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“Where do you think you’re going?” he yanked her back.

“Please, Victor, I can’t.”

“Why not? Are you worried the man you’re going to marry might see the real you?” his fingers dipped under her skirt again and into her pussy.

“This is a public establishment and you’re a public figure. People will see you,” she hissed over her shoulder at him.

“No, this is a private establishment; one where this sort of thing is acceptable because we pay a hefty yearly membership fee to keep our indiscretions discreet. There are at least three other government officials here, all engaging in the same kind of activity, including your precious, fucking husband-to-be.”

Elsa spun around and hid her face in Victor’s coat lapels but he quickly pulled back and fingered her chin, forcing her attention on him.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t you know your fiancé had a membership here?”

She bit her bottom lip to hold back the sob that was welling up within her. She had allowed Mr. Black to give her a false sense of security by leading her onto the dance floor and holding her close when she knew better than to trust him.

Grabbing her by an upper arm, he dragged her off the dance floor and to stool on the opposite side of the bar where Nate was seated. Brusquely spinning the stool around so that she was facing Nate’s direction, Mr. Black hiked her skirt up over her bottom. Even though Nate was facing away from her, panic still overwhelmed her.

“I’m going to enjoy the part of you that he refuses,” she felt his fingers ease up the crack of her ass.

She tried to escape, but his teeth nipped into the nape of her neck and made her stifle a scream and halt all movement.

“That’s it - make a scene. Bring attention to yourself, Elsa. Go ahead; keep fighting me and giving me what I want. Show me and that asshole your sincerest look of struggle and regret.”

Goddamn him.

Reaching a hand around, he shoved his fingers into her mouth, lubing them. For a split second, she contemplated whether or not to bite them off.

The tip a finger touched her rectum and caused her to grunt, but no one seemed to notice. Promptly, she lifted her hand to her mouth and covered it to prevent it from happening again. When she felt one, then two of his wet digits breach her entrance, she closed her eyes and prepared for what came next - slow, deliberate pumps, in and out.

“Look at him, Elsa. Just over there. Do you think he sees us?”

The excitement in Mr. Black’s voice shocked her. He was truly enjoying this.

“I thought you said things would be different, Victor,” she pleaded, using his name in hopes of banishing Mr. Black to the dark pit that he belonged in.

“Nice try,” he laughed derisively. “And things are different. You’re stronger. More resilient than before. More pliable. It’s a heady combination, Peach, being both strong and submissive. It makes me want to mind fuck, dominate and punish you all at once.”

“Victor,” she peeked at him over her shoulder, her eyes welling up at the thought of Nate seeing her being exploited like this and breaking his heart further.

“Face forward,” his eyes flickered with anger.

A third finger pushed into her made her belly flutter in that deliciously unwanted way. When he adjusted his stance and she felt the warmth of his palm on her back and the dampness of his mouth on her ear, the full extent of his desire washed over her. Nate would never have done this and she both hated and adored him for that.

Her eyes darted upward and settled on the contour of Nate’s jaw as he smiled at the stranger. Undoubtedly, he was giving her his best lines and the young girl would fall for them. The way she had. He would keep his distance with her, too, because it wasn’t about her, it was about him. Just like it was with Victor. And in the end, that poor girl would be just as heartbroken as she was.

Unwelcome tears hovered on the fringe of her lashes.

“Why the fuck do you care if he sees you?” Mr. Black hissed as he pulled his digits out and spun her around to face him. “That piece of shit,” he pointed in Nate’s direction, “has been here two nights this week and left with two different women. Doesn’t that bother you in the least?”

“No,” she whispered truthfully.

“You’re a Goddamn liar.”

His angry retort seared her. She wasn’t a liar. It tore at her heart that Nate was here, but she had her reasons for not caring if he had a membership to this place or who he left with. She would never tell Victor or Mr. Black the reason why, when she could barely admit the truth to herself.


Elsa could try all she wanted to convince him that she didn’t care if her fiancé was a cheating, son-of-a-bitch, but Victor wasn’t buying it. Not for one single, fucking, second. He spun her stool back around and sunk his fingers back into her just as Nate walked out, hand in hand, with the woman he had been talking with.

His. That’s what Elsa was. His to torture and mind fuck. His hole.

As his climax neared, he could sense that she was holding back, infuriating him even more. He wouldn’t be denied her orgasm. Reaching under her skirt and over her thigh, he fingered her clit until he felt her ass muscles tighten around him.

“Give it to me,” he demanded, but still, her body refused him.

Frustrated with her lack of arousal, he yanked his fingers out. Elsa slid off the bar stool and put herself together before disappearing into the ladies room. After washing his hands in the men’s room, he waited for her in the short hall outside the lavatories, contemplating what to do next. He had done what she asked by answering her fucking question, but she hadn’t followed through. Sure, she had let him finger fuck her briefly, but she denied him the one thing he wanted most – her willing submission and pleasure.

He shook his head as it started to clear. Jesus Christ, he was a selfish asshole. He knew damned well that a woman’s body didn’t simply respond on cue and most certainly, not on demand. He had promised to keep Mr. Black in check and failed her.

Slumped against the wall, he felt a sense of familiarity. He remembered well the first night he set eyes on her and tried to engage with her. She had rebuffed him then, too. He should’ve just let things be and left her alone then instead of seeking her out. He could only imagine how different his life would be if he had. Better? Probably not, but definitely less frustrating and angst-filled.

When she exited the ladies’ room, she had a sullen, gloomy look on her face.

Standing in front of him, she touched the lapels of his jacket and readjusted his tie.

“I promised you anything, and I didn’t come through. For that I’m sorry.”

Victor’s pulse spiked at her capitulation.

“But I’m not sorry for refusing to come. Getting finger banged in the butt in a public place isn’t my cuppa and it never will be.”

He couldn’t resist smiling at her at her crudeness.

Her eyes roamed over his face as if wanting something from him, but he had nothing to give. He was exhausted and he had a serious case of blue balls.

“What you did to me…” she backed away from him with dejection in her eyes. “That was…”

He didn’t want to hear it. He knew what it was. “Part of the game,” he finished her sentence, all along knowing the truth of his vindictiveness.

No, not his, Mr. Black’s, he reminded himself. Though it made his actions no less acceptable.

As Elsa turned to walk away, he was struck with the sudden urge to clutch her in an embrace. He spun her around, expecting her characteristic fight, but she latched onto him and hid her face in his neck, her warm, damp breath making his insides riot with emotion.