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One day, during the start of winter, he had seen an emissary arrive from a neighbouring tribe. The rider had dismounted from his horse and had been quickly ushered in for an audience with his Father. He had sat listening outside, leaning against the wall and watching leaves as they fell from nearby trees, trying to overhear the conversation. He had heard his Father raising his voice and the name Adminius was mentioned again and again. Soon after, the rider had departed looking flushed and had left the settlement quickly.

“Find my sons.” He had heard his Father shout from within the great hall where he received guests. Startled he turned quickly and began to walk away then he realised he had nothing to be guilty of. Before the warrior who had been ordered to find him and Tog could say a word, he pre-empted his request.

“I heard my Father. You will find Togodumnus gelding the colts in the lower pasture.” He had told the guard as he went inside.

His father was a large man, both in height and breadth and had been a great warrior in years gone by. The seasons however, had begun to take their toll and his hair and beard were flecked with grey, he walked awkwardly, limping slightly from an injury caused whilst falling from a horse, but he still had the bearing and power of a man not to be reckoned with.

“Ah Caratacus there you are, where is your brother?” The King asked his voice booming in the large room. He had fixed him with a stare that made him feel slightly un-comfortable. He wasn’t used to seeing his Father angry, as he clearly was now. He wore a large silver torc around his neck that overlapped his brown tunic, matching leggings and dark leather boots.

“Tog is with the foals Father. I told Werewik where to find him.” He replied referring to the warrior he had spoken with.

“Mm yes of course he is, with all these other things to deal with,” he waved an arm at things unseen, “I often forget about the gelding.” He answered. Seeing the look on his son’s face he continued, “Best to get it done now with the onset of winter, less flies you see, always remember that, otherwise the dirty little bastards can cause you all sorts of problems, disease and the like.”

“Yes Father of course.” He stood waiting for Cunobelin to go on.

“Where’s your older brother, that rancid little turd Adminius?” The king asked, he had a way with language.

Caratacus hesitated, he knew that both of his parents were aware of the distance that had developed between their sons but they had never spoken of it openly.

“I think he left a few days ago, hunting I believe with his friends,” Caratacus replied.

“Where? Where did he go hunting, do you know?” The King asked.

“South but I don’t know where exactly, he hardly ever talks to Tog and I anymore, he’s more interested in his friends.” Caratacus said.

“Mm really.” The King replied pushing himself off his chair with a sigh. “Maybe I should have Togodumnus geld that little prick as well eh?” Caratacus grimaced, although he knew his Father was joking, the gelding of men had been known to happen. Rapists or those who interfered with the young, both male and female were known to be treated this way.

“What’s happened? What has he done Father?” Caratacus asked as his Father poured some wine into a large wooden flask and took a mouthful. He walked to the table and poured himself some. “Roman?” He asked.

“Yes it is, nice eh? I must admit those skirt wearers know how to make a nice drop, we must try to make our own.” His Father said as he stalked around the room. “Wait until Tog gets here and I’ll tell you what that weasel turd has been doing now. Gods, why can’t he be like you and your brother?”

Caratacus looked away peering into his wine, he took a sip. “The Romans’ warm theirs and water it down, they say.”

Cunobelin tipped his flask draining the contents into his mouth, he poured another. “Mm, so I hear. Something to do with avoiding drinking the water pure, that’s often full of things to make you ill, or maybe it’s because their strange bodies can’t take it.” He laughed. “Ah Togodumnus, good.” He said as Caradoc’s brother entered the room, he was breathing heavily having run from the pasture.

“What is it Father, trouble?” Tog asked.

“You could say that,” he said, “take a seat both of you.” They did as they were told sitting on a smooth wooden bench against the wall. “I want you to go and find your brother.”

“I’ve still got colts to geld Father. They have to be done now because they’re starting to cause problems with each other and the females.” Tog said.

“That can be done by others, you don’t have to do everything yourself, I’ll find someone else to do that, there are plenty who know how.”

The young horses, those aged between twelve to eighteen months were at an age where they were now challenging each other and were getting dangerous. Fighting between dominant males could become a serious problem and so they were gelded before animals were injured or killed.

“What’s our brother done now?” Tog asked.

“They say he’s been taking liberties, drinking, whoring, taking property, fucking girls who don’t want his maggot inside them, getting into fights with that band of bastards he rides with, you know the ones.” He sat down. “It’s no way to behave, at least on the lands of others with their folk. If he were here, inside our territory, I could settle the matter quietly but he’s bringing shame on us and I won’t have it.” He took another drink, “I especially won’t have it when he’s doing it outside the tribe on Regni land, the stupid, reckless fool.”

The Regni were the tribe to the south who lived along the coastline. Problems with them could mean a restriction on trade from over the sea and that couldn’t be allowed to happen.

“I want you to go and find him and bring him back as soon as you can.” The King ordered.

“What if he refuses? Tog asked.

The King leaned forward, “You tell him that I sent you and that if he refuses I will come for him and if that happens he’ll be glad to have just his balls removed.” He stared at both sons sat before him. “I’m running out of patience with Adminius, ever since he met those Romans all those years ago, he has been a problem. He must think that because he’s first in line that no matter what he does, he’ll become king when I’m dead, well it doesn’t always happen that way. He needs to change and change quickly, he needs to earn respect, not have contempt and hatred from those around him. How old is he now?”

“He’s twenty years Father, one year older than me.” Tog said.

“Yes, yes that’s right, three older than you Caratacus and you’re more reliable as a son.” Tog and Cara had never heard their Father say anything like this about Adminius before but he was clearly very unhappy and angry.

“Take some of the men with you, and bring that despicable little runt back here and if he refuses, use force and if that fails, tell him his life won’t be worth living if I have to come looking for him.”

They left their brooding Father alone, “It’s not worth leaving now.” Tog said looking up at the sky, “It’ll be dark soon but we can get things ready for tomorrow and find some suitable riders to come with us. We’ll leave at first light in the morning, try and get a good night’s sleep I think we’ll need it.”

They set off the next day after a hot breakfast of pork and vegetable broth that their Father had insisted upon. Riding with twenty seasoned warriors of the King’s personal guard, they headed south at a steady trot. The weather was turning now, with grey skies overhead and leaves falling from the trees all around them. The men were wrapped up against the cold wearing heavy cloaks and long animal skin boots. Caratacus cursed silently to himself as he felt the breeze wash through his outer layers.

Tog saw his discomfort, “Don’t worry little brother we’ll be back in a few days.”