How very much Pamela enjoyed the "costume"
Avondale girls wore. Stockings and garter belts, and heels, and panties. How lovely! Even the plainest of girls would look sultry in such items, which of. course was the purpose of Avondale's dress requirements! And how pretty that all girls were bare-breasted, thought Pamela. How utterly natural it was, like the jungle girls and girls of the islands. Such lovely things as breasts should always be shown!
Avondale reeked of femininity and female sexual desire for one another. How could it be otherwise with the wearing of such attractive intimate items? How could it be otherwise when girls watched each other whipped nude? How could it be otherwise when girls were made even prettier by five rings? How could it be otherwise when girls had their arms and hands tied behind them to show off t,heir lovely bodies'! How could it be otherwise when the girls were allowed to bind each other?
For Pamela and Donna, boys had ceased to exist.
Their whole world was a world of delicious young female bodies to play with love, It was a world where each day something observed or felt would suddenly cause wet panties. At first Pamela felt self-conscious of wet pants, and would change, but soon she realized that it was a bother. Besides, she saw that other girls didn't change. It was natural, and happened often, so why bother? Her desire for girls increased each day, and she regretted that she had waited until the ripe old age of seventeen to find lesbian love! Now that she had found it, she would never let go!
Pamela and Donna made love each night. It was no longer just a physical thing between them, but had become deeper and more emotional. Love was made on a higher plane, with much beautiful talking and words of care and dedication in bed. They definitely were falling in love. They were not possessive however, and several times a week slept with other girls as was customary at Avondale.
Within three weeks Pamela and Donna had slept with each of the other girls, and agreed with the other eight that bed-partners should be changed nearly every night despite certain couples being in love. It was a.beautiful and unselfish code.
Most of the girls naturally loved their mistresses too, but the physical love at least. was purposely not, returned by the mistresses until a possible future time when a mistress did indeed love her slave enough to return her tongue. This possible condition had to be earned, however. For mis- tresses to return the loving of a slave before such time would be wrong and would result in emotional conflict. The girls all knew this, and did not expect a mistress to return her love. Her love would be measured in her punishments,and it would be enough for her slaves to desire her.
Sabrina, the beautiful nurse, was desired by all of the girls, and no one denied it. She, in fact, often became the subject of girl talk in bed. Every slave wanted to get in her pants without exception. It was not that Sabrina was more beautiful than the mistresses, although she was quite gorgeous. It was just that she was such a total woman. She was married and had children, unlike any of the mis- tresses, yet she was openly lesbian as well and not one bit ashamed of it. She was not trying to hide anything; Girls were to play with and she knew it.
She didn't come on heavy in the lab or medical room, but just simply and naturally fondled a girl's breasts when they happened to be available, and on occasion had kissed a girl on the mouth, and once in a while ate a girl if in the mood. She demanded no return love, for she was not a mistress, but any girl would have given her right arm to bed with her. She just simply lived in a girls' world at
Avondale and acted accordingly. At night she was a dedicated wife and mother,
Sabrina dressed excitingly, because she made no obvious at,tempt to do so! She wore her mini- uniform beautifully and naturally, which exposed all of her long legs. She neither made a production out of the little skirt nor tried to let it show more than it should. She knew that it allowed her panties to be seen when she walked or sat but she simply didn't worry about it, and didn't concern herself with selecting white pants to wear under the white nurses skirt as most nurses would. She wore pink or yellow or whatever panties came out of the drawer in the morning. This attitude of neither trying to conceal her feminine sexuality nor exhibiting it purposely was terribly attractive to the younger girls, and they desired her greatly.
They had also heard that Sabrina often was permitted to try experiments and tortures on the girls in her lab. Somehow, this only seemed to make her even more attractive!
Even though Pamela and Donna loved each other deeply, they often played silly girl games in bed, pretending that each other was Sabrina, and calling each other by that name. But then, young girls were allowed such liberties.
Pamela and Donna splashed happily in the shower making girl-talk and squealing when the slippery bar of soap squirted to the floor on occasion.
"I just love being a slave, Pam," said Donna.
"It's so… sexy!"
"It is rather fun," answered Pamela. "Makes a girl feel all tingly it does. Sometimes when Jan leads us around on our leads I pretend it'-s ancient
Rome or something. Must have been great in those days for a girl! Too bad slavery isn't allowed today."
"You silly bird," laughed Donna, "There is slavery today. What do you think it's all about here at Avondale?"
"Well, hon, I mean real honest to goodness slavery… y'know, where girls are sold 'n' everything!"'
"Might have a surprise for you, angel face. Know what Maryl. told me? She says that Ravan has a file in her office of women in England who will pay to have a slave girl, either for summers on school vacation or full time! Most of 'em are graduates of Avondale themselves. Maryl says that when we leave here Ravan talks t,o us about all this, shows us the names, photos and stuff and lets us decide.
Good money, I gather. 'Course it's a matter of talking your mothers into it."
"Cor! Wouldn't that be smashing! Imagine spending summers at some nobby mansion in the country as a real slave… and earning money, too!
I'd pick a pretty woman, I would. We'll have to really do some talking with our moms, though."
"Know what else Maryl told me, Pam? Says we get branded before we leave here."
"Well, I knew that. Kathy told me that last week. So?"
"Right on both tits!"
"Cor, Well, I've read history books about slaves, and I guess that's where girls are branded. Seems logical to me."
Donna laughed. "You really are something, hon!
That's why I love you!"
After a brisk toweling of each other, Pamela and
Donna sat on their bed to put the rings back into each other's bodies. You simply didn't wear your rings in t.he shower. Pamela never ceased to be intrigued with the intricate nipple rings, and enjoyed putting them in Donna. With the rings out, as they were now, the nipples looked quite unusual. The clean open hole at their base was interesting, and the sensual hole down through their length for the locking pins left precious little of the nipples remaining. The nips looked like little hollow straws.
Pamela inserted the rings, centering their openings, and put the locking pins through until she heard them click into the rings. She pushed Donna gently back upon the bed and nibbled a nipple. She was constantly amazed about girls' nipples, for even though nearly stuffed with rings and locking pins, they still erected beautifully to a girl's mouth! It felt rather odd to suck Donna's, for instead of the soft normal feel, Pamela felt the hard locking pin within them. Well, at least it prevented one from biting a nipple, they had reminded each other jokingly several times!
What probably would have been a lovely romp in bed was interrupted by the entrance of Jan. Their mistress wore only a brief red bikini panty, much to the delight of the embraced girls on the bed, but it was what Jan was carrying that grabbed their attention at once. In one hand was an old-time whipping cane and in the other was a strap-on dildo.