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Cara looked over to him riding at his side at the head of their small group, “That may be but if it wasn’t for that fool Adminius, we wouldn’t be riding out at all in this weather.” He replied guiding his horse with his upper legs. “I can’t understand why he has to cause so many problems. I couldn’t sleep properly thinking about it last night. He has everything he could need or want and he’s going to inherit all that Father owns in time, yet he shames him all the time, why do you think that is?”

Tog pursed his lips, “I really don’t know, but he’s always been the odd one out of all of us. He’s always gone his own way it must be in his nature or something. I’ve never heard Father so angry before, he’s never spoken of this with me but it seems his patience has been exhausted this time. If our brother had done these things that he’s accused of in our territory, it wouldn’t be that bad, bad enough I’ll grant you, but recompense could have been offered. Shaming us in front of the Regni is a different matter altogether, it makes us all look like fools and makes it seem as if Adminius is above the rule of anyone including Father. He has to be brought in line and quickly.”

Caratacus shook his head, “What do you think he’ll do when he sees we’ve been sent to get him?”

“I’m sure I don’t know but if he refuses to comply with our Father’s wishes, he’ll make him wish he was never born.” Tog replied.

“I heard him talking to the men before we set out,” he indicated to those riding behind them with a nod of his head, “he told them to make sure we return with Adminius and those he has with him or not to return at all.”

Tog smiled, “Father is just angry, he’ll come back with us don’t worry about that, even if he has no wish to do so, we’ll make him. If he resists, those with him will be cut down and we’ll strap him to a horse if we have to.”

“And what of later, when he becomes king? How will he treat his kin then, us I mean?” Caratacus asked as a gust of wind blew his long hair into his face. “Curse this weather.”

“We shall worry about that when the time comes but I hope it’s not for many years. Our king has a while before he passes,” he looked at Caratacus smiling, “I hope anyway, so our good brother won’t take his place for many years. Maybe by then he’ll behave in a manner more fitting to rule the land. Mother told me that some take longer to mature but that she thought he was actually getting worse not better, if we were all the same, life would be a little drab though eh?”

“He cannot become king as he is. Everything Father has worked so hard for would be ruined.” Caratacus looked at Tog, real anger in his eyes.

“I agree and together we will make sure that doesn’t happen believe me, he must change or we will have little choice. I have no wish to take Father’s place but I will not see Adminius take his seat unless things change and change for the better.”

“Are you saying we kill him?” Caratacus asked. “Kill our own brother?”

“We would have no choice as things are. Can you imagine him as king as he is? He already takes women because of his position, thinking he has a right because of his family; he shames us all. He’s disruptive to those around him as if he enjoys their pain, just look at his attitude to the Romans? He does it to hurt Father I’m certain, dressing like them, cutting his hair like them, always talking of Rome and how we should be more like them. If he became king what would he do concerning Rome? Hand over lands, become one of them totally, a puppet ruler on behalf of their empire? No, he has to change not just for our people but for us as well Cara, I won’t live like that.”

“Nor I brother but how has it come to this?” Caratacus asked.

“I don’t think the how is what matters anymore, it’s what we do about it that counts.” Tog answered.

“Remember that girl a few years ago, when we were out hunting and I had just met Mo? She warned us about him even then, that must have been three summers ago now.” Caratacus said. In the intervening years his relationship with Mott had grown and they had become very close.

“The girl with dark eyes, yes I remember, her brother had said she was to become a Shaman. Even she, who didn’t know him, recognised the deceit inside.” He shook his head, “I thought she was a mad woman at the time, how wrong I was.”

That night they camped by the side of a river in a shallow ravine. It afforded them some shelter from the wind that hadn’t let up all day. A fire pit was dug a few feet deep to keep the draft away and some of their group went hunting before they settled down for the night. For supper they shared wild boar roasted over the flames before wrapping themselves in thick woollen blankets and trying to get some sleep.

When they awoke early the next morning, the wind seemed to have blown itself out but it was still cold, at least it was dry. After packing their belongings, they set out again heading further south and around midday crossed the border between their lands and those of the Regni. There was no immediate difference to their surroundings but a short time later they came across a group of armed riders, clearly Regni from their clothing.

Tog raised an arm halting his men, “Greetings Regni warriors, I am Togodumnus, son of Cunobelin King of the Catuvellauni, we come in search of a party led by my brother Adminius. Your own king sent a messenger north, saying that there have been problems, we come to return him.”

A man at the head of their band, clearly their leader spoke, “We seek him ourselves. He and his men have behaved like animals since they crossed onto our land. We were told they were last seen nearby heading towards the next settlement.” He pointed along a track away to the left. “Our people here are farmers with few goods or things of value, yet they steal and take anything they choose, they use our women and behave almost as if there were war between us.”

Caratacus saw the Regni were well armed, they carried bows as well as swords, shields and some had spears.

“We can find him together.” Tog suggested. “He has brought shame upon our people and my Father wants him to pay for the insult he has shown you by behaving like this.”

“I am Colgan.” their leader said, “We are tasked with dealing with this Adminius and his men. We do not need your help.” He began to turn his horse.

“Colgan,” Tog shouted, “I know my brother is a fool and has broken the treaty between our two peoples but if you take matters into your own hands, the situation will become worse.” He raised an eyebrow emphasising his words. The Catuvellauni were a much larger tribe than the Regni, he didn’t need to explain the consequences of what hostile action against Adminius would cost.

Colgan looked around at the faces of those with him and then answered reluctantly, “Very well, we will go together, but I want anything that he and his men have taken. It will be returned to those he has stolen from, this is not a request, do you understand?”

Caratacus felt the tension rise and knew that in the blink of an eye, men could be dying.

“Very well, agreed.” Tog said, “But no harm is to come to him, our Father and king will determine his punishment.”

“Agreed.” Colgan said, “But if they draw arms, we will defend ourselves.”

“If they draw their weapons, we will deal with them. You and your men can stay behind us. If we are attacked, you will see us deal with them. My brother may be a fool but he has never been a fighter……or a good one at least.”

Colgan nodded his agreement and the Regni fell in behind the Catuvellauni riders heading in the direction that he had indicated.

A short time later, they heard screaming and kicked their horses into a gallop. Caratacus kept pace with Tog as they approached the village where smoke was rising but not from fires within the roundhouse, they saw, instead that its roof was ablaze. As they rounded a corner, he saw a line of people standing against an animal pen being guarded by young Catuvellauni warriors. Adminius ripped the dress of a young girl exposing her breasts.