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The sun on her back warmed her and seemed to help push her on her way. Here I am in the most dire straits so far of my life, alone, undefended, yet I feel incredibly free and light. Even reborn. I could go anywhere, do anything. So, what am I to do? And I will have to be careful. These people will never give up. Still, the future, once no better than a prison, now seemed completely unbounded. For the first time since that bloody day at the Sellath estate she felt in control of her own destiny. Come what may, at least she would be the one deciding.

At the shore of the Idryn she came to a squalid hamlet so small it no doubt boasted no name. She passed the few wattle-and-daub buildings to walk straight down to the shore where a shallow, single-masted cargo-boat was being readied for a trip upriver. The youths loading stopped their work to watch her and she smiled. ‘Who's the owner? I'd like to ask about heading upriver. I came following the army but my man's dead, so I'm going home. I have a few coins.’

‘M'father,’ said one, his eyes growing huge.

‘Could you get him?’

The lad dropped his basket to run down the shore. ‘Da! Da!’

Ghelel winced at that but followed. She did have coin – more than this fellow had probably seen in all his life. Enough, she hoped, for his silence. Enough, she hoped, to cover whatever cost the Gods deemed necessary to buy one's life back.


Fates and Chances

Light strikes

Dark smothers

Shadow goes round. Ancient saying,

original meaning lost


All bow to the Eternal Round,

Save the Avowed. All sink down into dimming Night,

Save the Avowed. All to the wither of time must go,

Save the Avowed. None gainst Hood's touch make defence,

Save the Avowed. Yet to lure of the eternal return they did yield. Lay of K'azz

Fisher Tel Kath

SKINNER HAD SELECTED SHIMMER AND ONE OF HIS AVOWED MAGES, Mara, to ride out to with him to discuss terms with the Empress. Just after dawn on a slight rise south of her encampment he pitched the tall cross-piece standard with its long crimson banner and they waited. They had dismounted and Shimmer walked a distance off, her thoughts very far from the coming meeting. The Brethren of course were triumphant. Soon would come the fulfilment of the Vow. All they had dedicated their lives and deaths to. Not one whisper of reserve or disquiet could she detect among them. Smoky's and Greymane's case, so compelling at the time, now seemed utterly implausible, even shameful. Smoky, the Brethren whispered, jealous of Cowl now that he stands next to the commander, not him. Greymane – Outsider! – they sneered. Ignorant. What does he know of us? And yet, she wondered, what of Stoop? Deserter! He must have snuck away, abandoned the Vow!

‘Shimmer,’ Skinner called. ‘You have been quiet of late, reserved. I have noticed. Now is not the time to be troubled – we are close to achieving our ambition.’

She adjusted the fit of her silver-chased helmet, its hanging camail. ‘I wish we had more men to achieve it with.’

‘We Avowed will rule any engagement.’

‘Any engagements, yes. But our reception in Unta-’

A dismissive wave from Skinner. ‘We do not need their approval.’

Shimmer turned to study the man more closely. Approval? For just what?

‘Someone comes,’ Mara called, pushing back her thick wind-tossed curls. ‘Four. No mage.’

‘Has she any worth the name at all?’ Skinner asked, more to himself.

‘Very few. But Heng is close. And there are extraordinary presences there.’

‘Thank you, Mara.’

The Dal Hon woman bowed, adjusted her robes. ‘They come.’

Four riders closed. All four male, Shimmer noted. So, no Laseen. Not that she'd expected her to come, but still. It rankled. Surely she and her councillors must understand that they were not to be brushed aside. The lead rider was a Napan, as was common enough among the highest ranks of the Imperium – predictable cronyism, Shimmer knew – and rode under the banner of the Sword of the Empire. So, here the man was, the inheritor of Dassem's position come to treat with one of the very few opponents, if not the only one, who had survived a clash with his predecessor. She wondered whether this was a man capable of appreciating such finely layered irony. Probably not.

With him rode one surprise – a Moranth Gold – perhaps the very commander who had opposed Laseen yesterday. Ah yes, the notoriously businesslike, or perhaps adroit, attitude the Moranth take to alliances now showing through. The two others, one tall, poplar-slim older commander and one younger, appeared commonplace.

They reined in; the Sword drew off his helmet, inclined his head. He appeared flushed, sweaty. ‘Korbolo Dom, Sword of the Empire. Gold Commander V'thell, High Fist Anand, Commander Ullen.’

‘Skinner. I command the Crimson Guard. This is Mara and Shimmer.’ The four inclined their heads in greeting. ‘So, the Empress does not deign to speak with us. Did she give a reason?’

‘The Empress does not treat with hirelings.’

Skinner's arms uncrossed with a scraping of armour. The gauntlets clenched at his sides. ‘I wonder if you have any idea with whom you are dealing.’

‘To the contrary – I know a great deal of you,’ Korbolo answered, undeterred. ‘It is you who knows nothing of me.’ And the man glared his challenge, his hands twisting in his reins, his breath short.

Studying the man, the Crimson Guard commander slowly nodded his helmed head, re-crossed his arms. ‘I believe I now know all I need know.’ He raised his voice, addressing all four. ‘Our terms are these: The Empress Laseen is to formally abdicate all authority and to stand down as sovereign over any and all lands or holdings, or we will prosecute her forces in the field into unconditional surrender.’

The Sword of the Empire openly sneered his disdain. ‘And these are our terms, mercenary. You are an unsanctioned body of armed men and women, no more than brigands in our lands. You will throw down your arms to be escorted to the nearest port for transport or be crucified to a person. The choice is yours.’

Shimmer almost laughed aloud. Gods, could a greater gulf be found this side of the Abyss? This is the man the Empress sends to treat? Did she deliberately wish to goad them beyond endurance?

Skinner had gone still, as had the others of the Imperial delegation. The Moranth remained a mystery to her of course, but the older man, the High Fist, showed flinching reservation in the face of such a blunt statement, yet he did not dispute the terms. The younger commander, Ullen, made no effort to disguise his dislike of the Sword but his face held no reservations, only a measure of… regret. Reconciled to battle and his probable death this one was, perhaps all are, if for foolish or supportable reasons. A shame. They cannot win.

Nodding ponderously, as if in reluctant acquiescence, the Crimson Guard commander, raised a gauntleted hand in dismissal. ‘Very well. The Gods, it seems, are determined that blood shall be shed on this day. We must not disappoint them.’ And he bowed.

The Sword yanked his mount around. V'thell, the Gold commander, bowed as well, saying, ‘A privilege to meet with you upon the field.’ The older High Fist merely inclined his head, his mouth sour and tight. The young commander Ullen's reaction was the only one which gave Shimmer pause; he studied them for a time, an expression in his eyes that one might hold when seeing for the last time something rare or precious. She watched him go, wondering just what he had intended by such a regard. Was he saying goodbye to his own life? Or was there more here than she was aware of? These unknowns troubled her.