Smoke watched them ride out, leaving the herd without a backward glance.
He waved the mountain men in. Lobo inspected the main house.
“Place is a damned pigsty,” he reported back.
“Well, let’s roast some pigs,” Smoke said.
“That son of a bitch!” Brown shouted, jumping up, his eyes to the east. “He’s fired my ranch.”
Richards looked at the smoke pouring into the sky. There was a look of grudging admiration on the man’s cruel face.
“I’ve had it!” Morgan said. “Me and Burton and Hallen and some of the others been talkin’. We’re pullin’ out, headin’ west.”
The others looked at the rifles in the men’s hands. Potter stepped in before gunfire could start.
“All right!” he shouted. “How many of you are leaving?”
Nearly all the men from town were leaving, with the exception of Sheriff Reese and his so-called deputies.
“I gather you’re going to join your families?” Richards said with a smile on his face.
“That’s crap!” Reverend Necker said. “I don’t care if I ever see that old bat again.”
“Don’t any of you ever set a boot in this part of the country again,” Stratton warned.
“Don’t you worry,” Burton said.
The townspeople rode out without looking back.
Looking around them, the ranchers and gunhands could see where others had deserted them during the night. Quietly slipped away into the darkness. What remained were the hardcases.
“They wasn’t much help anyways,” a gunnie from the Crooked Snake said. “I never did trust none of them.”
“Rider comin’ hard,” another gunslick said, looking toward the southeast.
Simpson reined up, his horse blowing hard. “Miners quit!” he said. “All of ’em. Said they ain’t workin’ for none of you no more.”
Stratton started cursing. Potter and Richards let him curse until he ran down.
“Where’s all them townies goin’?” Simpson asked.
“Turned yeller and run,” Long told him.
“Let ’em go. They’s only in the way.” He looked at Richards. “That smoke back yonderways—that the Double Bar B?”
“Yeah.” He twisted in the saddle, the leather creaking. He looked at the men gathered around him. “Any the rest of you boys want to turn tail and run?”
That question was met by silence and hard eyes.
“We gonna make them mountain men and Mister Jensen come to us,” Richards declared. “Where’s the nearest nester spread from here?” He tossed the question to anyone.
“’Bout ten miles,” a gunslick said. “Next one is about four miles from that one.”
“Dent,” Richards looked at a mean-eyed rider. “Take a couple of boys and go burn them out. Black, you take a couple men and burn out the next pig farmer’s family. That ought to bring Mister High-And-Mighty Jensen on the run.” Richards started laughing. “And while you’re doing that, the rest of us will be setting up an ambush.”
“What about the wimmin and kids?” a gunhawk named Cross asked.
“What about them?” Potter asked.
“I thought we agree on that?” Stratton said.
“They have to die,” Richards said. “All of them.”
The homesteader’s cabin appeared deserted when Dent and the others galloped into the front yard, the horses’ hooves trampling over a flower bed and a newly planted garden. Normally, that action alone would bring the wife on a run, squalling and flapping her apron. It was a game the punchers liked to play with nesters, for few cowboys liked nesters, with their gardens and fences.
This time their destructive actions were met with silence.
Inside the cabin, the man lifted a finger to his lips, telling his wife and kids to be still. The wife nodded and moved to a gun slit in the logs, a .30-30 in her hands. Her husband held a double-barreled shotgun, the express gun loaded with buckshot. That painted lady from town had ridden by the day before, warning them to be on guard. All them ladies from the Pink House was riding around, warning the other homesteaders what was happening. First time he’d ever met a…a…one of them ladies. Nice looking woman.
He eased the hammers back on the shotgun.
“Set the damned place on fire!” Dent yelled. “Burn ’em out.”
Those were the last words Dent would speak in his life. The homesteader’s shotgun roared, the buckshot from both barrels catching Dent in the chest and face. The charge lifted the gunhand from the saddle, tearing off most of his face and flinging him several yards away from his horse.
The homesteader’s wife shot the second rider in the chest with her .30-30 just as the oldest boy fired from the hog pen. Three riderless horses stood in the front yard.
The homesteader and his family moved cautiously out of hiding. “Take their guns and stable their horses,” the man said. “Mother, you get the Bible. Son, you get a couple shovels. We’ll give them a Christian burial.”
Black lifted himself up to one elbow. The pain in his chest was fierce. He coughed up blood, pink and frothy. Lung-shot, he thought.
Black looked around him. Douglas and Cross were lying in the front yard of the pig farmer’s cabin. They looked dead. Hell, they were dead!
Who’d have thought it of a damned nester?
Black looked up at the damned homesteader in those stupid-looking overalls. Man had a Colt in each hand. Damn sure knew how to use them, too.
“Never thought a stinkin’ pig farmer would be the one to do me in,” Black gasped the words.
“I was a captain in the War Between the States,” the man spoke calmly. “First Alabama Cavalry.”
“Well, I’ll just be damned!” Black said.
“Yes,” the farmer agreed. “You probably will.”
Black closed his eyes and died.
“No smoke,” Lansing observed.
“Thought I heard gunfire, though,” Potter said.
“Yeah,” Stratton said. “But who is shootin’ who?”
Richards’s stomach felt sour, like he’d drank a glass of clabbered milk. Sour. Yeah, that was the word for it. Sour. Whole damned business was going sour. And all because of one man. He looked around him. Something was out of whack. Then it came to him. About ten or so men were gone, had slipped quietly away. Hell with them. They still had fifty-sixty hardcases. More than enough to do the job.
Or was it?
He shook that thought away. Can’t even think about that. He wondered what that damned Smoke was doing right now.
Janey had never seen a more disreputable-looking bunch of men in all her life. God! They looked older than death.
Except for her brother.
Janey looked at the dead gunhands lying in the front yard. The gunhands Josh had left behind to protect her. That was a joke. But there wasn’t anything funny about it.
“Hello, brother,” she said.
“Sis,” Smoke returned the greeting.
“Well, now what?” Her voice was sharp.
“How much money you have in the house, sis?”
“You going to rob me?”
She shrugged. “Quite a bit, I guess, brother. Yeah. Lots of money in the house.”
“Can you ride astride?”
“Kid,” she laughed, “I’ve ridden more things astride than I care to think about.”
Smoke knew what his sister meant. He ignored it. “Change your clothes, get what money you can carry, and clear out. I don’t care where you go, just go. I don’t ever want to see you again.”
Her laugh was bitter. “You always could screw up every plan I ever made.”
“Don’t you care what Richards did to your pa and brother?” he asked.
“Hell, no!”
He remembered his pa’s letter. “I guess Pa was right, Janey. He said you were trash.”
“Rich trash, baby brother. Doesn’t that bother you?”
“Money rich, sis. That’s all.”
“And you don’t think that’s sufficient?”
“If you do, I feel sorry for you.”