Pamela and Donna looked at each other. Pamela said, "Geez."
Pamela and Donna led Kiki by the hand to the bedroom, and explored the miscellaneous items in the bureau drawer. The ceiling had hooks, as did most of Ravan's rooms.
"Well, snippet," said Pamela, "the first thing we better do with you is teach you that you're a girl rather than an it. Strip, 'cept for your pants."
"Ho hum," said Kiki, and peeled off her clothes.
Kiki was hung like a turkey from the ceiling hook by her thumbs, and the two sat down to watch her squirming antics.
"Never knew girls were hung by their thumbs," said Kiki. "Hey, I've been up here for a few minutes now, 'bout time for this game to end, isn't it?"
"You see!" said Donna. "A real girl can hang by her thumbs all night without fussing. You're just an it. Let's see, Pamela, I think the nipple screws might not work. She just hasn't got much nipple to work with. Those clothespins might do fine, though."
The springy clothespins stuck out like beacons on Kiki's dainty breast tips.
"Whoops," piped Kiki, "makes me know I've got nipples, doesn't it! Very clever."
"Perhaps just two across her back with the whip," said Donna.
Pamela swung and the whip made a delightful crack across the slim back. A pink streak appeared on a long diagonal direction.
"Ow," said Kiki. "Rather uncomfortable.". The second lash crossed the first making a per- fect X on her bare back. Kiki swung her face from side to side in pain.
"Only eighteen to go, muffin," teased Pamela.
"Real girls can take twenty without much fuss." Kiki pondered.
"Oh, okay, you win. Guess I'm not a girl after all, just an it. Don't really think I can take any more of a whip. Darn it, growing up is so slow.
Teach me to be a girl. I surrender."
Kiki was released and her clothespins removed.
"On the bed, kitty-cat," said Pamela, "and take those silly little panties off! Souvenir of Majorca, of all things! Girl games are played bare butt, y'know."
Kiki flung her pants across the room, trying to hit the chair, but missed. Pamela and Donna bounced onto the bed beside Kiki and spread her legs.
"Well." chirped Kiki. "All I can see is a bunch of nipples and pussies everywhere I look. What's so great about that'?"
Pamela bent to her task.
"Hey," squeaked Kiki, "what the heck are you doing, Pamela, stop licking me down there, that doesn't do much for me, girls aren't supposed to lick like kittens, this is so silly, how can girls make love, they don't have a 'thing' to stick into a girl like boys do and what's your tongue supposed to do, turn me on or something, Donna, slop sucking on my nipples, Pamela, don't lick so hard down
there, it simply won't do anything for me, well, it does feel a little bit nice at that and I suppose you'll want me to do that to you next and I'll do it, to be nice but I don't see the point and I feel awful funny and tingly and wet but if you think that it's turning me on you've got another think coming, there's just no way that it w…"
The parrot had stopped chirping. The next sound she made was a very long moan. It was the only adult sound she had made all evening.
"Well, we just might have a girl here after all,
Donna," said Pamela. "What do you think?"
"She has possibilities," said Donna.
"Hey, I think I'm a girl," said Kiki. "Donna, when you do it to me can I put my hands in your hair, there's really nothing to do with my hands."
"You do just that, pumpkin," smiled Donna.
Chapter Eight
The "Game" was played twice a year. Once in early summer, and again in the fall, both times on warm sunny days, for the "Game" was played out- doors. The "Game" came as no surprise to the newer girls, for it was much discussed ahead of time by some of the more senior inmates, and made to sound terribly exciting; It, was definitely the most interesting event of the year.
The "Game" was similar to the perennial "capture the flag" game played by children in school grounds and lawns. The rules, of course, had been made much more sophisticated at Avondale, and much, much more adult and erotic. In "capture the flag" there are two teams, each trying to first find, then obtain, the flag of the other team. That basic format was still used in Pamela's "Game." But children would not play by Avondale rules, nor would they understand it.
The "Game" was really quite simple. The ten girls would be divided into two teams of five each.
One team had their. headquarters in the old school barn at the rear of the main building, and the other team was headquartered in a shed which adjoined the barn. The playing field was all of Avondale's eight acres of grounds and ten acres of woods.
Each team hid their flag in a secretive place some- where on the grounds, and the game ended when one team captured the other team's flag, of course.
Two girls on each team remained at their head- quarters. They were known as the "torturers." The other three girls on each team were known as the
"soldiers" and they went out into the woods and grounds with a distinct purpose. Their job was to try and find a soldier of the opposite team, to fight her, bind her, and bring her back to headquarters.
Naturally they tried to avoid capture themselves, either by careful stalking in the woods, or by being able to beat an enemy soldier in the ensuing fight if contact was made. Girls on one team wore only white panties, while girls on the other wore pink pants to eliminate confusion. Teams were chosen weeks ahead of time, and pep rallies were held as well as bulletin board signs made, promising victory by the "pink pants" over the "white pants" and vice versa, Allegiance was at an extreme, members of one team often taunting members of the other team in the hallways for days before the
"Game" was scheduled, and promising total victory. But it was all in fun, and the girls were still the best of friends and slept with each other, naturally.
When a soldier was captured by an opposing soldier and brought back to headquarters, the torturers took over. Their job, of course, was to force t,he captive to reveal where the team flag was secreted. The torturers had free reign, and nothing was forbidden in their attempt to make the captive talk.
There was an incentive, naturally. The winning team would have their penal term at Avondale reduced by one month! This was indeed a significant reward, for although Avondale inmates learned to accept the whippings, the punishments and the confinements within the walls, they all longed to get home. At home were parents, loved ones, boys, movies, TV, dates, cars and freedom to choose whether or not they wished to be slaves.
Few would deny that Avondale had turned them into sensuous young women, and had taught them the pleasures of punishment and the delights of lesbian love. Few would regret their experiences and, to a girl, they would be thankful that Avon- dale had shown them a whole new way of life for their futures and had opened up untold erotic pleasures. They would be the elite of young womanhood. Yet, six or eight or ten months had accomplished this probably, and the remaining sentence was quite redundant and frustrating. A month of early release was Utopia!
To this end, the torturers represented hope for all the other girls on their team and they would try their best to wring a confession out of their victim.
Their team members depended on them! On the other side of the coin, a captive would do her best to withstand all that was done to her, for to "talk" was to let her team down and subject them to an extra month of servitude! Her teammates would not forgive her!
The philosophy of the "Game" was purposeful under Avondale's training guidelines, and was played for a reason. The "Game" taught the girls to learn to torture other girls without sympathy, thereby developing a necessary cruel sadism as part of their total personality. It also taught the girls a dedicated allegiance and responsibility to their teammates and thus to try and withstand the worst of tortures on their behalf. Lastly, it taught the girls to do their utmost to avoid capture and the resulting agony, by learning to fight in hand to hand combat with an "enemy" girl and doing one's best to use their fists to beat the other girl to the ground. To capture was much less painful than to be captured!