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Chapter Ten

The fort standing on top of the crag looked peaceful, almost tranquil as Caradoc looked out at it from the highest point of the ridge a few hundred yards away. He and his men had been led into position by Elud a few hours before just as night was falling, but now a virtual blackness coated the ground, although the small garrisoned fort was still visible against a grey cloudy background. This was the nearest point they could reach without the risk of being discovered, and he now watched as warriors passed by him and made their way to the left of the enormous mound and onto the sandstone cliff face. It was a risk because if any of the men were seen by the guards patrolling the walls, the raid would be over even before it started and they would find themselves retreating to the west. Caradoc could just make out a fluttering flag above a tower but so far had not seen any sentries who he knew must be there watching the low ground.

“Are we ready then?” Ardwen asked gripping the hilt of his sword, his teeth white against the dark night and the mud he had smeared across his pale flesh.

Caradoc looked from him back to the defended position once more. “Well I think if they were going to be alerted, they would have been already, come on let’s go.” He said moving slowly and down the ridgeline following the direction of the men who had gone before them.

Covering the lowland had taken a lot of time as they had moved very slowly so as not to make any noise and they had arrived undisturbed by watching eyes. The majority of the force were gathered at the base of the steep climb, now under the cover of trees and were sat quietly whispering when Caradoc, Ardwen and Brennus arrived.

Caradoc nodded a greeting to those nearest him and walked straight to the sheer cliff face where he checked his sword and looked for a suitable spot to begin his ascent. Looking up he could make out various thin trees and roots which would make for a relative easy climb, or so he hoped.

Elud tapped him on the shoulder, leaned forward and whispered into his ear, “It’s like this all the way to the top. The only time it will be really difficult will be when you reach the walls of the fort, because there is only about a foot or two in-between the edge and the actual building, apart from that you won’t have a problem.”

“Thank you.” Caradoc said heaving himself up off the ground. “Remember if you choose to come with us, your life here is at an end. Even if the Romans don’t suspect you of any involvement, your life will never be the same again.”

Elud tapped his sword handle. “Wouldn’t miss this for anything, I’ll be coming with you after and they can keep their grapes and cherries.” He grinned and moved back out of the way as others grabbed tree roots and pulled their bodies up.

The climb upward although made relatively easy by strong roots and small trees was still quite long and testing. As Caradoc pulled himself up over the edge he was joined by Brennus as he stood there smiling and enjoying the view. A few seconds later Ardwen huffed as his hands sought out purchase but Brennus grabbed them and hauled him clear. His face showed he wasn’t happy at being beaten up the cliff face by the larger man but he couldn’t or didn’t dare say anything to express it further, it would have to wait. There was quite a strong breeze from the open plain below coming from the direction of the mountains to the west, but fortunately it wasn’t strong enough to cause them any danger for the time being. Caradoc standing with his back to the log wall looked out over the trees below and the low ground they had covered, where he could just about make out the last of his men slowly moving across the shadows below. He had to concentrate his eyes to be able to see them but he knew where to look, no trumpets had sounded and no alarms had been raised so he assumed they had made it so far undetected.

He removed his dagger and turned to face the wall, where the Romans had packed the spaces in-between the wood with mud and clay. He placed the point of the blade against one large log just above knee level and pushed against it with his entire body weight, the sharp tip sank in about an inch. He covered the hilt with a small padded piece of cloth and hammered it home with the palm of his hand until he was satisfied it was deep enough. Brennus then did the same with another dagger placing it about a foot higher than Caradoc's but a foot over to the left. He leant against it and sank it as deep as the first knife without the need to bang it home, smiling he turned to Ardwen. Ardwen looked at him eyebrows raised as if to say ‘anything you can do’ and then tried to do the same above Caradoc’s dagger but couldn’t get the blade in far enough, Brennus moved him out of the way and pushed it home. The same thing was occurring all over the wall and the warriors slowly built temporary steps up towards the top of the wood, the noise of the wind covering the sounds of light banging to secure the blades.

Brennus was the first to test the daggered steps as he gingerly stepped onto the first that he, Caradoc, Ardwen, and others had forced into the wood. With the blades horizontal to the small shelf and buried deep into the wood, they took his weight. He hauled himself up and paused as he looked over the wall, without turning he waved a hand upward indicating for others to begin their next short climb. Caradoc went next in his group and slowly made his final ascent up and over the wall and crouched on the far side straining his eyes searching for guards. Torches were burning on the far side where a cover of sorts stood over a gate. It was where the flag flew that he had seen earlier, where he thought he could make out two helmeted figures inside. Either the Romans were over confident or they didn’t believe their safety was in doubt, after all what fools would attempt to gain access to their fort by climbing a sheer cliff face. Ardwen joined the two crouched figures.

“What have we got then boys?” He asked whispering.

Brennus replied in a hushed tone, “Well when we first got here there were six sentries on this wall but Caradoc and I have taken care of them.” He beamed jokingly, “Good of you to join us by the way.”

Ardwen grimaced, “Very funny I’m sure, we’ll see who gets the most blood flowing in a while.” He looked into the fort taking in the barracks and other buildings constructed of wood. “Don’t be surprised if it’s me, if there are eighty of them in here as we think, my blade will have at least ten just you wait and see.”

“If we can get the two guards over there in the tower before they can raise the alarm, the attack is nearly over, well the hard part anyway.” Caradoc said nodding to the two figures. “If we can kill them before the others are alerted our people should be safe.”

“Take it as done.” Brennus said making his way forward crouching.

Ardwen looked at Cardoc, “The cheeky bastard.” He said, “Those two don’t count, looks like they’re asleep anyway.”

The Britons began to take up places on the walls so they could drop into the fort. Caradoc watched as Brennus got closer, he couldn’t believe that he was still undetected but he watched as two swift strikes of a flashing blade quietly took the lives of the two sentries, and then men all around him began to drop to the ground inside the fort. They had discussed what they thought could be every eventuality the day before and warriors now moved silently to cover every doorway of every building.

Caradoc jumped down and gave the signal for the men to take torches from the iron holders that stood around the camp and were attached to walls bent out at angles away from wood. Others he pointed towards and then indicated where they should stand with their bows ready, others knelt in front of them, swords at the ready. The archers would release their arrows and then the men with swords would go about their deadly work. He looked around one final time, his men were everywhere and the Romans he hoped wouldn’t even know what had hit them.

They were standing in a large, almost oval defensive position with numerous structures built uniformly within. A large gate was at the far side, no doubt leading out onto the slope that was also enclosed by walls running down the gradual slope on either side to the lowland below. They had seen other buildings out there but this was the heart of the small fortress where the majority of legionaries would be. The ancillary structures and any occupiers would be dealt with after the first target.