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Fafnepto jumped ashore and strode towards them, the hèsotsan firmly in her grip, with Vaintè, unarmed, only a pace behind. Ambalasei signed rejection and disgust.

“Is there a reason, Fafnepto, why you approach in such an insulting manner and draw negative attention to that weapon?”

“Good reason, Ambalasei. There is but a single hèsotsan present and I hold it. Therefore I issue the commands. I have been commissioned by Saagakel, Eistaa of Yebèisk, to follow and find you. To return there with this uruketo that you took without her permission.”

“Wrong. It was mine to use with her permission.”

“To use, yes, but Saagakel believes this use was not the one she originally intended.”

“A matter of opinion. I assume that you wish to return the creature to Saagakel. Then take it.”

“You as well, Ambalasei. The Eistaa would have you return as well. A refusal would not be accepted.”

Ambalasei’s body arched with scorn. “If I refuse — will you kill me, hunter?”

“Yes. And use your assistant’s skill to preserve your body so that I can return with it, proving that my commission has been accomplished. Perhaps Saagakel will hang your tanned skin on the city’s walls.”

“Silence!” Enge commanded so strongly that Fafnepto recoiled, raising her weapon. “That a creature of such small worth should speak this way to a scientist of Ambalasei’s standing is unacceptable/despicable. Silence and instant departure of uruketo ordered.”

Fafnepto kept her weapon ready, looked coldly at Enge, ready for any attack. Vaintè stepped forward and signed threat/impossible.

“This one cannot commit violence,” she said. “She is Enge who is a Daughter of Life/Death and can injure nothing.

Fafnepto lowered the hèsotsan and signed contempt. “Then she is the one of whom the Eistaa spoke. We have no need of her, she is of no concern to us. Just the uruketo and Ambalasei will return. These are my orders. I was also commanded to kill any who stood in my way.”

Vaintè signed agreement. “A wise decision. These creatures spread only dissent. Killing them is an act of kindness. I am surprised that the eistaa of this city permits their presence.

“There is no eistaa here,” Enge said with cold contempt. “Leave. You are not welcome. This is the city of Ugunenapsa and you are not welcome.

“Not welcome? To this fine city. Impossible to believe. I will speak with the eistaa.”

“Do you not listen, creature of stupidity?” Ambalasei said. “There is no eistaa here. I grew this city, so I know whereof I speak.”

A gasping and muffled sound of attention to speaking sounded loudly from the uruketo. Akotolp was clambering down from the fin, clumsily because of her fat and the container she carried.

“Teacher… Ambalasei,” she said. “This is Vaintè whom I serve. You should listen to her because she is wise in every way. It was I who brought her your records, see they are here now, and she understood them and led us to this place.”

“I think I have heard enough from you, Akotolp,” Ambalasei said scornfully. “In the name of science I brought you my research and my findings. And to what use do you put them? You have led these repulsive creatures here. Now lead them away again.”

“Enough empty talk,” Fafnepto commanded. “These are my orders.” She signed up at Elem. “You and all the others aboard, you are commanded to instantly leave that uruketo, for it will return to the city where it belongs. We depart for Yebèisk at once — with both uruketo.”

“And what of these creatures?” Vaintè asked, pointing to Enge. “And what of their city?”

“It is of no concern of mine. We leave.”

“I stay.”

“That is your choice.” Fafnepto turned to Elem who still had not moved. “Were my orders not clear? Out of the uruketo.”

Akotolp had placed the container she carried on the ground and opened it. Vaintè bent and reached inside. Fafnepto was aware of the motion, turned to see what was happening. Quickly raised her hèsotsan.

She was too late. The hèsotsan that Vaintè had removed from the container cracked once and the hunter crumpled and fell. The spectators were rigid with shock. All except Akotolp who had been expecting this. She waddled over and took the hèsotsan from the corpse’s hand. Radiated smug satisfaction as she went to stand beside Vaintè.

“Now,” Vaintè said. “Now you will hear my commands.”


The murderous act had happened very quickly — had undoubtedly been planned to happen in just that way. All very obvious by hindsight, Ambalasei realized. Fafnepto had stood erectly before them, pride obvious in her hunting skill, her strength and her weapon. Not realizing that there were hunters in the cities that outdid any forest dweller in rapaciousness. Vaintè led, and this fat idiot Akotolp followed her instructions. She would have to be the one who had brought the hèsotsan, provided the material for this deadly ruse — had the effrontery to even use Ambalasei’s own scientific records to conceal the presence of the weapon! Ambalasei turned to Akotolp, anger and detestation in every line of her body.

“Fat former student, now corpulent creature of deadly conspiracy. Return my scientific records at once for you are unfit to possess them.”

Akotolp wavered before the storm of fury, the hèsotsan forgotten in her hands, trying to speak but unable to. Vaintè came to her rescue.

“Great Ambalasei, you are too angry with loyal Akotolp. A long time ago she pledged to serve me, has done so faithfully ever since. She of course means no harm to you, her teacher. She and I both respect you and acknowledge your great wisdom. I am thankful also for your research into this new continent that permitted me to come here and complete the mission I had undertaken.”

“You were commissioned to kill Fafnepto?!” Ambalasei said, her crest flaring with color.

“The death of Fafnepto was unfortunate but necessary. We both serve Saagakel and are here at her bidding. Unfortunately Fafnepto did not agree with me on matters of priority. Since a Yilanè of her type cannot be reasoned with she, unfortunately, had to suffer disproportionately for her opinions. Akotolp, let me have your hèsotsan before someone is killed by mistake. Do not shake so, you have done no wrong. You have done only your duty and have served me, your eistaa, for which I am grateful. And you will of course return Ambalasei’s records to her?”

“If that is your wish, Vaintè.”

“Not my wishes, but the desire of this great scientist whose orders we will obey.”

Ambalasei signed disbelief as Akotolp brought the container to her side, then hurried away. “Do you obey all my wishes, Vaintè? What if I wish to remain here in this new city ?”

Vaintè shaped her arms with regret. “Unfortunately, that is not possible. I was sent by Saagakel, Eistaa of Yebèisk, to return you to that city. That will be done. All of your records that Akotolp brought with us from Alpèasak are now in the uruketo and there they will remain. You will join them.” She turned to Gunugul who descended from the fin and was standing as rigid as the others, numbed by the speed and shock of events. “There should be meat and water enough for a return to Yebèisk. Is there?”

“Yes, sufficient if many sleep during the journey.”

“Excellent. You will return there at once with Ambalasei.”

“What of this other uruketo? It was taken by Ambalasei, it must go back…”

“It has been recovered, unharmed, as you can see for yourself. Reassure great Saagakel that it will be returned one day to her city. But I will have use of it for a period of time. This use is all the reward I ask for my labors, for finding the uruketo, for finding and returning the one she sought.”