“No. I am with you.”
She felt hot blood rise up her neck and into her cheeks. “They could send me on a mission to the Abyss as penance, you know.”
“Then I’ll help you dig.” He smiled down at her.
Sir Liam spoke out, “Lord Bight, you know Sanction has had a very difficult time. Are you planning to return?”
“It is my desire. I would have given my life to the city, but the Tarmaks decided otherwise.”
The knights considered his words in the light of his newly revealed identity.
“You are one of the few dragonlords left to our world,” the Grand Master pointed out. “Your services would he invaluable.”
Lord Bight lifted a single eyebrow. “Indeed.”
The council studied the group around Linsha and weighed her testimony. Then they looked at one another and nodded.
Linsha waited. Her fingers tightened around Lord Bight’s hand.
Sir Liam put his elbows on the table in front of him and looked down at Linsha. “Lady Knight, it is written, ‘Courage is the will to strike a blow for the cause of good, no matter what sacrifice the effort demands.’ You have certainly shown the courage to be true to your sacred oath to Iyesta. Your escape from Solamnic justice, under the circumstances, was warranted. Sir Remmik’s zeal, sincere as it seems to have been, left him… misguided. Your collusion with this Akkad-Dar seems to have been a genuine effort to protect others he would have most certainly harmed. However, there is still the matter of the murder of Malawaitha. Torn by two oaths you might have been, but in no way can the Oath and the Measure sanction one of our own turning assassin. Pure as your motives might have been, this council must judge your actions. You have sinned, Lady Majere.”
Varia ruffled her feathers, and Lord Bight opened his mouth to speak.
“Please, Lord Bight,” said the Grand Master, cutting him off. “Let me finish. Lady Majere, you have violated the Oath and the Measure. This Malawaitha might well have deserved punishment, but your challenge to her-forced as it might have been-can in no way be excused.” He looked to the men sitting to each side of him. Each of them nodded. “Penance must be dealt. You are hereby removed from the active lists. You will be a Knight-in-Exile until such time that you have redeemed yourself. For your penance, we assign you the task of continuing the task Iyesta swore you to do. Your oaths, both to the Knighthood and to the dragon Iyesta, bind you still. Guard these dragonlets, guard your honor, and guard those in need-with your life if need be. In regard to the young dragons, we believe Lord Bight can be of assistance. When they are grown and have gone their own ways, you may return to this castle and petition to be reinstated. This council is dismissed.”
With that, the three High Knights stood and left the room, their scribes gathering their parchment and following them out.
A glow of delight spread over Linsha’s face. She was being punished by swearing to do the one thing her heart told her to do? Thank you, Kiri-Jolith! She leaped to her feet and threw her arms around Lord Bight.
“Do you feel like another flight?” she whispered in his ear.
He nodded, holding her close the entire length of their bodies. The dragonlets squirmed with suppressed excitement.
“Then let’s go to Sanction,” she said. “I just want to stop in Solace on the way. My family should be present when we are married.”
Varia and the dragonlets crooned together in delight.
The End
Castle uth Wistan - The center of the Solamnic Knighthood in Ansalon. Located on the isle of Sancrist.
Grand Master - The highest-ranking Knight of Solamnia.
High Council - The Grand Master and the three High Knights form the High Council, which conducts the Solamnic Orders’ affairs.
High Clerist - The head of the Order of the Sword.
High Justice - The head of the Order of the Rose.
High Warrior - The head of the Order of the Crown.
Grand Master Sir Liam Ehrling - The head of the Knights of Solamnia.
Sir Barron uth Morrec - Former Lord Commander of the Solamnic Circle in Missing City. Killed in an ambush on the night of the Great Storm. See City of the Lost, Chapters 7-8.
Sir Jamis uth Remmik - A high-ranking Knight of the Crown, killed by the Tarmaks. See Flight of the Fallen, Chapters 23-24.
Lady Linsha Majere - Daughter of Palin and Usha Majere. A Knight of the Rose whose last assignment was to serve as the Third Commander in the Circle of Knights at the Solamnic outpost in Missing City.
Sir Fellion - A Knight of the Sword. Friend of Sir Hugh Bronan.
Sir Hugh Bronan - A Knight of the Sword. Close friend of Linsha Majere.
Sir Johand - A Knight of the Sword.
Sir Korbell - A Knight of the Sword.
Sir Pieter - A Knight of the Sword. Sir Pieter was the youngest knight serving in the Circle in Missing City.
The Legion of Steel
Falaius Taneek - Commander of the Legion of Steel in Missing City.
Lanther Darthassian - Son of Bendic Darthassian and member of the Legion of Steel in Missing City.
Mae - An undercover operative in the Missing City.
Tomarick - A member of the Legion of Steel in Missing City.
Afec - A Damjatt apothecary and one of the chief slaves of the Akeelawasee.
Akeelawasee - “The Place of the Chosen Ones.” A part of the imperial palace set aside for the women of the imperial family.
Akkad (pl. Akkadik) – Tarmak term for general. Literally translates as “chief” or “topmost.” The Akkad answers solely to the Emperor.
Akkad-Dar - The Tarmak title given to Lanther Darthassian
Akkad-Ur - The official title of Urudwek.
Amarrel - The Warrior Cleric, a prophesied holy leader among the Brutes. It is commonly believed that Lord Ariakan managed to convince the Tarmak Emperor Kankaweah that he was the Amarrel, thus solidifying his leadership over the Brutes.
Awlgu’arud Drathkin – Literally “the egg-drink of the dragon.” A potion made from the embryo and amniotic fluid of dragon egg. It is believed to substantially increase vitality and aid one’s ability to wield magic.
Berkrath - A Tarmak goddess.
Brutes - A colloquial term used by the people of Ansalon to describe the Tarmak.
Damjatt - An indigenous culture on the island of the Brutes that was subjugated by the Tarmaks. They have largely assimilated into Tarmak culture. They are renowned on their island for the breeding and training of extremely large warhorses.