief around the goat’s neck and pulled him away.

“Ah he likes you.” Mo said clasping her hands together in glee.

“Likes me? He just tried to butt me out of the way.” Cara replied.

“No that’s just his way of saying hello.” She said stroking the goat’s head. “You just like him don’t you?” Mo asked the little goat as he made more noise, his tail wagging vigorously. Cara smiled as he suddenly realised how taken he was with Mo.

“What?” She asked smiling and showing her straight, almost white teeth.

Cara reddened, “Nothing, nothing.” He said, “He’s just cute, for a goat I mean.”

She stood up smiling, “See I told you.” She took his hand, “Come on.”

“What … where are we going?” He asked, almost being pulled along.

“I want to show you something else.” She said as she began to climb out of the pen. He let go of her hand and followed as Edbutt tried to as well but stopped short and started bleating again at the fence. Cara followed Mo hand in hand into a small thatched room attached to her family roundhouse, it was quite dim inside but a roof vent at the top allowed for some light.

“What exactly is it you want to show me?” He asked as he widened his eyes to try and adjust to the dark, Mo turned.

“Mmm, well not show you exactly.” She smiled and drew him closer, and he noticed that she smelt clean, better than Edbutt he thought anyway. Her eyes grew larger as their noses touched and then their lips, as she kissed him gently, soft and warm, he let himself become absorbed in the moment. He moved his body closer still to hers as she closed her eyes, wrapping his arms around the curvature of her waist at the back as he felt slightly dizzy with strange sensations running through his body. In that moment nothing else mattered, he wanted to lose himself, and then he did. His head spinning, he almost felt as if he was falling. He had never kissed a girl before and as suddenly as the thought entered his head it was gone, as he felt her hands at the back of his head, gently caressing him as her warm tongue pushed inside his mouth and he was lost completely.

“Where have you been?” Ad asked as Cara rounded the corner and walked into the shade of the smith’s area. “We nearly went without you.” He added to emphasise the point.

Cara blushed and replied, “I wasn’t that long. Anyway I was just helping Mo with her goat.” He said dropping his eyes to the ground.

“Is that what she calls it?” Ad replied laughing to himself, “strange name for her virginity.” He added. “Come on we need to get going.”

Cara reddened again, “It wasn’t like that, we kissed that’s all,” he untied his horse from where the reins had been secured to a wicker fence and jumped up. “I’m ready, let’s go.”

“Kissed?” Ad asked, “Is that all?”

“Leave him alone.” Tog said, “Well done Caratacus,” he added using his full name, “I was beginning to worry you preferred boys, a bit like that one.” He said nodding towards Ad.